Chai Voon Chong's comment on SKYWLD. All Comments

Chai Voon Chong
6 Like · Reply
Clear manipulation of price. Keep pressing down
Mohd Rahim
dia press harga turun.....supaya ramai kena margin call
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Chai Voon Chong
But then who get benefits? Same in the boat at lowest price. Unless they press to collect, then those kena, then move up only can untung
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Nick Chung
0.5 come come........
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Chai Voon Chong
Today volume is huge, hope the press is over
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Steven Gan
550 sudah break,jaga oh....All In 450!!!
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Steven Gan
sudah lepas 60hari,Big Boss sudah mau cash out,Run Run Run,big boss jual tiket liao
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big boss mana ada jual....annoument mesti ada
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Steven Gan
nanti annoucement sudah mari,biasa sudah Jual annoucement after feel day baru keluar ma
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Steven Gan
mana ada orang skrg jual skrg kasi annoucement 1,Aduhhhhh.....
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big boss 6 months cannot tread la
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Steven Gan
Jual Jual Jual,Tak jatuh apa macam limit up!!!
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mcm tu hexind profit up 2x but drop....
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Ong King
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Chai Voon Chong
No eye see. Just listed already keep kena hantam
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Chai Voon Chong
Non stop keep selling, like those share on hand no value like that . Kanasai
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Steven Gan
today before 5pm can reach 50cent or not?
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Steven Gan
look like banyak orang Jual Jual 525
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Nick Chung
sell sell sell go other stocks...
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Steven Gan
4pm jatuh lari kuat!!!!Run Run Run!!!!!
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Steven Gan
515 liao!!!!!0.4 coming!!!!!
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gogogo! 0.3 then hoot 9e
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Steven Gan
i 0.4 All In!!!!!
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chong desmond
50 cents coming I waiting
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Chai Voon Chong
The selling pressure is very very strong.
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Steven Gan
i still waiting!!!!!!
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Chai Voon Chong
520 Ada , siapa sailang and all in ?
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Chai Voon Chong
Dunno which side? But most likely the bad side of magic kanasai
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Steven Gan
520 x berani Sai Lang...still down trend,sudah masuk then go Hollan mOoon liao
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chong desmond
slow slow collect
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Steven Gan
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Chai Voon Chong
.540 12k volume , so many queue to sell meh, direct throw better
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Chai Voon Chong
Now need magic hand to make queue disappear and move up , but likely won’t happen lol
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Chai Voon Chong
From annual report so many fund la, big name la etc hold it. It same all also kena con gao gao
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Nick Chung
really funny, other property up this drop xd
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Chai Voon Chong
Not only that now see the trend still wan to press lower. Maybe this company so many musuh.
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Chai Voon Chong
Curse those pressing down bad luck in all their investment
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Nick Chung
Vietnam property collapse ma.. directors go proposed acquisition..
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Chai Voon Chong
As business man , sure buy during the collapse time for better deal
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This is share market if u confident u will get ur money back in years it is a process
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Chai Voon Chong
Hope today is just not one day show
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Ong King
hope tmr continue the trend
3 Like · 9 months · translate
Chai Voon Chong
Stabilised . Hopefully keep gradually up then drastic drop hehe
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Chai Voon Chong
The major shareholder start to acquire from open market. Good sign
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Ong King
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Ong King
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