Doc M's comment on YTLPOWR. All Comments

Doc M
4 Like · Reply
The Force is really Strong ….
Tim Lee Donghye
I will consider selling above 6.
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sky is the limit.....
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Amos ooi Chin Han
Tim, the result came out already. How do you feel?
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Tim Lee Donghye
@Amos, Good morning. I took profits at 5.16. May enter again if the valuation looks attractive
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Amos ooi Chin Han
Tim, Good morning. Yesterday you just sold it?
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teikchye kee
This TLDhye lama tak jupa...Dulu TG kaki...hahaha
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Tim Lee Donghye
Yes sold first. As I already gained a lot from my entry price at 3.70.
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Amos ooi Chin Han
Great profit bro
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Amos ooi Chin Han
Tim, do you got enter back?
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Oliver Ooi
Too strong and I finally chip in and ride the wave
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Tim Lee Donghye
I'm not buying at this level
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Amos ooi Chin Han
Yes. This price are still high
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tian dong zheng
YTLPOWR合理价格应该是每股2.40令吉,犹如RANHILL合理股价是0.99令吉,同样都被操盘手拉高套利,投资者千万小心啊!(吉隆坡28日讯)杨忠礼电力(YTLPOWR,6742,主板公用事业股)通过子公司SIPP Power,斥资4亿517万8390令吉,或每股99.5仙的价格,收购联熹控股(RANHILL,5272,主板公用事业股)约31.42%股权。
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Amos ooi Chin Han
Tim, now Ytlpower started drop
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Habis lah.... this stock...golden rule stay away from downstrend stock......
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JC Chai
Scary wey…… let’s buy the dip!!!
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andrew wong
buy lol 。。
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