Richard fth's comment on HIBISCS. All Comments

Richard fth
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Sudah cakap beli dengan cepat sebelum share consolidation. Now share is value at 2.83. ha ha ha
B Jack
excuse me, what so great about value at 2.83?
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Richard fth
Buy early when share is value at less than 1.09
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Helffi Helmi
Dude.. U have been trapped with share console man..

U need to understand, share console is not similar to rights issue or shares split

Be careful that u are currently owed to their company with the difference of RM2.83 - RM1.09 = RM1.74 and u need to pay additional for your shares if you perform short selling

Meaning that u sell at your existing lot instead of your actual lot after adjustment.. U may see green profit figure, however, it is not.
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Mr. Z
@Helffi Helmi, not sure if you really understand what you just spoken.
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Helffi Helmi
I make it simple

If you bought the shares of 30K and company announced for share console with 5 existing share for 2 new sharea, meaning that u will only receive 12K shares.

The extra of 18K should be paid off in order to meet the 30K shares in shares console man..

U may see green profit, but once you sell it, u will not receive in full as you may receive penalties or might be a loss for you.

You can only sell up to 12K shares only bro..
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Helffi Helmi
So frankly speaking, even u see green profit but u still need to pay extra for the difference of RM1.74 (RM2.83 - RM1.09) which is a further cost for you.

No company will give you free profit or return like that. They just use share console to avoid the shares from dropping.. Thats all..

Dont get trap with share console
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Helffi Helmi
Thats why dont get trap.. U need to know the difference between
1) split shares
2) share console (between the original shares and warrant)
3) mergers and acquisitions shares combined (between company A and Company B)
4) Rights issues..

In this issue consider as no 2, you may see profit but u have been trapped with further costs to meet the shares obligations..
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Mr. Z
@Helffi Helmi you make my day. good luck beginner
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Helffi Helmi
Lorh.. Unless your broker make it auto adjustment, then there is no effect on your short selling..

This is for those people who selling it at the current shares owned..

Auto adjustment, then there is no worried..
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Helffi Helmi
And lastly, your shares also no different as the market cap does not change but our lot has dropped..

So nothing with shares console.. What can i say it is just to increase the companys share price only but our value owned will not change at all though u see green profit.

Dont say beginner when u dont have the knowledge haha..
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Mr. Z
try harder. I think u can get it eventually. Good Luck
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Helffi Helmi
Be careful for the platform is not being adjusted, you may get trap by short selling and you will need to pay extra cost to your broker..

And lastly, be awarw that, shares console is just neutralise the companys share price and if u see green profit, it is just non-adjusted figure in your platform.

Beware of this shares console
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Helffi Helmi
Try harder?.. U will see later on when u sell it.. Hahaha

Either you get nothing after lot adjustment or you may receive penalties for short selling.. Later comment here, okayhhh

Be careful okayhh
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Mr. Z
Dont worry. I'm not owning this share. I just seeing someone sharing wrong information yet still proud of it. Just study more ya. Good Luck.
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Helffi Helmi
Sharing wrong information?

I think u should learn more on this hahaha..

No need to teach me.. Hahha
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Helffi Helmi
Lastly, if u really understand short selling, please explain here and let me confirm you are genuine investor hahaha
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Helffi Helmi
Please share now, what u understand about short selling.. I wanna know since you have read a lot of information haha
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Mr. Z
Hilarious. Nothing to do with short selling here dude. Read the text properly. People had said buy before share consol. You did not need to pay for additional share. The value of your holding will not change before or after share consol. There are no losses nor profit nor additional cost incurred from this share console exercise. Just get the fundamental right 1st, dude. Good luck learning.
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Helffi Helmi
Then it is correct to my insights man

Meaning that is it neutral shares and no benefits you earned as the shares you owned will reduce your lot if your platform has made an adjustment but certain platform does not make any changes.

If your broker platform does not make any changes to your shares allotment, easily to say you are making short selling man if u sell it after ex and broker might incur 10 bids penalties for you if you are not buying-in the difference if u sell before adjustments.
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Helffi Helmi
The benefit here for these shares consolidation is just improving the companys share price but there will be no changes to the market capitalisation of the company.

Meaning that your lot will drop from the existing to new lot value. So, it become neutral. You still not earn any profit from consolidation.

What i am going to say here, it is for anyone who uses platform which does not make any auto-adjustments and it will affect them to pay broker for the difference of short selling..
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Mr. Z
It won't. Read the announcement on ex and entitlement date. List down which platform did not reflect the effective share. You are more than welcome to report to Bursa.
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Helffi Helmi
Dude, u cannot simply look at the announcement zz..

U must read the general rules of shares consolidation. What have been stated it is just basis for investor but you must get the understanding on the shares consolidation itself.

I think you are the one still beginner man.. Only mplus that will make an adjustment to your lot of shares but other platform might be different from mplus.

Thats why i said beware. It is not broker problem as yourself should understand it first. They are broker
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Helffi Helmi
Further, u must understand shares consolidation will no have effect on the profit nor deficit as it will reduce shares allotment (lot)

So, the risk is that, certain broker platform, they will not make any post-adjustments on their shares and people assuming they make profit, however, they are not.

So, beware!! Shares consolidation is just to improve the share price of the company and not to give free profit nor deficit return on you.
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2 Like · 11 months · translate
Helffi Helmi
If u bought the shares before ex date and u applied for shares consolidation, trust me u get nothing as your value still same due to the lot reductions eventhough it presents you a return with green figures but you are not.

If u purchase after the ex date, you may gain benefit as normal trader instead of.

I hope u crystal clear with the basis man zzz..

I think u should learn more on this shares consolidation man.. It is advisable to avoid shares consolidations man..
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1 Like · 11 months · translate
PeYJ Chen
Don’t waste your time helmi, stupid ppl let them be fool always…
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Helffi Helmi
Haha.. Alright bruh haha
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Richard fth
Remember PublicBank share consolodation 2 to1 . what happen ?
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Helffi Helmi
Idk about public bank, i am not use to it, but just be careful..

In portfolio, u may get positive return after console but certain broker may have not made any post-adjustments on its LOT of shares.

Bear in mind, share console will only improve the company's share price but the market cap still remain the same. It means that your lot should drop from your current/existing shares.

You may short selling if the post-adjustments has not been made by the broker and u need to pay the extra costs
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Puvan Karupaya
Keep talking
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Helffi Helmi
Frankly speaking, these share consolidation just to improve company's share price and not for you to make a profit immediately. It is to attract new investor into this stocks.. Thats all..

Some people expect they make positive return, which is not!
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Helffi Helmi
Keep talking? when u simply think u get 150% return immediately?

Dont spread false information.. Alright
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stock bull
share cnsol give neutral effect on share price, hbscs bullish due to oil trend now,as investor speculate on future eps on hbscs
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Puvan Karupaya
? who is talking about 150% ….. 30% good enough for me …. Btw what are u doing here ?
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