Jason Teh's comment on QES. All Comments

Jason Teh
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buy in 0.79 selling at today 0.885 thx QES .will come back agian
Actually you need tech theme to resume else qes alone will not move far
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Dan Danne
QES main profit contribution is frm product distribution segment, its manufacture segment still at intial stage, hopefully the management pay more attention on it like D&O convert its traditional LED to EV and car LED.
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thomas loh
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Dan Danne
if want to earned money and successful investing in stock market, the best way is to stop to have dicussion about.stock or listen too many bullshit comments. Learn the FA and TA and be smart, end story.
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fan chaowang
Hk, agree.. there are very less investor that same as you and green. So most of the comments in klse or forum are bullsxxx. Without knowledge, and just simply throw a word that without responsibility .
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Green LT
Fan-you are here. Any intension to enter market next week? Or just hands off?
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fan chaowang
green- I think I will wait and see how. Now got a few watchlist in my hand, and with 50% cash. If new and strong gov form, would likely see a better market. But at the same time, I think perhaps new gov will have stricter sop such as mco 1.0 . How about you
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Green LT
Fan-I am thinking most investors feel fear on next week. Maybe is time to be greedy. Let see tomorrow first 1st 2 hrs trading trend. Really unpredictable.
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fan chaowang
Normally if Tmr first two hours have deep drop, then lightly strong rebound appear. If Tmr first two hours is small drop 阴跌阴跌的, might see a heavy fall
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Green LT
Fan-yes, if sudden drop tomorrow morning, I might enter small position in few counters.
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Green LT
Fan-China & Russia remove export incentive on steel with intention to rise steel price to increase the US inflation rate ( Biden trillion budget on infrastructure will be impacted). Maybe opportunity on KLSE steel counters, disadvantages on property and construction counters.
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fan chaowang
Green- which steel counter I look on. I previously look at Astino and csteel
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Today 9am klse will collapse
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Green LT
Fan-I am still monitoring big fund entering steel counters. I keep reviewing all steel counters daily and so far haven’t got favorable counters yet.
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fan chaowang
Green- I see. Today keep on monitoring. If got huge drop might buy abit
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Green LT
Fan-can I have your mail address?
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Dan Danne
estmated will drop till 0.79 . price momentum getting lower
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Green LT
HK-agreed. Chart trend not good.
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Ian Chong
drop = chart trend not good. rise = chart trend good. Technical specialists
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Dan Danne
Ian Chong, what are u talking about?
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Green LT
HK-maybe Ian Chong don’t understand the TA we use to analyse and do not know how we get the number. There are lots of die hard fans of QES, just cool down and let it be.
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Mohd Khairol Emizul Ibrahim
when people fear...
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Dan Danne
QES share price still stay strong, in the mean time the price need to drop about 20% b4 make another new high, it is the normal situation of stock market.
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Dan Danne
i saw divergence in QES chart, it suppose that the price should go down, but we cant predict how long price will drop, i believe there will be a bottom limit price reached and then big player push price up again.
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lawrence hou
no divergence la. now qes price just consolidate between 0.8 to 0.9 and need to build a strong base within this price range and hopefully can deliver good QR and push up the price. if u look 8 months ago the price consolidate very long around 0.3
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Jason Teh
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Jason Teh
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Sharifah Salina
Good n uptrending second QR, way to go QES
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Goeh Kar Win
Penta的业绩其实也不错 可是市场不买单 大跌一轮...这个qes肯定也跑不过 出了业绩后估值也很高, 对比科技股王inari ..有position的人 肯定风险增加 对要买入的人 机会来了
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Goeh Kar Win
对于科技股来讲 10月开始至明年
肯定会非常的波动 美国只要一开始tapering 科技股肯定首当其冲 大跌. 所以portfolio里面 要留科技股的话 建议只留1,2个大型 估值比较低的科技股. 小型成长型的科技股 尽量不要动 减少风险.
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Kim Low
Goeh 100% agree with you. Not to forget qes no more cheap, from 0.3 to 0.99
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Jason Teh
support 0.78 跌破就不要看它了。来日方长,那么多股。
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jason hong
大家小心 这是逃命波来的。。。。
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lawrence hou
大师为何认为这是逃命波? 哈哈
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fan chaowang
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jason hong
没事你看看, 我也希望我这次也会是看错。
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jason hong
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lawrence hou
上星期跌到0.6705 (fibo retracement 0.618) 受到支持之后反弹
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lawrence hou
jason hong. 说出你的意见是没错。可是也要给一些建议性的理由
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lawrence hou
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fan chaowang
今天动到0.775, 只要突破了0.78 和0.83 附近,应该会再往0.9 试探
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Green LT
Fan-yup. Most likely will take 2 days to reach 0.805, and next Mon/Tue should be 0.810 above. (Condition if US Market don’t slump within this week).
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fan chaowang
Green- yes bro. Our genm also heading to 3.3. High chance 3.3 by end of this month.
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Green LT
Fan-I have liquidated my GENM as I need to hold more cash for market dip. I feel not comfortable with current US and local high risk market situation now. Most likely will not trade within this/next week. Unless can pick up really cheap stock such as JHM and Aemulus.
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Green LT
Fan-based on tonight US Market, seems like the stocks price are at the edge of Niagara Waterfall. Got to be prudent in my investment, expecting a 10-15% slump. Hope it will not happen.
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fan chaowang
Green- yes… us market macam not so powerful anymore
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Green LT
Fan-US Pre-market shown all RED, could be 10-15% adjustment start tonight.
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Green LT
Fan-wow, US Market start dropping, can start shopping next week to collect cheap ticket. Super sedap!
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fan chaowang
green- wow. Big drop… next week boleh tambah lagi… hoseh
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Green LT
Fan-I am expecting this drop and keeping more cash to pick up cheap ticket. My dream counters are AMD, Disney, AAL, PLTR, TSLA, NVDA, TSM, CCL. Hope can match my price.
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fan chaowang
Green- yes… I think today most of tech counter will drop. Including this counter… perhaps will reach around 725-730
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Jason Teh
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wai keat koh
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fan chaowang
Jason, 我还在0.75加了一码 看能买到0.6+ 吗,科技我比较买中长期。小股我才会看技术套利
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Jason Teh
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fan chaowang
感觉今天还会跌。美国nasdaq 在盘整
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Jason Teh
fan chaowang
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fan chaowang
jason,是不会全部跟的。但大多数盘整的时候马来西亚科技89不离10 都会跟着一起红。但青的时候不一起青的 哈哈哈
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Win Win
jason.可以帮我看看snc吗。。要留还是收, TQ
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Mingjin Lee
个人浅见 snc 下跌趋势守好1.2 破了就看1块 希望帮得到你
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Jason Teh
看似不错 但是要小心,分分钟假突破 因为上一轮从0.785跌下来的量比今天的多。假如今天收盘是0.79毫无犹豫买进
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lawrence hou
volume increasing. MACD golden crossed, RSI stand strong above 50. apa tunggu lagi.... Hoot9e. no need worry 7 worry 8 worry this worry that how to earn
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Dan Danne
在股市里做投资,选股是重点,若选到像d&o这样的股,就不须要每天都但心,只是偶尔看盘,qes是成长股,股价不是高,有上涨潜能,有可能会上到 Rm1.0
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shinn law
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Dan Danne
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Jason Teh
lawrence 股市是靠分析的 不是靠感觉hoot下去
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lawrence hou
hoot 就对了。你看马股hoot9e大师hoot到买跑车
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Dan Danne
Lawrence, pls hoot it up for me, TQ
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fan chaowang
us tonight drop,tmr this will drop more
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Green LT
Fan-US Pre-market Hyper RED, hope to get some cheap stock this week. Lucky already holding cash last 2 weeks. 只要不贪心,机会来了才可以出牌。
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lawrence hou
i alrdy hoot a lot at 0.29
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fan chaowang
Green- yes. I just top up cash recently. Hopefully qes can drop more for me too add. Hahaha
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Jason Teh
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Ng Wai Keong
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wai keat koh
Lol, 吹的就吹,目测明天反弹了
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John Goh


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John Goh

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Jason Teh
这样又不是的,就算我有票 我也蛮理智去分析的
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Jason Teh
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fan chaowang
我和jason的想法一样,我也是有票,但我也认为明天会下。而且对我来说现在跌我还可以慢慢累积。主要看是怎样的投资者,每个人投资方式不同,能赚钱的就是好方法 没有对错
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Jason Teh
fan 你说得对,投资要理智 。分析到有问题就停一停。整个bursa不是一只股而已。虽然qes是不错。跌的时候避开就好。
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Jason Teh
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fan chaowang
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Jason Teh
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Dan Danne
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Green LT
我非常担心的是’Semicon Judgement Day’和’经济危机’.我只是大胆假设,小心求证,步步为营。可以少赚錢,也不愿买在錯的时机与價位。
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Green LT
去年,我的一位朋友在手套股赚了2间bungalow。当时,我对他说,see money take money.不要和寂寞做朋友,还好他卖了。
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Dan Danne
要有profit 和 cut loss 计划,不要过于相信基本面
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fan chaowang
最主要还是跟着自己的投资计划,买点卖点要会看。多学习,多接受,而不要盲目跟从。我身边有几个朋友根本就是靠tips 买股。那些认为股市很简单的 很危险
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Dan Danne
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fan chaowang
说真的 我自己的经验 马股能的比较长期的就只有好的科技股,不然就买股息股吧。其他的成长太慢要不然就是周期性太强
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Green LT
HK-马股是hoot9e, All In 的睹性,量少,很容易被操控,想赚钱,不容易。美股有很多华尔街大佬,所以想赚点小利,会比较容易。
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Dan Danne
俩国的股民不一样,这里的爱做 Mr Hoot, 那个叫lawrence是其中之一, 哈哈
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hoot mr
你是在找我吗。 ? 我在这
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Dan Danne
原来是有mr hoot这人,我还以为只有lawrence, 哈哈哈
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Green LT
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Ng Wai Keong
hoot 了,一就打包。。。一就发达。。。哈哈哈
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Dan Danne
hoot 不上? 没有什么力
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limyeechen limyeechen
Hoot 9 e 了 不会动。。。。。
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hoot mr
买股票就是这样 喜欢的 hoot就对了!上或下 没关系 开心就好
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