All Comments on 99SMART Reload

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mars ku
7 Like · Reply
8分钱的东西卖Rm1.90。这不符合speed 99的经营理念。
chia weng loon
1 Like · 5 days · translate
Kevin Tam
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King Lam
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12 Like · Reply
你们一个个散户都不如一个OKU !!! 有的奥运拿金牌。。。。有的上司公司老板。。你们四肢健全的在这里做酸民???!!!!!
Star Lucky
手套及时有起死回升了,跌100忽然涨50,一样是死 哈哈
2 Like · 1 day · translate
Kevin Tam
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market gambler 股市路人丙
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gogogo im in !!!!!!!!
Meaw meaw Cat
Long term .99
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Stanley 118
Mid term to long term
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ding lee hing
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tp rm 5 ???? u think another ytlp
Total Compound
小心 CEB 里爱打击 pledge securities 之机会主义集团,跑来这里,突击这里高估的 pledged security 炒客。
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Total Compound
(GARP PEG 1) P/E 7.27 ≤ P/E (Intrinsic) ≤ P/E 21.20 (RARP PEROIC 1)

Mid P/E (Intrinsic)
= 100×(√(1.0727×1.2120)−1)
= 14.02

Top Bound IV [ @ P/E 21.20, RARP PEROIC=1 methodology ]
= 21.20×0.0566999
= RM 1.20

Middle Bound IV [ @ P/E 14.02, the Mid P/E (Intrinsic) ]
= 14.02×0.0566999
= RM 0.795

Bottom Bound IV [ @ P/E 7.27, GARP PEG=1 methodology ]
= 7.27×0.0566999
= RM 0.412

Net Assets Per Share (Jun 2024 Q2 TTM)
= (1,134,506-474,506+700,262)÷8,400,000
= RM 0.162

Intrinsic Value is subjected to the Financial Performance Result.

Target Price and Fair Value are subjected to the individual thought.

Fair Value & Target Price ≠ Intrinsic Value.
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mars ku
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Chan Ah Pek
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1. 薪水制度 觉解了没关系
2. 现在一大群游族在tiktok开始来boikot潮流了 因为让他们的人 排酒scan酒 猪肉
3. 第二个 他们版本的”99” 已经在开始了 等他迅速发展 99必定灭亡 除非废除猪和酒 全halal制度 像familymart
Vc Looi
哈哈! 你把他们抬举了,他们的能力是做不到大事业的就连垄断的生意都会亏本,最适合他们的就是无本生意好像税收收入
4 Like · 5 days · translate
Kevin Tam
排啤酒很委屈? 99也不是大部份都有啤酒卖。。
1 Like · 4 days · translate
Bean Yang
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Wait For Chap Shui.....haha ...