All Comments on MOBILIA Reload

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ding lee hing
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0229 are you sleeping qr good already like this is qr badly big thing will happen
Alex Tan
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This counter movement walk like turtle.. Anybody home? WHoho....
ding lee hing
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mahu push loh
j hong
lei low mei
no push.... my warrant going to burned
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Steventei Wang Chui
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这个老板不会玩股票 他只玩比股
ding lee hing
he really no idea to play very Starbucks
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Panda Yeong
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Dividend 3%, but sleeping
Alex Tan
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now is competition, who are long life... whoho
Meng Chong Ken
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The most rubbish stock in bursa
Planner IE
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不中用的辣鸡 Larbish
烂泥扶不上墙。。 Balia
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几时要破上去呢? 等着出业绩吗?
Below 20c for long time. Recently result also ok. Hope coming result also good then fly.
1 Like · 1 month · translate
Mat Yuqi
Pending BO 195 .. Then can fly.. Technical okay just waiting to boost up
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