All Comments on AIRPORT Reload

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Shojin Manakat
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When date of acquisition will be given?
Alex Chin
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good ?
Kumbhar Desai
This sounds good for AirAsia as it will be the only airline in Bursa. ha
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Lee S K
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last condition precedent from mavcom to be met before can offer to buy and privatised the company. Mavcom so slow while as the foreign authorities also has approved it.
chunye low
eh? today up ? why le???
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Selina Lim
Chunye low up good for us lo 。Now me feel relieved 。Hahaha 。
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Kuli Life
1 Like · Reply
We urge the Malaysia government to close all trade activities with Israel and US asap!
Kuli Life
Jungle also invested by capitalism, bumi ni milik siapa owaiiii
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Kumbhar Desai
Bumi ni belong to God
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Kuli Life
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Mulut cakap boikot tp pakai airport lagi alaaaaaaaaa mcm mana nk maju oiiiii pakai sampan je
Lee Jackie
ini orang gila?
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Jun Lim Ng
3 Like · Reply
Done sold..thank Airport
Buy when around 7 finally can sold out 10+
Kumbhar Desai
Don't think can match it at around RM7 ...
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Jun Lim Ng
I bought long time ago…Rm 7 something
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hong alan
1 Like · Reply
Finally….come come fly high
Khor Hock Lai
2 Like · Reply
i think i wanna hold as a non-listed shareholder. wanna see how MAHB works/ function as non-listed entity. i wanna experience the process of a company being privatized and as a very minor shareholder chose not to sell but hold the share as long as possible or even forever.
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Khor Hock Lai
to sell i believe they will either send document to your home or by fill-in consent form in electronic web-site such as Tricor or Boardrooms or their own which would be notified through e-mail. i did dividend re-investment for CLMT through Tricor site and it was fast and easy.
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Jason Ngu
share will not auto sell.
your reminder will call you accept buyer offer or not?
if you accept, your reminder will process and you will get RM 11(assume buyer offer price is RM 11)
if you don't accept, you shares will remain in the secretary books and nobody can force you to sell even after privatize
After privatize the intended buyer will still offer you to sell and may even higher than RM 11 or lower than RM11
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James Wong
2 Like · Reply
Jom kita satu hati boikot, pakai sampan nanti jangan kena black rock di tengah laut.
chunye low
I think thousands are not many. if PN can rally whole country people then can stop MAHB deal..
1 Like · 2 months · translate
Zikri Hafiq
Hentikan boikot. Tak baik utk ekonomi Malaysia
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