Wesley Ngoi's comment on HEXCAP. All Comments

Wesley Ngoi
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walau….why drop so mumuch….needo cut loss liao
Zhuo Wei Ngim
anyone know what happen?
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Zhikang Sim
Dato Ong don't want to push la
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anak malaysia
PP done at .69 . Now not very good downtrend, wait for the new direction first.
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GC Lim
good entry price. good risk Vs reward
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Hard Floor Cafe
jangan tangkap pisau wor..
itu lantai belom kuat lagi
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Zou Ka Leong
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Adam Aiman
News link cannot read. Must pay
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anak malaysia
actually now price already discount from PP price, just wait , will slowy rebound
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Hard Floor Cafe
tomorrow sell on news,
bearish chart already priced in that news - it's not a secret that they've acquired T&J corp.

don't get trapped,
but if it flies, will be happy 4u *clap2
Show more
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GC Lim
haha. even tossing a coin is more accurate than the "expert" fortune tellers here
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Zou Ka Leong
No more ikan bills? All cut loss ?
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GC Lim
"sell on news" is only applicable for some stocks that go up a lot because they already knew about it before the announcement. Did this stock go up a lot before the announcement?
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Hard Floor Cafe
I love tossing coins and keep cash while waiting on the sidelines :)
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Zou Ka Leong
2500000 unit. Traded in 5min
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Pali Palito
Eddie ong sapu 2500000
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Zou Ka Leong
Not from open market,
Transfer form small acc to big acc
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2akc darren
This is good stock..that's why he sapu the stock....now just waiting to rebound only..be patient ya...
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Zhikang Sim
waiting rebound already heard more than 8 months haha
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Adam Aiman
When jerung nak play this counter
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Hard Floor Cafe
warned fellas here the other day...
all Eddie stocks going down..
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GC Lim
some attention seeking fortune teller back to her cave. that's why she's forever a homeless beggar with a stray dog. haha
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GC Lim
that's why you don't blindly sell when others sell and blindly buy when others buy or you will end up with a stray dog.
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Hard Floor Cafe
lol better having a dog as a companion, rather than being a stray dog itself who hid his tails btw its legs when price crashed for the past one month, diam je... sudah rebound baru maw keluar gua? lol
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GC Lim
people are earning money here but some douche came here to earn some pointless ego. whatever if it makes you feel better. lol
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