Ivan Saw's comment on COMFORT. All Comments

Ivan Saw
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Dom Lim
I support your statement .. brought in 3.42 wait till now .... not saying bad still good profit but for this category .. they are bit slow ..
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Ong Meng Khaai
v胜利,不是放掉comfort 和supermax,全力support topgloves吗?还是我看错?
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Ivan Saw
Koon Yew Yin 21 July 2020

Readers should know that I have been recommend to buy Comfort and Supermax when I started buying these 2 stocks a few months ago. Yesterday each of these 2 stocks shot up to established a new record high price.

Yesterday I have posted my article namely “Price Chart can help investors”. After checking the price charts which helped me to make investment decision, I sold Comfort and Supermax to buy Top Glove. The reason is that in the last few months, Supermax has shot up 920%, Comfort shot up 457% and Top Glove shot up only 382%.

There is an old English saying “I put my money where my mouth is” which means I do what I said. Another old English saying “I walk the talk” also means the same thing.

Yesterday I sold 2,521,500 Comfort at Rm4.16 and 1,057,000 Supermax at Rm 18.83 and bought 1,618,200 Top Glove at Rm 25.00. RHB Investment Bank Perak regional manager Mr Sim can confirm this transaction.

Those who have been following my buy recommendation for Comfort and Supermax might feel unhappy because I sold Comfort and Supermax. They should not be unhappy because both of the shares have made new high and they all have made a lot of money. I sold Supermax because it has shot up about 10 times in the last few months. In any case, I do not think its share price will drop because yesterday it has announced that shareholder will be given 1 bonus share for every 2 share you hold. I will buy back at cheaper price after the price correction.
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Ivan Saw
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Ivan Saw
dom lim有赚就出了!这个股好像没有什么会上这样!
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Ivan Saw
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ivam saw哈哈,恭喜你。
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Patricia CW
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patricia cw好久不见了 哈哈。
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Patricia CW
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Patricia CW
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近期比较忙碌哦 ,哈哈
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Patricia CW
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patrcia cw发生什么事了,为何老板这样?
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好久不见了。。神探哥。。 (挥手挥手~)
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Loke CH
欢迎 神探回来 又被解封了 咔咔咔。开玩笑
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大家好~harta是稳定 sup过后必定突破23
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Patricia CW
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fortune trader
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Patricia.. 别担心。。我看你就全职投资股票就好了。。搞不好还赚的比以前多。。lolx
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NL Koh
Patricia, 东家不打,打西家,天无绝人之路。。加油。。 ~~
至于全职投资,需要学好FA (Fundamental Analysis), TA(Techincal Analysis), 风险管理。。。等等。。没学好这些基本投资法,还是劝不要冒险做全职投资者, 很冒险,压力大。。
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Patricia CW
XY Lim + NL Koh
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choo seong Chee
早安 Morning 朋友
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大神們,Ahealth 怎麼看
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