Khor Jing Wen's comment on TOPGLOV. All Comments

Khor Jing Wen
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Gt people buy C84? why today drop
Derrick Kang
today market maker on leave, they no push son
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Khor Jing Wen
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sb sb
c84 only worth 0.444 now, why can't drop? Do know how much your C warrant worth before invest, you are invest on future price now
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Cheong Kian Lee
Really just worth 0.444 now? How to calculate?
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Kai Xuan Tan
If dunno how to count warrant you can look at the premium, or else don't touch warrant, it's quite risky
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don't tryna confusing people with 0.444, A value for a warrant is determined by demand and supply. Besides, u never ever can calculate how much a warrant price is but using conversion price/ratio.for c84 breakeven price is 31.9
When topglov up to 31.9.No matter c84 keep dropping doesn't matter for anything.U still in profit with cash settlement
0.444 calculation? reply the formula if u really pro
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Why people complaining about those warrant which ady in the money but then for those warrant out of money but raising.Nobody say premium high arh,very expensive.Wt.f are u guys studying.Im confusing
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Derrick Kang
Kelvin, gorent tetap goreng, they see goreng they chasing
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I'm not buyer for c84(disclaimer)
I'm here giving my 2cents
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@许靖雯 c84一点都不贵,而且在里面是很不错的warrant比起c86那些.
可能就是今天套利的人少过买的人吧,如果,如果你看到母股继续升,可是c84跌的话那你的机会来了,可以hold到到期拿钱,相信31.9对topglov来说很容易,不过market maker也不是笨的啦,一直跌然后你们买来hold过期就死了,亏死,一直跌=premium越少
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@derrick people going crazy, janji goreng without knowing the true value
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Derrick Kang
ya, but they have to know that playing warrant really can burn hand, if they dunno ....
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I think there hv pretty much luck in gloves warrant as u can see premium high/those expensive warrant are the higher gainer hahahha.
But I truly believe one things.People who last lasting are the people trade smart no issue with goreng
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Derrick Kang
but sometimes rite newbie got beginner's luck, experience maybe not dare to buy glove at higher price but they come and buy, and they really win alot due to it
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Correct!!! beginner's luck always happened for them
my experience on Pentamaster was profiting few month with few thousand.But then the more I hv the more I add on without knowing the true value.I almost top up at high price,the consequence come after 1limit down.All my profit gone just left RM300 loss. This is my experience, sharing is caring. I hope everyone back to value investing, value investing make urself sleep well.Same goes to warrant. A temporary luck doesn't means long lasting.
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Derrick Kang
ya as long as the stock is in uptrending, any lower point is a good buy, but not applicable to warrant ya.
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depending what trade u are. I'm noob at trend trade. So I plays what I think I know the most
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Derrick Kang
hahaaa, but im more like to play fifo, so im intact with uptrend stock only
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yayaya swim with the trend is one of the trade ways also as long as u earn money. for fifo u hv to find warrant that "expensive" ohh
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Derrick Kang
correct, but high risk high return, still able to cutloss if fifo, but if wan to hold then really need to really understand le
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sb sb
hi, do correct me if my calculation is wrong. Let's exclude how much Topglove "future" price first. TG price = 26.88, exercise value 18, ratio 20:1. You take 26.88 - 18= 8.88 then divide by 20 = 0.444 which how much the warrant worth now. The only reason people invest in warrant is on the future price on the stock before it matured
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sb sb
you may also use this website to calculate Just need to put in the info and on no of warrant 10k for easy understanding, you shall see the cash settlement is only 4,444 (which is 0.444 before multiply no of warrant). and able to see it is a loss when trade at current warrant price with current TG price
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sb sb
once a time I am also a newbie and invest in warrant because seeing the price is cheap but soon I pay for my mistake. That's how I learn and understand when to invest in warrant, hope those wish to invest in warrant do think about what will be the stock price when it near the warrant matured date and the exercise ratio. Just sharing my experience and no offence. cheers !
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That's is cash settlement amount not future amount.Cash settlement amount will changed if mother share change.
If u want to calculate in this ways.u can see no any one warrant are worthy. Besides, if u can guess the future price,there will be no one play in warrant anymore coz, I buy for betting the breakeven price in future not now,Now of course every warrant are not worthy
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