Jedd Tee's comment on CAPITALA. All Comments

Jedd Tee
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simple fact is that as long as USD remains high this company will be making loss. Fuel transacted in usd, maintenance spareparts in usd, international expenses all in usd. Dont come and talk to me how their nasi lemak company and Digital is going to be the next big thing when their revenue is not even 10% of the group's total revenue.
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Mohanadass Thanam Segeram
jedd tee i believed that u are not a boss for capital a or super predicter. only the founder knw well than others
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JeddT u calculate 10% of 4.8 bil is how much lol
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Jedd Tee
@JQ, its in the first page of the 4th QR, logistic, digital and other CapA businesses does not make even 400m, with group total revenue is at 4.85b, which is mathematically less than 10%.

@Mohanadass, you dont have to be a boss for CapitalA or a super predictor to understand a business workflow when you know how to read a QR.

gosh, FFS its like most of those who bought CapitalA shares didnt even bother to read QR and blindly attacking those who actually read it.... comeon guys, do better...
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1 Like · 1 year · translate
400 m is small money ? And growth ? Hehe qr expert
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Jedd Tee
yes 400mil is small money if your operating expenses is 4billion. Growth? what growth are we talking about when the gap is this big?

and im not a qr expert, just a normal investor that does his due dilligence before dumping money into buying shares. It is your freedom though if you bought shares because some founder of company riding luggage car giving ang paos to everyone.
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Jin Kiat
Just think when Cap A sold all the airline biz to AAX and its revenue become 400m+-, with Bigpay and Digital biz not consistently making profit, dont think Cap A can depend on these non-airline biz to survive and ya, 400mil revenue is very little compared to previously 4bil revenue, its like u change a car from Porsche to BMW, but other ppl think are still high class, but actually it downgraded a lot...
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Eric Wong
You're right. Too much news without real facts. Backfired now.
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White Golden
EBITDA of 2bil is real. That means cash flow is strong. Apart from high costs, if not for higher maintenance (10 non-operating planes) and higher Depreciation charges (23 new planes), the profit should be higher.
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White Golden
On top of that, there's also lease costs. Because planes are brought with lease, not full payment. All these costs should be gone with the merger.
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