Elezebe Lee's comment on LEFORM. All Comments

Elezebe Lee
4 Like · Reply
Run!!!!! tomorrow will fall more
Hunter Bursa
Hey you said run .. I sold all .. Now 0.28 I sold at 0.265 can you pay me the difference?
1 Like · 9 months · translate
Hdi Top
Sell la I buy more hahahaha
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Paul Ong
Thanks for selling
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Wong Chee Hui
up wo..... u hammer ur chest or not?
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Teoh Hwa
now 0.29 already
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Teoh Hwa
Sky is the limit
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Teoh Hwa
sinkalan see it flying now
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Teoh Hwa
lol run for us to fly
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Wong Chee Hui
tmr may have adjustment
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Teoh Hwa
ops new high, Elezabe runnnnnnn
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fook loong law
你是仙家还是专家? 哈哈哈哈哈哈
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Teoh Hwa
sinkalan Elezebe made many ppl lost huge profit sad, since ask sell 265 yo now ad more than 30% and still flying, take profit target set higher and higher
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second sridge in making. credit to operator
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Teoh Hwa
hihi operator rest one day ur hand x itchy?
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Teoh Hwa
woah庄家还是忍不住直接再推2bids, 加油
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Teoh Hwa
345 gogogo pecah
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Teoh Hwa
hello Sinkalan Elezebe, pain or not u
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Wong Chee Hui
i sell on 0.34... wait it come down to 0.335 i buy again
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Teoh Hwa
congrats Wong, take profit limut keep set higher and higher thanks operator lol gogogo pecah 35sen and sky is ur limit, thanks Elezebe sozai ask ppl sell 265 sen lol
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Teoh Hwa
265sen is the bottom for this round, thereafter fly 11 days until. now 35 sen
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ok time to up car, waiting to sell to operator at 45 sen
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Wong Chee Hui
remember buy more and more. this week limit up
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Wong Chee Hui
if the chart is true, this week may have adjustment a bit
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Teoh Hwa
No need buy more, just hold ur low price ticket and set higher target price will do, if sudden drop u can protect ur profit, or if operator keep pushing then ur profit keep increase :) thanks operator one month push more than 50%
Show more
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Wong Chee Hui
i wait adjustment.....
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Wong Chee Hui
haiyo... drop liao o
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Teoh Hwa
still closed green kuat, operator come come, either push highernor trigger me take profit limit haha
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Wong Chee Hui
i go see widad.... buy 9000 unit.... look like a bit a bit
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Teoh Hwa
gogogo 345 pecah soon again, operator hand so itchy a
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Teoh Hwa
opss can set higher limjt again hahaha thanks operator la
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Teoh Hwa
elepetpet runnnnnnn, even i run also confirm higher than ur 265, 265 is the lowest u asked sold then fly everyday continuoualy 13 days
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Teoh Hwa
no adjustment is needed operator, strong just dare dare go new high and shine
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Teoh Hwa
35sen pecah soon higher 2 bids set
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Teoh Hwa
ok closw 35sen today and tml go 36sen and so on, be like scib gogogo
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Teoh Hwa
everyday can set take profit limjt higher, evday few k profit
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Teoh Hwa
continue up for 13 days!!!! thanks operator, elepet petttt runnnnnnnnnn
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Teoh Hwa
guys rmb to set ur take profit limit in case operator do indian movie, for sure profit ad just how much profit can go
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Teoh Hwa
35sen clearing, 355sen clear shortly then close 36sen
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Teoh Hwa
5k lot 5k lot eat gogogo
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Teoh Hwa
top3 volume as 355
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Teoh Hwa
another bid take profit limit higher
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Paul Ong
Indian movie again?
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Teoh Hwa
yea eat all ad hahaha
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Teoh Hwa
always indian operator, set ur limit and watch shows can ad
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Teoh Hwa
now approaching 355 sen again
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Paul Ong
Suddenly come out 270++ trader
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Teoh Hwa
those can ignore, see 355sen seller reduced lot ad all change go 35
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Teoh Hwa
indian movie, see when operator want end lo, else just wait silently, set ur limit
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Teoh Hwa
indian movie end, continue greem
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Teoh Hwa
ops close green, take profit limit set higher 1 bid, tomorrow another 2 bids and so on
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Teoh Hwa
pepet leeee runnnnnnnnnn
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Teoh Hwa
petpetleee runnnnn ask ppl run 265 and 265 is the lowest and now 365 is new high and take profit limit ad set higher, from pekpek lee ask sell ad up 50% from cost, double up soon runnn
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Paul Ong
Hahahaha pekpek leee is quite jealous now. Even I sell at 350 I still feeling happy because pekpek lee no inside
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Teoh Hwa
pekpeklee gv u another pphb, let see it goreng
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Teoh Hwa
pekpekleeeeee 365 clearing
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Teoh Hwa
pekpekleeeeee runnnnnnnnnn is 37 now!!!!!! on fire!!!!
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Teoh Hwa
today take profit limit can set 3 bids higher happy
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Teoh Hwa
operator thanks thanks
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Teoh Hwa
pekpeklee runnnnn 37 sen clesred 11sen higher than ur runnnnnnn
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Teoh Hwa
since pekpeklee runnnnn then continue up 18days
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Teoh Hwa
pekpekleeee is 375 nowwwwww take profit limit is 4 bids higher now!!!!!!!!!!!
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Teoh Hwa
wa painful petpetlee from 265 to 38 clearing now,sold lowest compare now new high
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Gregory Smith
thank you u run, gave me cheap tickets
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Paul Ong
We should thanks pekpek leeeeee!
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Teoh Hwa
closed 385 already take profit limit set 2 bids higher again
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Teoh Hwa
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Teoh Hwa
pekpeklee dont jealous my take profit limjt can set higher and higher everyday
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Teoh Hwa
39 almost can set 2 bids higher today?
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Teoh Hwa
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Teoh Hwa
pekpeklee 40sen soon today, how
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Teoh Hwa
vs ur 265 how
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Teoh Hwa
pekpeklee.......since u said run then 265 to now 40 sen, dont hammer ur chest le
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Teoh Hwa
40sen sapu ad, 2 bids higher take profit limit, evday 2 bids higher where to find such stock until it trigger, second sridge
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Teoh Hwa
thanks operator free a bmw for cny angpau, want push more or how, let see
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Teoh Hwa
still indian movie atm lol operator
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Teoh Hwa
still so tank, want push higher? wash wash
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Teoh Hwa
come come trigger my take profit limit, then we can plan for year 2024 ad, great car for merry christamas and cny
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Teoh Hwa
lol still indian movie operator, pull down 345 and now pull back 375,macam sridge scib
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Teoh Hwa
if today can close 37-375 above the shows still ongoing, see scib dated 1 dec hoho
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Teoh Hwa
the volume throw just now is low, washing ikan bilis, unless huge volume throw and come trigger only run
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Teoh Hwa
who still with me 1 wait earn another car since operator still wash just now but not run
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Teoh Hwa
385 now, finish wash, the down shadownline so long like scib 1st dec. u got reference from. scib what happen after that
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Teoh Hwa
the chart is new high, scare what lol, so. long operator no throw huge volume it still survive and break next new high
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Teoh Hwa
who still with me, get ur christmas gift snd cny car ya
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Chun Kiet Yew
wish to add more, but price got Abit scary
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Teoh Hwa
395 ad pekpeklee, today wash then closed new high, what it means hoho, u know i know
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Teoh Hwa
pekpek lee is 40sen now......... hihi
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Teoh Hwa
who still v me come out congrats ur new car and christmas gift and cny angpau
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Teoh Hwa
congrats too, grab the angpau, just set stop limit and wait it give maybe another car
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Teoh Hwa
40 sen sapu bye
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Teoh Hwa
scib continue up, sridge cont up, leform cont up!!!
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Teoh Hwa
to be exact contiously fly 1month after pekpeklee runnnnn
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Teoh Hwa
woah today 4 bids higher limit gogogo
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Teoh Hwa
seem got chance generate another car
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Teoh Hwa
41 sapuuuuuu
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Teoh Hwa
50sen coming then can more than 130% and can see higher value car
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Teoh Hwa
closed 41 sen, take profitnlimit another 4 bids higher congrats again all
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