Kuman Raja's comment on REVENUE. All Comments

Kuman Raja
53 Like · Reply
Like · 1 year · translate
hoot 啊 huat 啦
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报告报告kuman raja 19天不敢上线了....drop until diam diam..... wasabi 老姨也不敢出现在这里hahahahaha.....
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Steven Gan
Hoot 9 Eeeeeeee
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bppoh75 poh
hopeless stock, why waste time discussing
4 Like · 1 year · translate
where hopeless ?!?! company bankrupt liao meh...still good future...the company keep recruiting new staffss de lo...!!!
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Sian Jin Low
biiiiiiii, 你出现了!!!!!!
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恐龙卡兰 bibibibi
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Kevin Trum
REVENUE no revenue,hahaha lapsap ever
5 Like · 1 year · translate
Steven Gan
konglang kanlang kan
konglang kanlang kan
1 Like · 1 year · translate
one s@hei relies a company's kpi based on recruitment of staff....kakakaka...what a potato statement that is....no wonder lost so much on revenue.....
5 Like · 1 year · translate
market so bad BUT Revenue drop bit only...nothing will affect Revenue also !!! worry what ???????
1 Like · 1 year · translate
all other stocks at all time high prices...only revenue at all time low....drop from Rm 2 to 0.20.....habis lah....going to drop below 0.20 to 0.15 soon......habis lah....
6 Like · 1 year · translate
怎样 怎样 怎样了!!!!!全部去找静静了。。。。笑死
5 Like · 1 year · translate
huhu...stable price company under this kind of red market....apa lu mau lagi..alibiliiiii
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revenue stable until all time low wor.....kakaka..look at hextech and uems going up so much until now....
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Steven Gan
1 Like · 1 year · translate
hoot 9 eeee fly to the mooon....kakakaka
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Itz Kai
1 Like · 1 year · translate
有个s@hei.以为自己捞底了天天fly to the moon...不到几天时间就到处 hollan.lo
..gg loh...还脑羞成怒,,,你看你老姨害到那么多人亏大本咯。。。
7 Like · 1 year · translate
alibili 根本就是灾星。。。买什么输什么。。。。自己都不懂自己在搞什么。。。只懂一看到我就咬。。。。唉。。。回头是岸吧。。。那么多年了跟我嘴硬的是没有好下场的。。。。
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Hahaha...我买了底位hextech and uems 我喔。。。你就妒忌我了一年。。。hahahaha......
6 Like · 1 year · translate
还有还有。。你唱坏的ytlpower 我买在高位1.70 也赚了喔。。。。kakaka.....
5 Like · 1 year · translate
老姨输到sabi 了快点去hextech. 那里看看这一年里你写了什么。。。kakakaka.....
6 Like · 1 year · translate
Marshall T.H.J.
Overall trend for this share still go down oh, ALIBILI CHG. Hahahahahahhahahahahhahaha kakakakkakakakkakakakakakakka hahahhahahhahahahha wawawawawawawawawa hahahhahahhahhahahhahahha Hahahahahahhahahahahhahaha kakakakkakakakkakakakakakakka hahahhahahhahahahha wawawawawawawawawa hahahhahahhahhahahhahahha Hahahahahahhahahahahhahaha kakakakkakakakkakakakakakakka hahahhahahhahahahha wawawawawawawawawa hahahhahahhahhahahhahahha Hahahahahahhahahahahhahaha kakakakkakakakkakakakakakakka hahahhahahhahahahha wawawawawawawawawa hahahhahahhahhahahhahahha Hahahahahahhahahahahhahaha kakakakkakakakkakakakakakakka hahahhahahhahahahha wawawawawawawawawa hahahhahahhahhahahhahahha Hahahahahahhahahahahhahaha kakakakkakakakkakakakakakakka hahahhahahhahahahha wawawawawawawawawa hahahhahahhahhahahhahahha Hahahahahahhahahahahhahaha kakakakkakakakkakakakakakakka hahahhahahhahahahha wawawawawawawawawa hahahhahahhahhahahhahahha Hahahahahahhahahahahhahaha kakakakkakakakkakakakakakakka hahahhahahhahahahha wawawawawawawawawa hahahhahahhahhahahhahahha Hahahahahahhahahahahhahaha kakakakkakakakkakakakakakakka hahahhahahhahahahha wawawawawawawawawa hahahhahahhahhahahhahahha Hahahahahahhahahahahhahaha kakakakkakakakkakakakakakakka hahahhahahhahahahha wawawawawawawawawa hahahhahahhahhahahhahahha Hahahahahahhahahahahhahaha kakakakkakakakkakakakakakakka hahahhahahhahahahha wawawawawawawawawa hahahhahahhahhahahhahahha Hahahahahahhahahahahhahaha kakakakkakakakkakakakakakakka hahahhahahhahahahha wawawawawawawawawa hahahhahahhahhahahhahahha
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5 Like · 1 year · translate
@marshall...this sabi lost until sot liao....he got trapped in asb, scable,ewint ipo and many more....no wonder he creates so many different accounts to console himself and trap newbies into his troubled company...so black heart.
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Lionel Essi
I found here really got alot water fishes syok sendiri .hope them recover soon . good luck
5 Like · 1 year · translate
1 Like · 1 year · translate
start engine now
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half a cent can really.make a loser so happy....kakakakaka....gogogogo
2 Like · 1 year · translate
bppoh75 poh
Hahaha, u spotted it
3 Like · 1 year · translate
@bppoh75. beware of 老姨wasabi and 小号are the same person....left brain happy...right brain follow suit...
4 Like · 1 year · translate
All in…. Hoot9e hahahahahahaha
1 Like · 1 year · translate
4 Like · 1 year · translate
gogogog. 6%+++++
1 Like · 1 year · translate
Today limit up! Hoot92
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Itz Kai
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白7 wasabi 老姨删贴咯。。。hahahaha
9 Like · 1 year · translate
alibiliiii..mana you pergi liaooo..kesiannn..kena wash out from the market......
Like · 11 months · translate
Sian Jin Low
1 Like · 11 months · translate
看他几时认输(ノ#-_-)ノ哈哈哈哈 现在他被洗出局了...可怜!sian 快点介绍股给我!!!
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alibi 我相信他得罪不少人吧。我买revenue 都被他shoot .
1 Like · 11 months · translate
alibiliiii seee...up jor wor Revenueeee !!!!
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Allan Tan
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Steven Gan
All In!!!!!!!!!!
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Steven Gan
Revenue Big Up!!!!Besok Limit Limit Up Up Up!!!!!wahahaha
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Eric 2002
up up up to the sky
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Aron Lim
Gogogogo big revenue there lets go budy
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Steven Gan
1 QR Revenue = before 1 years Revenue....wahahahahaha
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Steven Gan
Big Boss banyak Rajin cari Sale ya...but sama Rugi profit,wakakaka
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Aron Lim
Surprisingly this qr should have more investor going to seek a high future in revenue haha
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Aron Lim
The revenue is higher than whole year compared to previous really shock
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Steven Gan
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Steven Gan
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Aron Lim
Revenue我捞过 越捞越低的
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Aron Lim
等他稳定点 在来捞啊
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Aron Lim
那些ipo科技股 我觉得有些可以开始慢慢收了 明年就赚钱了
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Steven Gan
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Aron Lim
放多点去稳定的吧 哈哈
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Steven Gan
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Aron Lim
如果是这样 暂时休息呗
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Aron Lim
之后在玩 也没事的 。。
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Steven Gan
1 Like · 10 months · translate
Eric 2002
老板有诚意的话,来个0.15 我支持3000块。LOL
1 Like · 10 months · translate
Marshall T.H.J.
Now no more 3 brothers related (since last year) inside after sold all their REVENUE shares become 0 based on the latest AR2023 of REVENUE already.
Like · 7 months · translate
bppoh75 poh
2024 still got people care about this company?
2 Like · 7 months · translate
Lionel Essi
Why REVENUE still no yet change name to LOSS. good luck
3 Like · 7 months · translate
Jonz Wikk
who still buys this stock?
2 Like · 7 months · translate
Kelvin Kelson
Scam counter under mafia group.
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Jayden Wong
这个股 别再提了 我刚进入市场时 给朋友讲到好像神那样 hairzzz
2 Like · 6 months · translate
bppoh75 poh
why waste ur life in this rubbish?
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Kelvin Kelson
Agree bppoh75. Do not waste time on con counter like this. If price up so be it. Let them goreng among themselves. Don't ever get trap on this counter.
3 Like · 6 months · translate
bppoh75 poh
Kelvin, the earlier we wake up from the scam counter ,the earlier we r on the right path to value investing
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Kelvin Kelson
Spot on bro bppoh75. Dont let this scammers keep on using their dirty tricks.
3 Like · 6 months · translate
Kelvin Kelson
Mafia group Francis Leong appointed as exe director of Hong Seng. All this con counters under mafia group are up to no good again. Lets wait when all this counters will be delisted.
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Lee Biu Ghze
Mafia group’s group of companies HQed at Tropicana! Used to be such a great potential company!
2 Like · 5 months · translate
gai lo。gai lo。loss until niaxa cant recognize ald
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Kelvin Kelson
On the way to below 0.15. Under Francis Leong mafia group con counter, all will become penny stocks. You can do it Francis
1 Like · 5 months · translate
wow all time low....where is this kuman raja, vasabi 老姨 and the gang who always promote revenue rm2 gogogo....??
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Lionel Essi
Revenue should not change name to LOSS.. Should change name to TOTAL LOSS.. good luck.
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Kok Meng Lee
before TOTAL LOSS, sure will pull some ikan bilis and burn them alive
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Kelvin Kelson
Con counter ma. For those still want to buy good luck. This rubbish stock long gone!! Still trust mafia group under Victor Chin and Francis Leong?
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Kok Meng Lee
the Nasdaq share also going down the same path
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Kelvin Kelson
Now with war, this con counter soon down to 0.10.
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Bee Leong Teoh
Where is kuman raja and vasabi nancy 老姨who trapped newbies into this konkon counter??
3 Like · 5 months · translate
Kok Meng Lee
when they start making noise then it means time to goreng the stock to con people again
4 Like · 5 months · translate
Bee Leong Teoh
this kuman raja vasabi nancy 老姨so quiet about revenue now... dare not even defend revenue anymore..... where is the Rm 2 gogogo that u shouted about????
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Kelvin Kelson
Con too many smaller investors till no one dare to touch this con counter. Haha
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4 Like · 5 months · translate
Kelvin Kelson
Aiyo, no show time today
4 Like · 4 months · translate
Kelvin Kelson
Mafia group con too many investors. Haha
3 Like · 3 months · translate
Price still very stable ! unlike other stocks day day keep dropping...
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Kelvin Kelson
Of course stable. Rm 2 plus to 0.22. Many jumped building already. Haha
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Bee Leong Teoh
All time LOW........ vasabi nancy 老姨,kuman raja, 歪歪, zhikang sim, maijiushi, kelvin koo, esmen chan and the gang pok kai liao...
3 Like · 2 months · translate
Bee Leong Teoh
omg omg OMG breaking historical all time LOW.....
2 Like · 4 days · translate
somebody lose monies kaw,kaw....come here cry dad cry mum....hahaha
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Bee Leong Teoh
this counter will drop further..... beware......
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Lionel Essi
I want see this counter become - 0.05. First 'revenue' company with negative price. Good luck
4 Like · 4 days · translate
bppoh75 poh
Hahaha, lousy super lousy company
3 Like · 3 days · translate