Jason Ngu's comment on ICAP. All Comments

Jason Ngu
7 Like · Reply
買了icap 快要20 年了。不知还有人比我更长气吗?

看来我的命运已經和icap 绑的紧紧了。。我除了買icap也買他買的股。可Hisbicus 这支股是我比他先買的哦!
我们可不要一起去Holland 啊。。!
bppoh75 poh
I see , in that case should swap to AAx liao, lol
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Jason Ngu
but funny thing is that TTB not like AAX biz because he thinks mid to long haul flight biz not good.

now AAx get short haul as well as mid and long haul flight biz, see how Icap handles this ...?
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Share Hoarder
next qr this month can check their portfolio changed or not
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Jason Ngu
RM 2.88股价已在歷史新高了。
回头看看klci已從歷史新高18xx点(2018年)跌 至1500点。。icap 还是很不錯的。
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Jason Ngu
今天15.1.24股价推上2.88, london boy沒買入。老板也沒買入。.有137000股成交。是誰有兴趣在收集呢。。?
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KH Chin
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Jason Ngu
yes, it was london boy bought in yesterday.
yesterday total volume transacted was 137,000 shares, out of this, london boy bought in 116,300 shares.
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Share Hoarder
london eat 1000+ lot, very determined to get into board
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Jason Ngu
today icap has a court case with london boy to determine whether it is valid to restrict foreign shareholding up to max 20% limit..see what is the outcome..
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Share Hoarder
london ate another 1700+ lot yesterday
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Jason Ngu
london boy knows icap is undervalued so he continues to buy in.

wondering why local funds not notice icap is undervalued and also buy in

sometimes i m wondering why sb creates their passive income better than sb else..there is gold mine stay in the place you live but u didn't notice it...
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1 Like · 5 months · translate
Jason Ngu
hearing postpone..
but could you figure out why london boy continues non stop to top up the shareholding...?
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Share Hoarder
they want a position in board or kick someone out
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bppoh75 poh
God damn cursed London boys
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Jason Ngu
latest QR (30 Nov 23) showed that Icap bought in big chunks of Hibiscus Bhd and Unisem Bhd sharez for the period from 1 Sept 23 to 30 Nov 23.

If Hibiscus can go up then i think Icap has great potential to cross over RM 3. Btw Warren Buffet also optimistic about O&G ind...
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4 Like · 4 months · translate
Jason Ngu
not bad,NAV up 0.09 to 3.67
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谁贡献这个0.09? KGB?
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Jason Ngu
kgb, Sam 和AHealth 是最大的貢獻者。
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Jason Ngu
看看它買的Padini @RM 3.5x, 調整的差不多了。我再加倉一些些。對Ttb我还是暪信任他的。可別讓我失望哦。。
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Share Hoarder
3.75 nav
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Jason Ngu
today the happiest person is Icap shareholders because icap has subscribed to Right Issue of Sam at RM 3.60 few days ago and today price is RM 4.30, massive and impressive gain..
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Jason Ngu
it seems Sam outstanding performance will help icap nav to cross-over RM 4 milestone very soon..keep it up icap
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Share Hoarder
3.8 nav discount getting wider
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Jason Ngu
The rising of Icap

Derive massive and impressive gain from United Plantation at today share price RM 23.88..keep it uppp, icap
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bppoh75 poh
APM, KGB, and many many more, ho ho ho
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Sam, coming i think unisem too…
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bppoh75 poh
what a great moment for those long term holders
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Share Hoarder
dont happy 1st, as long as price not matching up with the nav, the value still stay locked
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bppoh75 poh
that's also the great deal because mismatch
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Kevin Tam
Among investment of Icap, Krono continue to perform poorly … SAM, KGB, Suria n recently united plantation all gone up quite a lot in past 6-9 months …
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bppoh75 poh
a few great counters, that's already good enough
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Jason Ngu
i have a pleasure to witness Icap cross over RM 3 hurdle probably this few days.

Good luck icap and also thk to London boy for continuing buying in..
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Kevin Tam
London boy keep buying n Icap want to neutralise its influences …
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Share Hoarder
ttb scare they want liquidation
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bppoh75 poh
as long as there's no discount, there's no urgency to liquidise.
let's hope the gap closing up by end of 2024
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Kevin Tam
From the view of short term investor , London fund moves giving pressure to TTB n forcing him to reduce idle money of the fund. However, London fund already controlled 21-22% of the fund, it may try to change the top management/ CEO of Icap , it may make those medium term investors to have another type of management style or even close down of this closed end fund … Only one close end fund in bursa even though any special situation happens, most probably investors got back close to NAV amount …
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bppoh75 poh
if this fund is forced to close down, it is a pity for Malaysian retail investors
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Kevin Tam
Yes, Icap is serious about investment n many retail investors just playing short term … Tan doesn’t agree with share buyback scheme, this share buyback can close the gap of share price versus NAV but in real fact don’t creat much value …
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Benny Khoo
TTB thinks the ICAP price is a little high >2.00 therefore buyback does not add value.
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Kevin Tam
Many think TTB too conservative but he got more than 45 years experience plus these 12 months, his pick kind of better than many local fund managers.. especially SAM, Kelington n recently united plantation … his pick of capital A then maybe higher risk…
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4 Like · 3 months · translate
bppoh75 poh
there is so much more value investing we can learn from Mr TTB
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Share Hoarder
3.83 nav getting higher
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Jason Ngu
Hopefully Sam and Kgb these two turbo engines will enable Icap to pass through RM 3 hurdle
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bppoh75 poh
still a big gap between asset value and current share price, lot of room to go up
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Share Hoarder
nav 3.93 wow it keep going up
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Jason Ngu
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bppoh75 poh
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bppoh75 poh
TTB is the star fund manager of 2024
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Kevin Tam
将的趋势,NAV可能9 个月到一年后破4.80…. 还有蛮多人喜欢在i3investor 和这个平台批评TTB的基金管理手法。。
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Jason Ngu
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Jason Ngu
看来icap 已得在大眾的認可。今天的成交量放大,後市看好。。
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Kevin Tam
短期投资思维的不应该批评中期,长期投资者如何投资。。至于share buy back , 虽然是扶持股价的其中一个方法,可是会减少icap手上的可应用资金。。
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bppoh75 poh
now proving he is right
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bppoh75 poh
share buy back is really value added while there is under value, but it further reduce the number of share available in the market, and it defeats the purpose of Icap as it wants to reach out more retail investors
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Share Hoarder
this week nav can reach 4.00?
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Jason Ngu
big chance nav crosses RM 4..stay tuned
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bppoh75 poh
yes, strongly agree
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Kevin Tam
Shareholders should buy in more shares to make the NAV versus price gap to be narrowed to 10-12% in 3-4 month time… :)
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Share Hoarder
3.95, no 4
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Jason Ngu
这回如果Hibiscus 暴涨。。Icap資本粉絲應該可以慶祝了。
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bppoh75 poh
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Jason Ngu
Mr. Ttb said in 5 years from today, klci will be 3000 points ..do you believe?
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bppoh75 poh
why not? if good managed, Msia good potential, if good managed
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Jason Ngu
好強的Sam, 看来Ttb 可要王者歸來了..
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CK Ting
3千点 还有一半可以涨 all in了
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Kevin Tam
1 Like · 1 month · translate
其实马股涨不涨到3000 点,我个人没什么feeling 在自己投资上。

除非你买index 里面的股吧!


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Kevin Tam
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TTB 我大概看

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Jason Ngu
他買的红飞机Airasia 已有点表现.真是胆大心细買了财务困境的Airasia. 成王败寇Airasia 的表现肯定在Icap portfolio 舉足轻重..
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bppoh75 poh
TTB is the star in 2023, 2024
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Kevin Tam
Airasia/Capital A 与Parkson都是Icap的portfolio里比较有风险的投资,其他大致上都是基本面好,有潜能的股。。这5-6个月,它的NAV得确涨的快。。
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Share Hoarder
wow,4.17 nav
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Jason Ngu
好消息是London boy 已好久沒買入這股了(最後一次是在21/3/24), 可这支股還在持續的上涨. 显然这股已得在大眾的認可. 这是很好的狀況.
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bppoh75 poh
London boy will keep buying as long as the gap is obvious
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Jason Ngu
今天index有氣沒力似的..可你看icap的勢頭, 真的是頑強啊..!RM 3.45 起一分.

如果发覺discount gap 低於20%, 那買家可能要買直到靠近NAV close gap 价..

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1 Like · 1 month · translate
NAV 一直起
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Share Hoarder
4.26 !! nav power recently
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Siew Foong Mah
continue to hold or to sell when price higher...?
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Kevin Tam
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Share Hoarder
london dispose
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bppoh75 poh
bye bye London, don't come back
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Kevin Tam
原来是London 丢票,所以跌破3.30。。
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Jason Ngu

1.02/4.26 discout 24%

这几天unisem 和kgb走勢還不錯.

下星期RM 3.24 top up some 只可惜子彈已不多了..
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Benny Khoo
wondering if ICAP stock price ever reach NAV value based on past/historical
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2005 after IPO share price trade above NAV…
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I used current NAV and the different between share price and NAV, DY around 3.9%…

Not bad ..
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Benny Khoo
ICAP's current NAV is 4.26 and the current price is ~3.27. The gap is (4.26-3.27)/3.27, 30%.
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Benny Khoo
NAV and price of QQQ ETF in the U.S. had been traded marginally ~0% diff from 2014 to 2023 right based on Morningstar report
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Benny Khoo
U.S. ETF is more efficient than Malaysia ICAP, ETF is more liquid than ICAP?? ETF is diff from closed-end funds?
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Kevin Tam
Icap continue uptrend n holding few stocks have good momentum to go up, even though these 3 days NAV versus share price gap wider to 21-22%, buying interest should narrow the gap to below 16%..
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Jason Ngu
不知不觉Sam已到RM 6.2

icap 買了大约22.7 million shares @RM 6.2 =RM 140 million, coincidentally icap issue capital is RM 140 million.

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4 Like · 1 month · translate
还有investors day…
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nav up again
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Jason Ngu
4 Like · 3 weeks · translate
Jason Ngu
NAV 4.53了。。。
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bppoh75 poh
NAV up like rocket
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