Leon Lim's comment on YONGTAI. All Comments

Leon Lim
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on the way drop back to 0.095
come on come on 快点来!!
Kenny Lau
day dreaming
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Leon Lim
RM0.105 on the way to RM0.1- 0.095
Ramai singalingam pikir ytb tak jatuh,
Skrg kena baru tahu.
I tepi ketawa saje apa yg dia sebut sebelum.
memang boss besar tak de duit sudah.
mahu naik kena masa panjang,
skrg untung 3-4 bit saje kena lari.
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1 Like · 2 years · translate
Leon Lim
Day dreaming?
now is 0.095 already.
u know nothing about stock market.
1 Like · 2 years · translate
Hi Hi
Leon, yes u r dreaming.
now is 0.11 already.
u know nothing about stock market
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Ricky Tan
Yeah lah. 0.095 beli 0.1 beli then Jual RM 0.11... Boleh untung duit Chap Fan mah.
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Handyman Tradesman
Leon ni cakap betul, bila ramai promoter ytb terkeluar, janji trap besar di sediakan.
2 Like · 2 years · translate
Leon Lim
Hi, Ricky, your chap fan still available?
got earn few bit dont run!
then u have to pay for it.
must know this old fox boss is what type of people.
now not only 0.095 , become 0.075.
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1 Like · 2 years · translate
Leon Lim
Handyman bro, tahu sudah!
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Andrew Tay
Will drop you 5 cents ?
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Leon Lim
0.05? coming soon.
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Ricky Tan
Dear Leon, I'm still looking for the average down below RM0.06. It's like one of the goreng counters I've been following since MCO. Of course it can't really secure the income and unstable. agree with you.
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Leon Lim
Hi, Ricky,
which counter worth u to following few years long?
sudah goreng up?
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Ricky Tan
Hi Leon, in fact the chances is low. Like Chinese saying "You can never get the lowest, because there's always lower than the lowest"... So I will buy a mixture of bluechips and these Goreng ones. Coz human always like to gamble and never be contented with the steady belongings.
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Leon Lim
Hi Hi, where are u now?
i though u know something about stock market?
now 0.075-0.08 already thats the thing?
teach us something, many people need your direction.
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Ricky Tan
hahahaha. I know nothing Bro. I'm just a normal gambler to earn day to day income. Simple rule for me is patient, buy low or lower than my own target and sell it immediately when it makes profit for my investment.
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Ricky Tan
my target very low. 5% above will dispose. fast in fast out for Chap Fan money.
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Leon Lim
means hihi and ricky r the same person but diffrence ID?
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Ricky Tan
No no ... I didn't notice of Hi Hi was supposed to be a person. I thought you said hi you me. Lol
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Evo Up
will wait lower to enter
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Ricky Tan
Let's go. I'm waiting at 0.06 and 0.05... Dapat beli Dapat untung. It's my way of gambling.
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Leon Lim
For me i dont buy because of lower price,
low can be more lower,
why want to stuck your money here?
no others stock better then ytb?
buy when trend is come.
this one have long distance to drop.
here only yrend come, go in fifo is better.
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1 Like · 2 years · translate
Andrew Tay
This proposal no need AGM approval ?
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Ricky Tan
Dear Leon, thanks for your advise. YTB is just a counter that I'm gambling with. Recently have been trading on CHHB & CyPark. So far so good.
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Leon Lim
oh yeah, last trip for running wave?
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Ricky Tan
Could be the last trip. Could be an opportunity. Depends on which side you look at it.
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Ricky Tan
Just bought a little last week and sold of today at a average of RM 0.09 for Chap Fan
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Leon Lim
Congrate bro, this type of stock should be short term.
Even long term can get more profit, but also high risk.
For those who never cut loss from last year until now, even average down for few times also cant get profit 60%.
but most of the money was stuck in this rubbish stock.
no point to keep long term and keep average down, right?
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1 Like · 2 years · translate
Ricky Tan
Well said Bro. Thanks. It's really for gambling purpose only. Can't keep for long term. It's just matter of luck. We can't be greedy or average down to fight. When it crash, buy a little according to personal ability. Lose money also won't feel that pain.
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