All Comments on XOXNET-WB Reload

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game over....
Bei Kudyn Khan
2 Like · Reply
Ramai kena scam kaunter ni
Edmund Lee
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Hopefully tomorrow can fly higher
pijot ape2ajelah
still sleep
Like · 3 years · translate
Mohd Nizam Ahmad
Already die
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Mohd Irwan Yahaya
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dah 2 tahun tak keluar2..
Nur Tia
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kaunter sampah
jangan terpedeya.. move on to profitable counter. high risk nie.
Like · 1 year · translate
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FW Trader
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cut loss before the warrant has no value..
FW Trader
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back to 0.015-0.02.... wait at 0.01 to average down..
Muhamad Ridzuan
harga boleh jadi 0? dah lost lbh 85peratus dari asal.
Like · 2 years · translate
@muhamad ridzuan, boleh.
Like · 2 years · translate
Riz razman
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stock scammer ni
faiq kamarudin
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ayuhhhhhh bergerakkkk, masanya sudah tibaaaa
expire 2024...
Like · 2 years · translate