Mohd faizal Mohd Ibrahim

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Joined Feb 2024


#SNS | SNS Network Receives RM85.52 Million Purchase Order for AI Super Servers

1. SNS Network Technology Bhd secured an RM85.52 million order.

2. The client is a major e-commerce platform in Southeast Asia and Taiwan.

3. Delivery is set for August 2024 to a data center in Johor Bahru.

4. The AI super servers are intended for AI, machine learning, and deep learning applications.
8 hours · translate
new venture in AI bussines they target margin 15%..
1 day · translate
Ahmad Izhar Benda bukan harini henjut, esok terus lahir dpt anak bang..baca lah qr dia tu..Data centre pun tak siap lagi..Data centre siap bru SNS masuk supply server..aduhh gelojoh lah..YTL awl2 bukak site proejct data centre,share bru centre dah jalan separuh, news dh keluar, baru lah jejak RM3..
2 days · translate
kitty purple fake face cat is just pretend to be wise & got knowledge..but actully he is just "people with know nothing", today married, tmo get baby..kahkahkah..stupido kiddo..
2 days · translate
kok siong tan comment with brain & knowledge..not like that purple kitty fake face..SNS sales ai servers only reflected next quarters..right now most data centre still underconstruction not yet finished...Reflected only to construction company like ytl/suncon/scgbhd..once data centre start operate, then later u know, impact of ai & data centre to SNS..its only beginning for SNS
2 days · translate
soo funny this with "know nothing people" like u, doesnt give me money..waste time also..
2 days · translate
play smart dude..TP half at peak..reserve some for long term..u fifo, dont compare with me..otherwise i wont get more 200%..u bilis 5% sudah lari..kahkahkah..
2 days · translate
kahkahkah..y dont u take profit atleast 0.93 previously?? still hoping RM1 ??0.93 is fibo 3.618..kahkahkah..just accept you're fake face..kahkahkah
2 days · translate
lionel lee, they dont know how to swim with shark..hahaha..i think copy cat is newbie in bursa..
2 days · translate
i not worry, why should i worry? hahaha..the way you talk, seem like previously u fomo and hit with biggest lost..kahkahkah..that why u hate this counter soo much..hahaha
2 days · translate
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