Yang Chong Aun's comment on CFM. All Comments

Yang Chong Aun
5 Like · Reply
Why no uma query from bursa ?
Boon Lee
UMA?有用吗?看多了就会知道,公司那些管理的家伙只会回应称“不知道”, 就不了了之。(以为股价低了就去追,输了也只能怪自己贪心,买个教训当学费吧。)
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maybe price dropped .. that why no Uma...hahha
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Alan Ho
跌的时候是不会有UMA 证券会觉得在股市跌是应该的 相反的 如果起到太够力 就会有UMA 因为妒忌散户赚大钱
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C H Lim
UMA is buy signal, not yet right time to come out, maybe 0.05 will issue UMA then will rebounce
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Uma standard reply - we not aware of the share price situation
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tan vincent
one of the reason , malaysia not a rich country , when getting rich , get uma warning , when getting poor , is it ok ~
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