King 888's comment on HEXIND. All Comments

King 888
11 Like · Reply
Bye Hexind below 0.40 soon
King 888
Dato banyak kaunter pegang, entah bila dia dtg balik jumpa kami Hexind
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SaidGmail Ismail
Hahaha.. Kaki aku pun gegar gini..
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Tok Tiong
mcm double bottom ni. blh tahan ka?
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King 888
Is bottomless …. x_x habis kaunter ni.
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Tok Tiong
volume start coming back.
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Tok Tiong
Transfer to main board
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King 888
Yeah… but no date
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I left this counter a year ago, now still the same, result so so only, dato tak da goreng it
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Tok Tiong
Mainboard news also cant help hexind.
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King 888
Dato don’t want this counter up, we small fry can’t do anything. He Controlled at least 60% of the nosh.
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af chong
1% already can limit up
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没有装要买hahaha 什么我是投資者 吃大便 smi 亏$ 还大起 25cents
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now klse is rebounding, go out and look for other stocks, this one tak boleh pakai
1 Like · 3 weeks · translate
总之 那条托衰家有股份 或间接有股份 都不会起
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Tok Tiong
Dato dont wan do data centre?
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King 888
Dato want to do everything including investment centre :)
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af chong
dato tanam durian
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dato tanam ubi kentang
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af chong
dato mampus
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King 888
Run before break new low
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throw la......this can not buy.....老千
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SaidGmail Ismail
Shift to layhong laaa..
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Tok Tiong
oii.. smlm suruh cut loss.. hari ni terbang ka?
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faizi ibrahimshah
BO alert maa
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Tok Tiong
habis bang king dah cl?
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King 888
I duduk condo tingkat 6 , bini I duduk tingkat 7
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af chong
hexcap bring up
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hexcap old names is opcom
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Tok Tiong
tunggu tingkat 4. Dato Ong dah balik
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af chong
rocket 50sen terima kasih
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throw 0.365 mau fisnish hahaha. ..sama dulu tak pecah 0.37 haha... rubbish
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Chong YL
Why you keep commenting here if you think this is rubbish stock, such a clown
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af chong
haha Jay炒 ~
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Tok Tiong
He worry ppl kena con by Dato
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Tok Tiong
Lets break d short term rst
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King 888
Enough rise for this week , next week continue . Happy long weekend
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Tok Tiong
Siap transfer to mainboard hari ni. Kasi jalan EO
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King 888
Belum… tunggu green light lepas BURSA. Mungkin minggu depan.
Tapi asyik tipu jer hexind, naik lepas turun balik…
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k8 sudah biasa lah.....tak guna....asik tipu .,dato tiada duit. haha
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market gambler 股市路人丙
will fly together with his bro hexrtl
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Tok Tiong
Macam mau jln dah
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market gambler 股市路人丙
hahaha yea gerak dah
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King 888
Tipu la, jgn turun balik masa tutup
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Lower thirties sudah formed. Next higher forties boleh tak?
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Tok Tiong
380 dah. sdh break short term rst
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market gambler 股市路人丙
guess it will check in 0.45 ding dong and retrace and fly high again!!!
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Chong YL
that clown comes back adi ya, keep talking rubbish
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Tok Tiong
EMA200 also breakout.
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steady sikit. later emo. keep calm.
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King 888
To the moon ….
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market gambler 股市路人丙
hahah i tp abit ya thansk dato Eddie ong
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SaidGmail Ismail
mggu depan drop kawkaw.. 1 day show
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Tok Tiong
@bang king... selepas 283 hari.. dia balik 400
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af chong
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Tok Tiong
450 today. conso for so long
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finish dah....0.385 day show
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Elizabeth Tan
really like one day show only lol where is eddie help this share push up
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King 888
Pending Bursa to give notice to transfer .
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Tok Tiong
up again. today try again.
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af chong
0.48 got hope
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King 888
Macam create volume saje
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if we can wait for lower thirties for months, waiting for higher forties should not be a problem right?
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King 888
Let’s see Friday
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Tok Tiong
Finally confirmed.
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confirmed higher forties incoming?
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af chong
confirm fry
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Tok Tiong
after transfer to mainboard, what is n3xt?
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returning to higher forties first.
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Tok Tiong
450 today...
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now 40 already, and next?
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higher forties first :)
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Tok Tiong
450 gogo. Bro King and 郭。。
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King 888
Go go go
Today Closing must stay above 0.43! Fingers crossed
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af chong
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Tok Tiong
450 455 open price. keep the momentum
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af chong
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Thank you Mr. Market :)
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转主板 消息 然后 切认了
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SaidGmail Ismail
keluar la dulu, nanti dia naik 50sen kita masuk semula
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Kalau you kata dia akan naik 50sen, Kalau keluar sekarang, jadi akan kurang untunglah tu, kenapa x mau stay terus dapat untung?
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ok lah tu. ada yang beli ada yang jual. janji happy sambil berkongsi pendapat. ikut je plan masing2
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King 888
Will this counter overtake hextar or hextech and become the phoenix of all the “hex” counters in Bursa?
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Tok Tiong
Ismail bukan sudah swap ke layhong masa 335 ka?
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wah, king888... rise like a phoenix from the lower thirties ashes :)
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SaidGmail Ismail
Simpan.. masih simpan lebih separuh .. At least sudah dpt profit 20% la hexind.. Ada balance lagi sikit.. Layhong pulak yang belum naik.
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SaidGmail Ismail
Layhong, ayam bertelur tapi sudah jatuh lantai, telur pecah. EsOS kacau. Last minit
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af chong
lagi simpan lagi trap condo mewah
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market gambler 股市路人丙
shooting star.........
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SaidGmail Ismail
kita kutip semula kalau dia turun sampai 0.420 (fibo 0.618)
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af chong
0.33 see you again,few months ago I trap like this way
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King 888
Roller coaster
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Tok Tiong
conso a while before moving up
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King 888
@Tiong , can top up ?
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Tok Tiong
@king.. I no top up. EO difficult to guess
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King 888
Chart still uptrend… 2nd waive should be coming
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Tok Tiong
ready to go further today?
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King 888
Coming… 30months of waiting. Will up from now onwards till 2025 :)
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King 888
Standby standby
Fly anytime
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