Lily Losm's comment on GTRONIC. All Comments

Lily Losm
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wah very long time no see another Karim
..very missed old age
Danial Khalili
This gtronic director are same director in karim company lohhh. Check back the fact. Thats why laosai
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Lily Losm
wah.. pannai create empty Shell company
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Mie Zar
auditor just don't simply resign..add that with new director that linked to Co helmed by karam last time
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Lily Losm
sure found something fishy fast2 run ..if not licensed spoil
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Abdul Karim & Rosland Othman failed to issue SCIB's FY21 annual report on time 17th Jan 2022. Abdul Karim ceased to be SCIB shareholder on 10th Jul 2023. Roslan Othman stepped down as GCEO and replaced by Ku Chong Hong.

ABD RAHIM JAAFAR, LIAW WAY GIAN, KANG WEI LUEN & Ku Chong Hong - APB Resources & Atroniq
LIAW WAY GIAN, KANG WEI LUEN, Ku Chong Hong & Zaini JASS - APB Resources, Atroniq, SCIB, GTronic
Noor Azri Dato’ Sri Noor Azerai, Ku Chong Hong - Bintai Kinden

Ku Chong Hong was an auditor in several audit firms e.g. Grant Thornton for more than 9 years.
Kang Wei Luen has a Bachelor in Laws & Advocate & Solicitor of the High Court of Malaya. He also a Chartered Islamic Finance Professional accredited by INCIEF University / Bank Negara
Zaini Jass & Abd Rahim Jaafar was high rank police officers.

This explains why they change their auditor, KPMG.

This also explains why they delayed their quarterly report recently. They often change their Financial Year End when they own a new company. They cleaning their books and do this for strategic purposes. And it appears they have a new business plan.

This explains why they often get loans using Islamic Finance facility.

BUT this doesnt explain why APB Resources, Atroniq, SCIB shares plunged on the same day (19th January 2024). APB share price also dropped today from 1.39 to 1.12 but clawed its way up again to 1.30.

Somebody out there know things we don't know.

We better do our homework next time. Lesson learnt.
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Alan Lee
Why SC diam diam ..
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Zc Cv
thx for sharing nazr011
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Alan, Bursa only acts when a company breaks the regulation. SC, on the other hand, acts only when they receive complaints from the public. So far, everything is according to the rule & regulation. They have mechanism to safeguard investor's interest. Limit down, suspension short selling, naked short and etc.

What they fail to see is on the 19th Jan this year, APB, Artroniq and SCIB dived on the same day. I am not sure if they know these companies owned by the same people. But clearly, they don't have the tools and means to identify the culprit.

But clearly, lightning doesn't strike at the same place twice.

What are the chances a lightning strike at the same place 3 times?

Somebody out there knows Liaw, Lu and Kang well. They have signatures whenever they tookover a company. They are predictable. Someone is waiting for this. They are very patience. And they have a lot of money. Someone must have hired some else to study the market.
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Nazr thank you your kind advice. I cut loss today although this is abit too late. This is a very big lesson for me, anyway I do learnt from pain.
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We all still learning. Until we know who are the players and how they play, we will always loose. Knowing this, we need to know there are risk of loosing and find ways what to do and deal with them.
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Mie Zar
hidden hand ..
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They probably alr wallop the cash from the company. Maybe net cash is only a number on the report…
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silentgaming 7376
Auditor resign lepas audit...dlm audit xda tulis papa pun...kalau ada something mesti dia tulis, kalau tak tulis dah jd bersekongkol yg jual dah kena kencing nampaknya...kalau ada sale aku pun beli stock ni...dah kira murah dah ni untuk semicon company
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Mohd Syuwari Zahhar Shamsudin
last time karim 35k burn. This time nasib baik tak kena haha
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silentgaming 7376
Saya beli 3k lot...harap tak jadi karim...haha
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