Awu Faisal Lubis's comment on SEALINK. All Comments

Awu Faisal Lubis
1 Like · Reply
Baru naik, terus drop
Yuz Md
drop sbb t1... tgk balik t3 atau t4 nnt
2 Like · 6 months · translate
Awu Faisal Lubis
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Sin Sue
drop sebab 1 day show...hahaha
1 Like · 6 months · translate
Wan 9002
Box trading..cantik dia buat hammer…
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William Gui
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momo chick
what now bro
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Eric Ha Chung Zheng
I all in le
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Henry Ng Yong Kang
Walao eric dont come leh wherever u go the stock will drop
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Sin Sue
cos eric is late bird...early bird always get the worm haha
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Eric Ha Chung Zheng
aduh ....sad sad sad
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Henry Ng Yong Kang
Eric can u sell pls hahahahah
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Wan 9002
Juz t3, wait a little bit, still in support line..
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Eric Ha Chung Zheng
yalo scare what haiyooo
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kokkeng88 kokkeng88
I bought a little today and waited for next month's performance.
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