Chin WengPoh's comment on PTRANS. All Comments

Chin WengPoh
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有没有怀疑过公司? 感觉哪里怪怪的
刚发布公司要Share Buy Back 10%,
没几天又要做Private Placement 10%
Sang Yong Leo
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Mr. GK
KLSE Richard 出了新视频
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Kar Kay Low
Seek approval of its shareholders for the renewal of the authority for the Company to purchase its own shares of up to 10% of its total number of issued shares ("Proposed Renewal of Share-Buy Back Authority")

以我的理解,我读了几次,是不是我误会了,这只是可Share-buy back 的limit 增加到10% of total shares issue, 不是立刻买。
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Kean Hoong Ong
其实我很想知道为什么share buy back 会是怪怪的呢?可以解释解释吗?
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Kar Kay Low
Kean Hoong Ong 钱的流动性问题,如果你有钱做 share buy back, 何必去做Private Placement? 只要用Share Buy back 的钱去fund你的生意就好。这前后是矛盾的,但如果说Share buy back 不是即时执行而是为了以后手上有多余的资金后方便进行Share buy back 就能说得通。
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Kar Kay Low
虽然我很纳闷这几天的announcement, 但其实我还有些东西还未算清楚,Share Buy Back up to 10% of total numbers of share issue, 原本Treasury shares 占了10%的多少?如果Share buy back 本来就占了6 至 7% (只是如果,未去算),能买入的是否就只有3%?

如果这share buy back 需要的资金占比不比PP来的资金多的话,就算不做share buy back 可能也会做PP。属于正常Corporate action,不会显得PP或Share Buy back 很多余。 但具体也要算了才知道这假设成立与否。
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Kean Hoong Ong
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Kar Kay Low
Kean Hoong Ong 是的SBB只是个计划,就算同一个时期做SBB & PP announcement, 但 SBB 是Flexible的,是可以以后有充足现金的时候再买或久久都不买。
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Kean Hoong Ong
我查了Bursa Announcement, Ptrans 最后一次SBB是Nov2020,持有的treasury share是1.6%。
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Kar Kay Low
Erm... Total number of shares purchased and/or held as treasury shares against total number of issued shares of the listed issuer (%) 是1.61207, 还有8.4%可以买... 要买好买满10%,需要不少钱~ 但经过刚刚的讨论,买足到10%可以是一个很长远的计划,但如果公司出现了 Immediate Announcement on Shares Buy Back 10% 的 announcement, 后天又去Private Placement 融资10%,那就要小心是用PP来SBB了。
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Chin WengPoh
在等看吧,虽然还有2个BusTerminal 要见,到时在看公司的财报吧。
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Tuck Wing
Kar Kay Low 如果公司SBB来增加treasury shares的话,对我们这些小股东有什么不好的影响吗? 我是新手一名,请指教,谢谢
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Kar Kay Low
Treasury Shares 是库存股,增加treasury shares就好像是Issue New Share Capital 的反方向,如果treasury Shares 没有用来作Bonus Issue, ESOS, 或PP给第三方的话,增加treasury shares就是减少市场上的股票流通量 (减少 Supply). 对我们小股东是好事,没啥影响。只是Share Buy Back 是要真金白银用钱来买,如果同一个时间集中SBB太多,可能就会面临现金流问题。
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Private Placement的话,有可能公司想招揽新的重要投资者或者加快执行速度。


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Sin Kien
如果你看公司过往的记录可以发现每年几乎就是pp或sukuh 来capex 因为公司产生的现金流无法100%盖完capex 。我的看法。
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Kar Kay Low
Sin Kien 可以的话,恳请你 list down 所有的融资Corporate Action, 日期,时间 和 funding purpose。对你的看法那样会比较有说服力和一清二楚。
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Sin Kien
Pursuant to the private placement exercise in 2017, the Company has raised a total gross proceeds of RM30,186,900
by issuing 125,500,000 ordinary shares in 7 tranches. The details of the utilisation of the proceeds as at 31 December
2019 are as follows:

The utilisation of the proceeds as disclosed above should be read in conjunction with the Announcement of the Company
dated 30 November 2017.
The actual expenses incurred for the Proposed Private Placement by the Company was only RM0.13 million, which
was lower than the estimated expenses of RM0.33 million. This was mainly due to the actual placement fees and
other incidental expenses incurred were lower than the budgeted amount allocated for the said corporate exercise. The
unutilised funds were subsequently allocated towards the repayment of bank borrowings. The Company has reallocated
the unutilised funds allocated for the Balance Purchase Settlement for working capital purposes.
The Company has fully utilised the proceeds of the Proposed Private Placement during the FYE 2019
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Sin Kien
我是看好ptrans的,希望未来公司能产生更多free cash flow。
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Kar Kay Low
很好,list 出来就懂PP了几次,30 November 2017 PP 一次,15 April 2022 PP 一次,18 September 2019 proposed 15年 500 million 的 SUKUK 计划-第一批,21 Sep 2021 SUKUK第二批.

Issue of warrant 我不会包括在内因为如果是Bonus issue of warrant, 公司是收不到钱的。

所以总结:PP 2次,Sukuk 到第二批。
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