Shilla Liew's comment on INARI. All Comments

Shilla Liew
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可怜我现账面亏 20%+了再掉真要天天吃 Maggie mee 了 ~
Tempura Fish
due to current market with a lot of uncertainties I don't think market will give a high PE sometimes could be lower then what u expected. People worried about War, worried about inflation and worried about increasing of interest rate.
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Bo Lkti
All your analysis were correct but you people had forgotten you are playing Bursa shares, not STI or HSI you know ? Haha which the Malays don't see much on companies fundamentals, instead it's more on whom you know and whether is the right time to jeck or not to jeck. Thats all.
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股市过动儿Stock Panicker
maggie面好吃吗?我等下再继续short sell
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Mr Ng

heed Tempura Fish comment.
he is very good.
Don't try to get someone to share his view based on what you think. my observations hinted me that, you might be trying to justify your own pov by getting someone else to tell you the same which in this sense, false hope. I'm being hypothetical so my POV might or not be fair. best to see things from different angles.
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Mr Ng
we had all shared our view that
1. PE high or low, depends on the company's prospect grow consistently
2. PE high low, also subject to market sentiments towards the sector.

dnex may or may not undervalued because sentiments towards the company is strong now. it can U-turn anytime. so you need to accept the many possibilities. understand is not enough
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Mr Ng
@bo Lkti

yes's a fact I won't deny,that Bursa market has this issue but it's not all the companies are like this.

all Malaysian investors need to accept this fact.
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Pradeep Kumar Sanghani
Ng . I agree what you said. I need to justify investment. Tempura Fish is very sincere and I agree with his view. Market sentiment on Dnex and Inari is very good. Funds are eyeing both the stock. Bottom line must have holding power and do not speculate. Thanks for your advice.
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Fisher aka 小白
"Market sentiment on dnex and inari is good", serious? What did I miss out? Hahaha
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Shilla Liew
@股市过动儿,是哦~这么历害,那请你把它弄到低过 2.0,那我就建仓捡便宜货,越低越好。别吹牛,很丢脸哦。快快哦~我等不及了
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Tempura Fish
@Pradeep, honestly inari n dnex current price do not attract me for the moment. I think there are other more valuable stock for me to consider.
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Pradeep Kumar Sanghani
Tempura Fish can you share with us. Nevertheless my email is here I will greatly appreciate.Nice to know you.
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Boey Tan
Tempura fish, how do you think MPI?
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Fisher aka 小白
@pradeep, why keep asking opinions from others? What would you do, if 5 telling you should buy while the other 5 telling you shouldn't? Listen to the answer which you wish to listen?
You may ask advise from your Remisier or you can invest in unit trust, if you are lack of self judgment or confidence.
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Mr Ng

I wish you all the best
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Pradeep Kumar Sanghani
Fisher Asking opinion is nothing wrong it does not prejudice anybody. As for example you ask me my opinion on housing development and legal issues I will be able to give my opinion and thereafter you have to make the final decision. Everything got risk factor and a bit of luck.
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Fisher aka 小白
Perhaps, you never notice your own problem. Well, wish you all the best for your stock investment. Cheers.
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Pradeep Kumar Sanghani
Fisher. Thank you.
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@Fisher, 难得还能看到专业的分享,谢谢Fisher的见解
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Fisher aka 小白
@Nicholas, 客气了。我很少正经留言,都是吹水多,哈哈哈。祝你投资顺利!
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Pradeep Kumar Sanghani
Nicholas Liew. My friend and I will go to Court together in the same car. He will fetch me. We go back together after the case but when we are in Court we are like dog and cat. Everybody wonder our attitude. Knowledge is to be shared No one is perfect. We learned from our mistakes if not how to educate the next generation.
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Pradeep Kumar Sanghani
Shilla be very patient . Inari I note EPF and etc are buying .mkt down and mkt up be happy go lucky as you got fundamental and growth stocks.
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Shilla Liew
@Pradeep bro Tks, yes will stay calm n be patient. Same to u, all the best to u
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Pradeep Kumar Sanghani
Shilla I note the uptrend of Inari and Dnex is still intact. The issue is of holding power. To be very conservative Inari should be around 3.60 and Dnex around 1.30. medium term range. The above is my personal view only
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Pradeep Kumar Sanghani
Shilla Inari once Breck 3.10 it will be fierce
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rush b
我3.3买入,一路avg到现在 2.86,终于熬出头了
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Pradeep Kumar Sanghani
Shilla if compare Dnex with Inari . I prefer Inari because of the growth and No debts. Dnex you will notice eventhough oil was up but did not perform. profit came from Silterra. why Ping Petroleum did not perform?.
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amin hamid

Dnex still beginning of journey same like inari few years back.
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anak ayam
inari... 10years ago. it was little kid. dnex is same. give it some time to grow
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Shilla Liew
@Pradeep brother no worry I have holding power, dnex lucky I just got very little ticket with me. Inari still got a long way for me to hit. Nvm I just need to be patient. Thanks bro for your sharing n opinion.
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Shilla Liew
@rush b 你比我幸运,我买在 4+,avg 只到 3+而己。恭喜你终于解套了
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股市过动儿Stock Panicker
I will short to rm2
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amin hamid
Talk so much.
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Pradeep Kumar Sanghani
announcement : EPF buying
Dnex got annocement also but confuse is there a change in shareholding
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Shilla Liew
@stock panicker really? Great~gogogo short to rm2, I want cheap tickets. Tks ya
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Shilla Liew
@Pradeep brother u means share prices no change?
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Pradeep Kumar Sanghani
Shills looks like some changes in the ownership
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Pradeep Kumar Sanghani
Shilla I need to ask a secretary to obtain confirmation anyhow on your you do the same if anything I will update you
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Shilla Liew
@Pradeep brother okie, wait for your new update. Thank you brother
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Fisher aka 小白
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Pradeep Kumar Sanghani
Fisher. yes. maybe because of the warrant which will be due soon. Nevertheless the recovery is intact.
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Fisher aka 小白
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Pradeep Kumar Sanghani
Fisher. Growth is intact . anything below 3.10 is a good buy subject to you have holding power.
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股市过动儿Stock Panicker
short this lapsap stock again always lapsap buy
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Tempura Fish
hi, how are everyone here?
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股市过动儿Stock Panicker
so good ,short sell tomorrow continue,semua lari baru panggil Inari.
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Pradeep Kumar Sanghani
Tempura Fish. ok . see the next quarter. only not happy should had close RM3.10
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Tempura Fish
@Pradeep, recently got include any new stock into your portfolio?
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Prepare for tech sell Down
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Lim Chen Long
red red red red red 2.9 comming
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Pradeep Kumar Sanghani
Tempura Fish No new stock
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股市过动儿Stock Panicker
maggie maggie,你最爱就是吃maggie
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Pradeep Kumar Sanghani
stock Panicked Maggie is nice every Malaysian got eat especially if you go to Getting just enjoy add in some Tom Yam paste more tasty
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股市过动儿Stock Panicker
when i make the maggie with tong yam,inari price will be down to 2.47 ,you waan?
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Pradeep Kumar Sanghani
stock Panicker I love to eat your style
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inari 今年股价会到2.00 ~2.50..
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Pradeep Kumar Sanghani
Tay The Sen sorry to say I do not agree with your view. why you say 2.00 to 2.50? EPF purchase price also above 3.00. If Inari price drop then we got more opportunities.
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Shilla Liew
@Pradeep brother yes agree, if really drop to 2 ~2.50 we can collect more cheap ticket de. Hehehe
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time will prove I am right.
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beware this guy...tay !
always talk upsides down.. becaref
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Fisher aka 小白
O. G. N.... u know too much... Hahaha
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fisher, can a little but more abt there ( Tay )?
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Fisher aka 小白
@Fisherman ,i don't understand your comment...
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@fisher, actually i mean explain more detail about Mr. tay
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Fisher aka 小白
you may judge by yourself, I have no comment. Hahaha, cause it doesn't matter at all.
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@fisher, get ur message. TQ ya!
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Ham Kar Ling
我听你说,买了20 lot,现在真的要吃maggie mee liao
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Shilla Liew
@Ham Kar Ling 你问我吗?我在 rebound 时己经出清了,亏了一点。幸好~阿弥陀佛
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Tempura Fish
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Shilla Liew
其实我也没买 20lot, 我买股从不超过 10lot, 除了银行股
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Shilla Liew
@Tempura Fish ~阿弥陀佛,幸好上次有 rebound 让我解套了,只亏了千多。银行股让我赚回。神佛保佑,南无阿弥陀佛。善哉善哉^^
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Ham Kar Ling
haiya mr shilla,我亏到麻麻都不认得liao
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Tempura Fish
Shilla, 目前我什么都没买,一个多月前reit跌了不少。我是有收了一些,也赚了个10%多。
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Tony Lim
行情不好 , 估计 inari 的 fair price 跌了一些了 。
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Shilla Liew
@Ham 我以前也亏到麻木了,幸好有机会逃。希望下次有 rebound 你快逃
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Shilla Liew
@Tempura 我也有收 igb和pavilion 我在去年低位进的, 现还好没亏,still holding. 我记的你有进Airport 6.2,现还收着吗?
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Shilla Liew
Airport 前两天跌,今天又 rebound, 不知道接下耒会怎样?阿弥陀佛,希望会直上 breakout 6.95
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Shilla Liew
@Tony lim US 加息,makmur tax, salary increase 一定会影响很大
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Tempura Fish
Shilla, Airport我没有收。哈哈哈..银行就有收很久了。不过有些银行我出完票了。
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Kok Thee lian
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Shilla Liew
@Tempura wowww 那你赚很多了,恭喜恭喜发大财了~
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Lobang Chan
Guys Run first…wait 1.9 to 2.3
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Mr K
手机业务开始需求滞涨了 各位要有心理准备熬过这段岁月,苹果14发布的时候也许会回来
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Lobang Chan
rich Man 你想的美
等跌到1.8 在说
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Mr K
tsmc的财报为标准 手机需求停滞不前已经是个事实 ,但这是短暂的 我会找个好价钱切入,毕竟股息很不错
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Yong Jason
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William Ngu
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美国升息,IPhone 减产,上海封城,成本上升,Bye Bye KLCI ,看来科技股老大还要继续沉沦一段时间..
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Lionel Messi
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Shilla Liew
@Tempura 请问你升息会影响igb 和 pavilion reit吗?
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Tempura Fish
Shilla, 会。但是影响不大。主要是mall复苏着。好比疫情时没得营业好许多。但是目前还是需保留谨慎,市场还是有很多不确定性。很多加密货币已经崩盘, 美股也屡屡创新低。
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Shilla Liew
@Tempura 嗯~明白了,还是要小心。谢谢你感恩
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Shilla Liew
@Ken 对耶。我也想抄但现太迟了
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股市过动儿Stock Panicker
continue short sell ,all will lose more
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Yong Jason
2.48 closing .继续等待
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Jordan Lim
2.00 coming parking...
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Bo Lkti
Indirectly yes, Inari stocks should be going more down trend from now onwards. But next time still got future.
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股市过动儿Stock Panicker
tomorrow short you down
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