Mohd Alif Jahidi's comment on CAPITALA. All Comments

Mohd Alif Jahidi
2 Like · Reply
i still not understand why this PN17 CAPITALA company cant crashed quickly to rm 0.030 like SERBADK
Jing Wen
very easy. coz air asia account does not have issues. integrity issue
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ultimate kangkung
care to explain what you mean no issue? literally going to be delisted soon and the debts is unrecoverable.
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ultimate kangkung
please enlighten me
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Rocket Force
simple, fully trusted from major shareholders to the management. Recovery insight dy, no reason to let go now. Everyone know why was the bad thing due to
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Jing Wen
i not sure why ppl trying to challenge.
the statement i made is for the company integrity.
but anyway, it is just a short answer for the situation ppl asking. it doesn't meant buy call
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ultimate kangkung
when the owners are not honest, recovery is a big question mark....only time will tell
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yutaka tong
end of month qr risk..... normally aax qr out first...... normally people will cabut before qr...take note
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Hahhaha Serba conman are u for real fake account everything u still don't know ????? Cmon ppl no hope la like this
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Lai Lai Lai... Chip in now b4 heading to 3.00...lai Lai Lai... 30.00 in 5 years. Laiiii
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Warren B
Lol. I thot he cut loss already?
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Aloysius Wong Sing Khiong
serba 又小起了怎么说哈哈
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this PN17 stock normally small issue..
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ultimate kangkung
small matter? best joke for the year as of now......good luck
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Lai Lai Lai... Steady capital A... TP 3.00....30.00 in 5 years... Laiiii
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yutaka tong
still got one week plus before qr out......people load off before qr...safer
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Lai Lai Lai.. Sui sui.. Steady steady.... Tp 3.00...30.00 in 5 years.. Laiiiii
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again tommorow
you everyday go to drink water 50litr than you will get understand soon.
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Ah Di
QR results coming this week. What do you think the results be?
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Lionel Essi
看来你们好像忘了现在的油价是多少 ^^ll Good luck
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John Li
看来 你不知道 现在油价 价位 是 在于 11-14年 的价位一样 , 那时airasia 每年赚了 4-7 亿netprofit , 再说 现在 飞机 不像之前 30-60% 载客量就飞 , 要有70% above 才飞, 再说 extra RM30-60 petrol fee charges for few months . 2011 to 2014 同一样的油价都赚钱 , 何况 现在 lower operational cost , higher flight passenger capacity , extra charges on gas and oil by them , ticket selling price increased 30-50% as previous. 你好像没什么智慧啊 。
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Lionel Essi
除了油价, 还有利息. 有没有智慧自己才知道. Good luck :)
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John Li
SB , 利息 1% 左右 会影响多大 ?? 如果大, 大家房贷都呱呱叫了 。 收皮啦 , 我查了 你的 comment , 几十个人在喷你 ,还有capital A 是有做贷款 给别人的 , 做人不要无知到这样可以吗 。
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Lai Lai Lai... Steady steady capital A... Good qr liaw lar... Tp 3.00... 30.00 in 5 years...... Laiiiii
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QR out already
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Tempura Fish
0.60 coming soon..
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Hi Tony
No fraud account. Karim fraud account
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Steven Ho
yea on this matter capital A is brutally honest.
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Rocket Force
honest even in unaudited QR
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yutaka tong
pn17 no need see..only for short trade
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Rocket Force
from TheEdge news

Fernandes added that Capital A had received a clean audit opinion by its auditors Ernst & Young on April 29, denoting its ability to continue business for the foreseeable future. The auditors’ previous opinion of “material uncertainty related to going concern” on Capital A is now remove

we shall wait for the official statement
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又有机会给我加购股票了。 放着3年又不一样了。
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Serba vs aa wow the comparison Karim vs tony or Karim = najib
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Pika Chan
u think every PN17 is worthless ahh ...
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Revenue increased that's good
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hunang wong
放三年後,5 Lot変1 Lot。
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No explosive QR sabar hehe go long already
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yutaka tong
genm qr negative but net cash a qr negative enter increase accumulated losses
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I think worst come to worst will be PP not RI anymore they already have creditors backing and covid is gone ppl will be willing to be long term investors like me drop banyak lagi avg down for now just chill
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Only bilis will panic for this kind but challenges still around once all their plane is back in service and tourism is promoted it will be back just wait
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yutaka tong
they already confirm will do debts restructuring like aax...anytime announce
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yutaka tong
investor capital all burnt out now.... accumulation losses near 8b
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Kave C
not a same CEO
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Pika Chan
but yeah airline business bad
pwrsonally i dont want airasia to sink ... well we all usr airasia to fly now
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John Li
Yes , Airasia is a world recognized well-knew airline , at least this 2-3 years government need to well maintain it , in order recover our economy in fast pact , if not all of us will affected , ringgit depreciation will be worser . that time milo ais may be RM6 . if no airasia , ticket price expect to be triple as Monopoly .
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Pika Chan
dont get me wrong.
From investor side i wont support Capital A at the moment.

But from Customer side i hope Airasia will continue provide cheap flight
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ultimate kangkung
arent we all? haha
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