Apolonia Bradtke

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Joined Jan 2024


in da news. lololol. joker.
4 months · translate
oh yea ke? You mean chong ket pen bribe to make news to cover his crime? lol. childish. lets see how tun Chong pay for himself in kajang. pop corn and soda.
4 months · translate
not holland. Tun Chong said his seat i kajang prison ready to check in. lol
4 months · translate
Chong ket pen you mean is Tun Chong now? lol. wash back side ready for kajang prison.
4 months · translate
Australia hide out. Tun, Tan si, Latuk si next?
5 months · translate
holland ticket? unless all migrate. all goes in.
5 months · translate
Tan Si kena already. Next is Dato Si. Bo cao si.
5 months · translate
Tun daim nominee Chong company. holland ship. fly holland?
5 months · translate
fly KLM holland. lol.
5 months · translate
ikan bilis. Ikan yu Protasco tunggu masa. Sudah dalam senarai sprm.
5 months · translate
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