Strategist Invest Lam's comment on KNM. All Comments

Strategist Invest Lam
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Prepared to up break 0.1 vroom vroom vrooms
Ng Tiong Pin
HEV, 你又回來了
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Orson Chin
agm 有説什麼嗎? ??
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Ng, 想我了 :) hehe
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orson, pn17没有消息就是好消息,量有变多证明不是坏消息了
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Orson Chin
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Ng Tiong Pin
so, all 5 nominate rejected. others all remain the same . 继续睡觉
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Ng Tiong Pin
Hudson 又卖不了.卖给Italian 公司又不能
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Amos ooi Chin Han
Ng, so this counter still no hope?
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Ng Tiong Pin
AMOS, only hope is borsig.
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Ng Tiong Pin
it will be waiting game, u can't wait better sell it off. u can wait then u have to take the risk ya. high risk high gain.
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Ng Tiong Pin
lam, any good news from yourside
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Strategist Invest Lam
Nothing…..seem everything go back to square again …..flush impatiently investor again ……I doubt on why borsig listing stuck on 60%progress underground but not push forwards…..I also wondering why today everyone against new directors get in the board to assist
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Ng Tiong Pin
lam, obviously TY want to fully in charge of whole situation.
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ong whey
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Strategist Invest Lam
knm group的战略敏感处境 不是一个短期就可以解决的事儿 需要不断探索任何形式有效解决 长期抗战的投资 所以期盼短炒的投资者可以放弃这个股
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Ng Tiong Pin
对,短线操作的会失望. 看明天又会是散户丢票的日子.继续睡觉去...
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Amos ooi Chin Han
Ng, I can wait it. Because I have ticket.
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Ng Tiong Pin
Amos,as you wish.
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Ng Tiong Pin
反方向思考.如果borsig 没有好的进展.TY 为何加注.我觉得有猫腻
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Strategist Invest Lam
纯属个人观点:我们就等待局面的反转吧 意大利政府在这一场博弈之中注定放行的 因为他们也怕国家的命脉技术落入其它国家手中 Hudson瓦解对他们的危胁更大 我希望他们看清局势
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Ng Tiong Pin
其实Hudson 真的那么差吗?
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Strategist Invest Lam
有点难形容 其实不是差而是 hudson 是被逼啃意大利政府的猪头骨工程 每个国家都会往这些special sector license开刀 所以表面风光 contract 数目大大 赚幅内心暗锤
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Ng Tiong Pin
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Strategist Invest Lam
差不多类案 搞笑是政府又不可以完全让它们死 要死时就会拔它们起来
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Ng Tiong Pin
knm 买这类猪头骨来干啥?没完没了
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Strategist Invest Lam
他们当年被忽悠进去意大利 开头那几年他们的确有给甜头所以以前是赚钱的 风光过 不然中途也不会买borsig就是贪图盈利 过后才知道Hudson上了政府贼船不断变质 borsig却意外成了盈利的护城河
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Orson Chin
what。。。。 有賣不出。。。大條咯這次。。。。又要回去0.05 了。。。oh shit
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Strategist Invest Lam
是的 看这次多少散户禁不起心理考验 又准备继续捡便宜
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Amos ooi Chin Han
See tomorrow will limit down or not
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Orson Chin
walao.....我要跑路了。。。。。阿隆要砍我了。。。完了 完了 這次完了
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ong whey
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gg loh guys
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look what I said, pn17 counter no news = good news for us, if got news must be bad news
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tonytoo tonytoo
how come? cannot sell? if like that who gonna buy oversea properties? lol?
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又是 lam 發財的機會了。 要賣腎來加註了
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Strategist Invest Lam
yes agree should bring this cases to international court of justice totally not fair to knm group
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tonytoo tonytoo
i dont understand why cannot sell? if got buyer? euro or us country keep got this issues or right? reject sell properties? knm got debts, cannot sell for recovery?
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Strategist Invest Lam
Cause this company is handling country oil and gas system and issues related business sensitivities conducted,they afraid their country secret and technology exploded to others country get drone attack or else military assault ;anyway the second attempt is sell back to their country listed oil and gas company :they still block the ways is already against law doesn’t fair to knm group already
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Amos ooi Chin Han
Lam, I see this counter need to wait very long time already. Don't know will drop back to 0.060 or 0.070?
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Strategist Invest Lam
Yes that why I always definable as a long term years investment not suitable for short term player actually drop back 0.06/0.07 is possible cause need to flush out most of those who not enough mentally faith on this counter but drop is limiting due to TY and MAA will keep buying more on it cause they know well this counter can become their cash cow in future when things is get fixed
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tonytoo tonytoo
selfish thinking, all afraid their country secrets, then unfair with the owner.
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Strategist Invest Lam
If country not selfish why china and America keep raise up trade war time by time
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Amos ooi Chin Han
Yes Lam. Once it drop back to 0.06 / 0.07 TY and MAA sure will keeping buying. I also want to average down the price
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Strategist Invest Lam
Ya ,I also aim to collect more; hope this time more speculation trader cut losses
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Amos ooi Chin Han
Lam, you are very smart investor. Now you holding how much the price?
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Strategist Invest Lam
Average on 0.075
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Amos ooi Chin Han
Very low price. My price is 0.103
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Strategist Invest Lam
Cause all over the world doubt on knm: I am confident on it:I know well what happened behind this mammoth corporate and how many percentages rates on it; I only bet on thing who win rate above 80% …even drop until 0.05 everyone said craziest I keep all in
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Amos ooi Chin Han
I also hope it can drop to 0.05 so we can collect it more tickets.
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Strategist Invest Lam
Actually we only can hope but it seem difficulty cause i know TY and MAA well they store their advantage card behind that why they keep nonstop collecting share numbers on it …… actually when people too concentrated on Hudson they forget knm group still got lot of seat to play turnover…… Hudson can continue be a negotiable chip in between Italy government to continue their business back to profitability earning
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Strategist Invest Lam
Anyway keep tracking on it , I can guarantee this counter is the most fun in bursa :dramatic turn over in future
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Amos ooi Chin Han
But, I know is TY and MAA holding a lot of tickets.
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Amos ooi Chin Han
Lam, you are really understanding this counter very well. You must holding a lot right?
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Ng Tiong Pin
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Digital EmasJaya Sdn Bhd
Mean time to fly soon.
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Orson Chin
sell.sell.sell. all ppl sell ur ticket out pls....
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Ng Tiong Pin
Orson, then u follow TY, collect collect collect. :)))))
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Orson Chin
pls.... sell sell sell .. drop to 0.06 pls
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Ng, 400lot 的机会来了 XD
0.06 gogogo XD
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Ng Tiong Pin
I m waiting. but I don't think so
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Ng Tiong Pin
if yes. I will sell all the tickets now
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Ng Tiong Pin
later u will see it goreng up again
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Scots Men
here is casino, only God knew what happen next.
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last call.... no more bet XD
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Orson Chin
散户 。。。 把票卖了。。。 last warning ……. 不要在hold了
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Amos ooi Chin Han
You sell.. I want to buy
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Orson Chin
叫你们卖不卖, 叫你们买不买。。 变态到。。。
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Michael Lee
Downtrending to 0.085 ....0.08....0.075
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Orson Chin
yes...lee. sell sell sell .....
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直接回到0.06吗 哈哈,一夜回到解放前
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Sinyuan Tan
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Adui so confirm can't revive??
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Yong Jason
touch 0.08了。。。。
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yong, 怎么样?你可以再进场了?XD
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Yong Jason
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God bless ya
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Orson Chin
Aim Leform and widad …. Nx Monday give them power
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ong whey
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Ng Tiong Pin
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Orson Chin
买到40% 可以私有化了。。。简单解决
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Digital EmasJaya Sdn Bhd
Something big is coming
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Ng Tiong Pin
Digital, what big is coming, share with us.
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Strategist Invest Lam
老板TY和MAA 不断狂吸票 这一次我感觉真的开始不够他们快了 慢了几拍才发现他们的终极SCR privatise 阴谋诡计
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Orson Chin
announcement 一個15.2.% , 另外一個另外一個17.xx到底有多少、%?
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Ng Tiong Pin
17.924%. 不出奇会拉下到0.08 洗盘吃票
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Orson Chin
哦哦。。。0.085 的票还没换完手。。累
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thomas lim
RELIABLE news,rocket up to RM 1.00 soon
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Orson Chin
wah.... wah ..... wah......... 我丟100k 等收100万
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Strategist Invest Lam
有冇甘大只蛤乸随街跳 哈哈哈 假如SCR privatise 我都只是看到有机会30een出而已 已算是王室不亏待散户了
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Orson Chin
0.08 可以跌回吗? 多几天我要出粮了…………
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Orson Chin
LAm ….. 有 0.215 我就很感恩他们了…… 要放炮庆祝了
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Strategist Invest Lam
哈哈 继续看TY和MAA的后续剧情吧 不断狂吸纳 蓄力 感觉年尾前会放大招
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Last year said this year, this year said next year, next year said following year, never ending, so optimist
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Orson Chin
Sell ur ticket immediately!!! Don’t so upset here
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Digital EmasJaya Sdn Bhd
0.215 too low. Should be around 0.3
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Esther Gan
When people shouted sell, you buy. Ha.
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Strategist Invest Lam
Sustainable foundation support formed ,ready to pop up soon
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Esther Gan
I guess it will break 10 cents within this month
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Orson Chin
Knm sell to japan company. Everything settle
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