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Top glov Good
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Halim mati kemalangan
Dakdek Power
4 Like · Reply
lost 100k here.. c.b
If you can loss up to millions means you are a rich people.
Like · 2 years · translate
Top glov Good
Halim passs Away
Like · 8 months · translate
Nick Lee
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KNN, CB Halim conman of the Century.
1 Like · Reply
永远的怀念 - 0.9
ahmad zamri yaacob yaacob
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Mapuh doh..
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.....nothing to.say about this...Fxxk it
Tet Wah Law
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saya rm4000 habis la
Tet Wah Law
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Tet Wah Law
Tipu wang sumutec pergi mati
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Jay Yin
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what will happen to shareholders like us?
The RocK
no total lost. become permanent shareholder only
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Jay Yin
yes. if bankrupt then sifferent story liao
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Yussuf Mohd Saleh
2 Like · Reply
malaysian celebrity fatiya latiff loss her 20k here.
Haha. Her own fault. Should know when to cabut instead of become investor.
Like · 2 years · translate
Jiayu Lim
Care for yourself first
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Arash Asri
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buy buy buy. this Thursday will delisted. hahahaha