Teh Max's comment on MTRONIC. All Comments

Teh Max
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qr maybe next week announce right?
Bruce Wayne
Tinder you are too short sighted. Shark out nevermind. Important Investor is buying and collecting now. idiot who play to gamble like you .... won't make it.
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Bruce Wayne
Mtronic .... solid Vaccine Distribution Deal. Sooner or later will be TP 0.70 ( like any Vaccine Counters)
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Bruce Wayne
Hahaha... Tinder... I am sure you Are a noob . Gambling away all your money.... thats why u are salty....
We will not be trap, because we invest early. When you don't have foresight.... you can cry wolf all you want. I am sure the Grapes are sour for you. such Amateur!!!
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Bruce Wayne
I went into Metronic at 0.06 @RM 100,000 . Still holding until now. Who is the loser and who is winner will show in the Bank Account. Not your idiotic 2 cent Rant. If you don't like this stock Go Troll somewhere else Mr Salty !!!! Hahaha , awwww u are stuck @ $0.2 ??? I pity you Tinder.
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Bruce Wayne
I invested in 3 successfully TP up Vaccine stock Trippled my War funds to +314.8% .
Keeping a clear Foresight is the key.
My new 3 pick for future stock (1 of it is Mtronic ) My analysis towards investment runs deeper than your Cheap words Tinder.

I don't care what you think. Just go away if you don't want to make any Investment. Go gamble la at ...Vivocom , u will fit very well there Tinder.
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Bruce Wayne
Everything is in place. Soon will sign official contract.
Direct Interest share transfered to AmInvestment Bank (unless they are dumber than you ?) NOT .
Solid Roadmap and Change of Leadership non exec -Director(who have experience in Health Care)
Company Core
plus Diversifying is key confidence.
Why put in money when you are speculating??put in money to Invest for Long Term. where you get more confidence from Facts rather than be afraid of something because you heard someone say stuff.
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Bruce Wayne
Sometimes People Like "TinderBoss" are the noob losers who like to troll on Good prospective stock. It reminds me of the saying "what stupid is what stupid does "

Only Trust on your own Judgement and Fact Finding. Logic beats any speculation in the long run. There you go; enjoy my 0.001 cent worth of Knowledge. Dont think you can handle 2 cents.
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Karl Surin
Batman @ Bruce Wayne... loved everything about what you wrote. I agree with your thorough analysis on this company.
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Tinder Boss
don't simply say I stuck. I ady sold off at 0.19. I bought at 0.055. Good luck with ur holding. Keep dreaming it can reach Rm0.70. What a naive and childish thinking. You cannot differentiate a goreng counter with a normal counter. Pity u still holding a goreng counter which stucking ur money and cannot growth. Advice for u, stop investing stock market if u do not know how to play the game.
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Mohd Ahmad
Tp 0.80..i dont care.. Kahkahkah
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Bruce Wayne
Move On Kid !!! Tinder sounds like a 15 year old Trolling. Move on. Haha.
1 Like · 3 years · translate
Bruce Wayne
Oh gosh. This Tinder. go press his profile and go check his comments . he is in Fintec . Sanichi and all the useless counters. Mr. Gambling konon. such Amateurish Gambler. funny most of his comments are the same trying to get cheap useless stock and trying to make a quick buck. I am sure this dude is stuck and lost alot. That is why . Ahhh so immature comments.
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