McLaren Lee's comment on ACO. All Comments

McLaren Lee
5 Like · Reply
finally sold out this nightmare at 0.365 which i bought 0.67 goodluck guys
tee tee
0.67 那么高..
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Ah Ho
i knw that feeling :(
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Chris Ang
how much u loss?
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McLaren Lee
3.6k hahaha
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Chris Ang
wah sure u bought many lot
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De Hong Tan
paper loss 5.8k ady ......
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Steve Liew
Omg I loss 7k
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Tan Kean Liang
Keep or run?
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Chris Ang
u paper loss how many
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McLaren Lee
stupid counter next tp 0.05 good luck u all
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Tan Kean Liang
U all loss so much
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Rosalind Teh
Waiting to cut at 3.8
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Nelly Hew
i still holding , from 655 average till 523 ,
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Rosalind Teh
I am average down from 65 to 59. Don’t want to add more now
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Ong Kok Siong
Same.. CL already .. can sleep well now ...
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Rosalind Teh
I am doing in stages now from 0.365 to 0.38... see how long I can last before I throw everything out of patience
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Ong Kok Siong
All the best to you.. let’s hope for the best :)
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Tan Kean Liang
The company seem like not bad and is long run business but just don't know why the share price keep going drop
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Rosalind Teh
Yeah if it’s a slow drop it’s fine. By the gap is getting bigger
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Chris Ang
so rosalind..u fully disposed your shares?
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Rosalind Teh
First batch out. Still waiting for 0.37
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Chris Ang
how much u loss
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Rosalind Teh
In average around 2500
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Rosalind Teh
I did thought to hold until next QR but even with good result, it will not make up the losses unless a miracle news or announcement
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Chris Ang
if u hold u still got hope for miracle to happen.
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Rosalind Teh
Next QR is in Aug?
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Chris Ang
Q1 will be out this month
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Tan Kean Liang
Is long term investment
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Rosalind Teh
Ok 50% thrown now. Will let god decide if the rest matched. Else see if QR helps
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Rosalind Teh
I actually put in the same value in supermx warrant in the morning and sell making even gain of the 50% I lost here. Haiz
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ang ang
haha you are the small little fish that give sharks eat. buy in 0.67 how can you do that. haha
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Ong Kok Siong
wondering what's wrong with this counter... no sign for uptrend
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Rosalind Teh
I finally thrown all. It’s a nightmare! It’s like no news or plan forward from the company. Like take the shareholder money and don’t know do what!
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Chris Ang
you can sleep well tonite
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Rosalind Teh
Yes definitely!
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The chart is very ugly, banker pump and dump, for those who chase high already trap inside. it will trap for few months or years. Of course it will not keep dropping, someday it will technical rebound, but don't expect it can back to the top by this rebound. Good luck
Show more
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De Hong Tan
gg stuck here forever
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De Hong Tan
我我我 真的是惨不忍睹
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De Hong Tan
51楼 不知道什么时候要反弹。。。。。
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Steve Liew
我要跌死了,我还加註 ~~
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De Hong Tan
这里还hold着400lots 太惨了哈哈哈哈哈
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De Hong Tan
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Steve Liew
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McLaren Lee
明天不跌 我切鸡鸡 嘻嘻
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McLaren Lee
i heard company is selling equipment ans material now couls be close down anytime soon
might kena issue PN17 by this week
let wait and see
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Steve Liew
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nicholas so
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Steve Liew
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Steve Liew
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Steve Liew
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nicholas so
steve,你要献祭什么?也是鸡鸡? 还是乌龟头就好,另一半下次才祭
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Steve Liew
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Ong Kok Siong
up liao~ up liao~
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Steve Liew
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Steve Liew
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Ong Kok Siong
huat ahhhh
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Steve Liew
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nicholas so
Now increase, yr new nightmare
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McLaren Lee
i wont regret my decision. at least i wont ever touch this rubbish company
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Chan Michelle
I sold mine and lost RM2.7k, used the money and bought glove counter and now earning more that enough to cover previous losses. No regret at all :D
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Chris Ang
wah u earn so much from gloves counter
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Steve Liew
Finally I win
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Chris Ang
steve u earn a lot too?
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Steve Liew
That day loose 7k, after that I buy back at 0.32,then cut off all today and win 2k
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Rosalind Teh
Congrats! You never give up still monitor haha
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why sell so fast Steve
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Chris Ang
congrats to u steve..earn big money
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Benedict Wong
Kayalah semua
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Steve you buy which glove couter
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Steve Liew
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Rosalind Teh
Finally got news from aco lol
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Steve Liew
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Rosalind Teh
Me too no more tickets liaoo
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