Cheng Han's comment on RHBBANK. All Comments

Cheng Han
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Wicky Kam
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Wei Xiong
Maybank not yet...just wait only
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你是说rhb 股息是吗
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Wei Xiong
yes. rhb dividend
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Tim Lee Donghye
Just fill in a form for e-dividend with your broker and you received payment exactly on the payment date.
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Wicky Kam
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Yong Jason
收到啦。。谢谢rhb 老板。RM 1250..
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股息到账了呀! 谢谢你兴业银行
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Guan Ling Sim
请问M+ 用,怎么查看dividen 到账了没?Dividen会自动进去M+吗?还是需要填写表格转帐?
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Soo Kai Ng
M+ dividend 会自动进入去之前你给的银行戶口, 基本上当天的 payment date 就收到, 你应该也会收到 statement ( by e-mail ), M+ app 本身应该是查看不到的, 它只可以查看到买卖交易记录, 建议你向你的 reminser 询问详情.
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便宜又在买股息很高1年40 分放5年也有Rm2.00 好股继续收藏
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