Yatie Lala's comment on UEMS. All Comments

Yatie Lala
32 Like · Reply
nta 1.33. lalalalah
yatie dulu nama yaya..sekarang tukar nama jadi yatie..dulu rupa lain.sekarang tukar gambar lain pulak...kuat cari mangsa..
3 Like · 10 months · translate
Nama tukar muka pun tukar haha
Mangs semua laki miang ke?
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Peng Zhong Wong
i x miang o, i cuma suka tengok jerit target price nta
1 Like · 10 months · translate
Yatie Lala
I siapa penting ke? yg penting org ikut cara sy dapat profit sudah la. lalalalalah
5 Like · 10 months · translate
Uems tak jalan.Parkson i untung besar.0.235 500lot
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Ronny Thai
untung nak beritahu semua? biasa orang miskin buat macam ini
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yatie sudah lari....hahaha...lain orang sangkut atas.
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parkson 0.40cent..
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Yatie Lala
lalalalalah I masih ada kat sini. rindu saya ke?
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jaga jaga die muncul kembali hahaha.
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Yatie Lala
I masih ada 800 lot. jual 200lot pergi makan besar dulu. lalalalah
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cepat cepat pergi makan dulu hahahaha
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Peng Zhong Wong
mana tp 0.8, tipu i tunggu ke
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Sam 3393
how can Wong so unethical selfish, u can make your own investment decision, nobody will not stop u to go other counters . u r not going share profit with Yati if hits 0.80. very shameful of u
7 Like · 10 months · translate
Peng Zhong Wong
then why jerit tp 0.8? saham cuma alat untuk pindah duit orang lain yang beli tinggi masuk kocek orang yang beli murah, ingat i x tau ni hal ke?
1 Like · 10 months · translate
Sam 3393
u can sell at this price also make profit and goes to other counters as u feel like. before price dropped as u wish, u better sell now forget here
5 Like · 10 months · translate
Yatie Lala
Ini (Peng) mmg cari hal la. dah dapat rezeki masih nak bising kat sini. jk u x suka tengok block saya jgn tengok la. I x ugut u pun. lalalalalah
4 Like · 10 months · translate
Demen Fit
drop to 0.455 support minggu Depan..lalalala
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Demen Fit
bagi uems boss makan Angin jer...drop to 0.455
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macam habis show aldy
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Peng Zhong Wong
kerajaan tengah kaji izikan warga asing lebih senang beli rumah kat msia, tulah peluang uems tp klu warga asing senang beli, msian akan seksa beli rumah nnt
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Amin fauzi Abdul halim
Masih boleh naik ni demen
Tpi dy jatuh dlu la
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Yatie Lala
jatuh mana? jatuh gigi ke? lalalalalah
3 Like · 10 months · translate
Ping Ping
mereka punya networth jatuh sampai lantai la kekeke
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Muhammad Faizal
follow yati dr 0.440. Now still hold.
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Demen Fit
nak untuk jtuh mingu depan..
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Yatie Lala
nasib baik x jatuh hati sudah. lalalalalah
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Yatie Lala
dah bagi tau awal2 TP 1 Rm0.80 , tapi org ingat I bohong? jadi skr? lalalalalah
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Nor Ain Seman
gogogogo yati lalallah
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Demen Fit
this week jatuh sampai 0.65
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Demen Fit
next week jatuh sampai 0.55...(lalalalalalah
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Demen Fit
turn to downtrend and sell down
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Demen Fit
property stock up but not uems....kikikiki
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Peng Zhong Wong
sbb forest city china punya cina bikin, rumah mahal mcm hutan
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Sam 3393
Forest city now offered for sale for some units by discount almost 50% of the original purchase value. It is nice sea view with beautiful beach. An island for u for the retirement with peace
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Peng Zhong Wong
u pernah nmpk china org bikin punya condo? diorang mau untung bnyk2, bikin bnyk blok dekat2 apa lg sea view, view blok only
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Yatie Lala
down or maintain? x pandai trade diam2 jgn buat hal bodh sia.
3 Like · 10 months · translate
Demen Fit
selepas merdeka, terus jatuh...
0.65 first stop 0.55 second stop

happy merdeka
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1 Like · 10 months · translate
Wilson Lee
Anytime waterfall
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Sam 3393
market should expect a one off gain of 80m for this third-quarter result excluding normal profit
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Peng Zhong Wong
1997 rm12
2006 rm0.205
2007 rm3
2009 rm0.4
2013 rm3.6
2022 rm0.2
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Maria Rahman
Anytime now to 80 sen....congrats in advance Yati hehehe
2 Like · 10 months · translate
Yatie Lala
Welcome Guys.
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Demen Fit
first stop
lalalalalala yatie rugi
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Demen Fit
syioknya tengok yatie rugi...jejejeje
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Anthony Tan
yatie why dissappear!?
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Demen Fit
yatie nangis Kat opik...jejejejeje
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Amin fauzi Abdul halim
Dy x ckp lalalalalala
Dy dah blah la tu patut korang tp la awal awal 0.70
1 Like · 10 months · translate
amin betul.....yatie happy sebab ramai yang follow die buy.yatie dah kenyang hahaha.yang nangis orang beli atas je...
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Demen Fit
saya saja nak tgk yatie stock die...
lalalalala. apa dia beli semua mati..
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hahaha luckly i no follow this auntie say what....
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habis aunty yatie pon tak boleh tidor liaoooo
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Ah Choon Wong
老姨不要这样子啦,你没亏过吗 ?
3 Like · 10 months · translate
nanti yatie akan kata dia sudah jual lalala
1 Like · 10 months · translate
Demen Fit
habis la yatie...
drop with uems
1 Like · 10 months · translate
belum patah trend
7 Like · 10 months · translate
Demen Fit
kalau x pandai,diamdiam la...
1 Like · 10 months · translate
Yatie Lala
I x faham korang bising2 apa? I beli kat 0.40++ I rugi apa? lagi satu I belum jual ticket saya lagi? lalalalalah
12 Like · 10 months · translate
Demen Fit
two week more will drop to 0.4x
semoga u rugi kuat kuat...
lalalalalalala...apa u beli pun rugi
tuhan kan help u rugi just
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1 Like · 10 months · translate
tq yatie...tp 0.80 is on the way....
5 Like · 10 months · translate
sudah naik balik semua sudah diamdiam haha
6 Like · 10 months · translate
@林 actually seorang saja...dia tu wasabi 老姨yg guna banyak different accounts to harrash orang.
6 Like · 10 months · translate
Yatie , you belum jual ticket lagi ar ...walao er , you ready steady la..lalalalal
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Joshua Tye
why you guys want to bully perempuan? x steady la ni
3 Like · 10 months · translate
@yatie...tak yah layan..orang yg ade mental problem.wasabi dan gang dia tu memang tak siuman...
5 Like · 10 months · translate
masa jatuh tu x tau brp yg sudah dicuci keluar. lepas tu yg soh@i tu attack pulak aunti lalalalah. niat hati x baik x blh untung
7 Like · 10 months · translate
beware of wasabi老姨 and his keyboard warriors accounts: 小号, kuman raja, lee lee,machinedowntime records, 22 33, demen fit, Mistake S...dan banyak lagi....
6 Like · 10 months · translate
rm0.735 harga kuat naik …Taniah kakak yatie….
7 Like · 10 months · translate
eih....apa sal keng chew kat sini.....
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Peng Zhong Wong
btl x pyh bising, uems bukan syarikat yg pandai untung, cuma masa dan berita yang betul buat orang2 goreng harga je. berapa tinggi naik? x tau. tp confirm jatuh mcm top glove lepas goreng habis. tengok balik chart uems, ia dah 3 kali jatuh dari gunung tinggi smpi bwh 40sen
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Like · 10 months · translate
if goreng can make money why not??hahahaha.....isn't that the ultimate aim of investing a stock??itulah yg kita mau...land kita untung at the right time and right place and right moment...hahahaha....
7 Like · 10 months · translate
Kee Lam
That’s right, if we don’t goreng while it’s hot to make some pocket money then what are we doing here for this counter? Is either you join the bandwagon or you sit at the sideline to watch the bull run.
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5 Like · 10 months · translate
zaid muhd
haha pertama legend stock pun goreng elok je rm3..haha
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Demen Fit
drop drop drop till aunty yatie rugi besar
1 Like · 9 months · translate
Anthony Tan
Aunty cost very low lah. She no impact at all. Just hold and she enjoys the ride will do.
2 Like · 9 months · translate
Amin fauzi Abdul halim
Rilek la bro
Xpayah kacau la auntie lalala
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Chong Kiam Keong
Cost only Rm0.295 no impact la
1 Like · 9 months · translate
niat hati x baik,x blh untung
2 Like · 9 months · translate
p 1
Back to square soon
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Nazr Zach2
Here we go.. Higher than previous high please!! Tell DSAI to stop playing around.. Indonesia already have HSR running la wei!!
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Adam Thu
Demen Fit mana orang? Hilang*
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Sam 3393
The Johot state Government teamed up with the strong support from Singapore Government to develop n plan regional economic zone. Future prospect of this counter share price should be more than double of its NTA. Don't miss the ship to listen market punters. Buy on the future under two Government strongly interest to create wealth for the community
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3 Like · 9 months · translate
Yatie Lala
Sila ikut expert. lalalalalah.
5 Like · 9 months · translate
William Gui
Kasi pecah dinding 77c
1 Like · 9 months · translate
King Ianflamming56ou
suka yatie ...lala...lala ...lalala
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Maria Rahman
Sudah pecah new ATH
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William Gui
now pecah 80c good boy operator
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wahhh pai kiaaaa...rich liao loooo
1 Like · 9 months · translate
wow...yatie untung kuat kuat....tp 0.80 yatie on its way....fuyoh.....
1 Like · 9 months · translate
Yatie Lala
Guys I dah jual 50% sudah. lalalalalah
6 Like · 9 months · translate
yatie : kenapa x sambung ....adui ...
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wasabi老姨 :beli banyak kah ?
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Yatie Lala
sebab nak pakai duit utk beli rumah dgn UEM. lalalalalah
4 Like · 9 months · translate
Yatie : Blh terus cash buy Sudah lah …
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Yatie Lala
itu lah jual separuh cash out dulu. yg lagi separuh kasi tahan sampai Rm1.20++. lalalalalah
1 Like · 9 months · translate
Yatie: pandai main
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tye sj
Mcmana bagi harga 1.33?
Tau dari mana?
Boleh tunjuk ajar?
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Jimmy Choong
bulan lepas i sudah keluar 40% ambil balik modal ada untung sikit,sekarang balance 60% semuanya untung tak kira naik atau turun. tq yatie , info kamu memang mantap ??
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King Ianflamming56ou
Yatie datang.....lala...lala...pop..yeah2
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Hari ini saham asia semua jatuh nanti jatuh tak lan lari
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