hazlamy lamy's comment on GDB. All Comments

hazlamy lamy
4 Like · Reply
Sudahh msukkk comfirm break 0.34
Vincent King
Today will break 0.34
1 Like · 3 weeks · translate
hazlamy lamy
Next week mybe
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San A
Akan ada pull back sikit
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hazlamy lamy
Mybe pullback yg pendek..
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San A
Pull back sikit je, lepas boleh break 0.34, tengok juga CI
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Never Predict
Don't be too underestimating the heavy selling pressure at 0.34-0.35... Pull the horizon longer and you will see why the resistance is said to be heavy.
1 Like · 3 weeks · translate
cham yw
need catalyst to boostup , else might hard to breakout 340 , 350.
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