All Comments on VS-WB Reload

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Muhamad Amirullah
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Adakah akan fly last2 minit atau terus terkuburrrr
Jinho Teoh18
masuk kuburnya...hopeless...lepas tangan je..
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Atoi khai
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1 bulan lagi..
Wan Wan
28 may last trading day
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Zi Xian
any chance haha
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Wan Wan
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Jinho Teoh18
3 Like · Reply
last call...bangun atao koma terus...
hosni abu bakar
standby everyone...
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Lee Jackson
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Wong Fook Hin
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Chin William
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Chin William
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Alex Chang
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omega zen
3 Like · Reply
Thank you recover losses by buying 0.005 and sold 0.01
Never touching again bye
Alex Chang
Zen What price u buy
1 Like · 5 months · translate
Chee SIong Lau
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Jinho Teoh18
3 Like · Reply
toilet paper
omega zen
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Buy buy buy more like die die die