Auditor Consultant's comment on TUNEPRO. All Comments

Auditor Consultant
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2月25日,QR 成绩一定出炉


至于Rohit. 说的10到12月,业绩有大进步,我觉得比较中肯的看法是


但是水灾的赔偿有被reinsurance cover 的不错,还有这个claim 是一次性event, 谁也控制不了天灾。


我还是非常乐见其成。Tunepro 在2022年肯定会非常的好

还是会每个月继续collect 这个tunepro

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Auditor Consultant

you not boring ar

keep on linking airasia to tunepro

already mentioned and clarified by Rohit

reliance on airasia is only 3 to 4 percent

we will ignore you

whatever you wanna say it is up to you to Siok sendiri
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一直aax aax 一天到晚只会aax
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Auditor Consultant
From 16-18 Feb 2022, the voluminous sales were probably done on purpose by Syndicates to trigger anxiety among the retail investors so that they could collect cheap and lower priced shares.

my Comrades who did due diligence check informed me that the possible Average Cost for Syndicates or Sharks is around RM0.380. As long as your price is not very far from RM0.380, you do not need to worry even if you are a short term trader. If you are a Long Term Value Investor, please ignore any fluctuation occurred recently as it is meaningless in view of the bright future for Tunepro.

My group will keep collecting and buying whenever Syndicates or Sharks sell ticket to trigger anxiety

Thank you, Sharks and Syndicates.

My group of members will continue to buy and buy and collect. We aim for Long Term Value Investment as Tunepro's future prospect is very good,

We look forward to seeing successful closure of Merger and Acquisition Deals between Tunepro and Industry Player in Vietnam and Indonesia.

Within the last 5 years, the price of Tunepro was at its highest on 22 May 2017 at RM1.540 and its lowest was on 19 March 2020 at RM0.230 during the first MCO and lockdown in year 2020.

RM1.540 on 22 May 2017
RM0.720 on 22 May 2018
RM0.695 on 21 May 2019
RM0.230 on 19 March 2020
RM0.340 on 22 May 2020
RM0.395 on 21 May 2021
RM0.525 on 16 November 2021

Now the price is very stable in the range of RM0.395 to RM0.410.

From the highest point RM1.540 to its lowest point of RM0.230, it took only less than 3 years to plummet to the lowest. I strongly believe that after the re-opening of border, and re-opening of economic activities, the post Covid and recovery of economy will drive the performance of Tunepro as it is one of the beneficiary due to mandatory requirement to have Travel Insurance and its implementation of Bite-Size insurance plan soon coupled with the use of InsureTech concept.

To me, my prudent view is that Tunepro's value could be go to above RM1.00 within 2 years time and go up to RM2.00 within 4 years time.

My group will hold Tunepro for Long Term and will buy and collect from month to month as Tunepro will be the next Multibaggar!

Disclaimer: The above comments are only for sharing purpose and shall not be construed or treated as an investment call. Remember, money is yours and you should be making investment decision responsibly.
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Auditor Consultant
I did due diligence on Rohit for his experience and contribution done to AXA Affin Life Insurance Berhad. It was incredibly impressive even I spoke to friends in Insurance industries who have ever worked with Rohit before.

Also, I spoke to his current colleague in Tunepro and they gave positive feedback (that time I have not yet been a shareholder).

No need to doubt is Rohit's leadership and after I did due diligence review, I would give my full support and unconditional trust in him.

For your information, before joining Tunepro, Rohit was working for AXA for more than 15 years. Rohit had been transferred to 5 different countries and had taken up 11 different roles throughout his tenure in AXA Affin. He started his career as an Analyst in India and gradually worked his way through the ranks in United Kingdom, Singapore, Hong Kong and now Malaysia.

Our team have full confidence in Rohit's leadership as fewer members in my group are top management level in Insurance Industries with Tunepro's competitors and we know him well.
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Auditor Consultant
Dear Rohit_Nambiar,

My group of investors have strong faith in you. We apologised for performing due diligence review on your background.

After the due diligence review, we have no doubt at all in your capability to bring Tunepro to next level. We will show our unconditional support to your leadership by investing in Tunepro and hold Tunepro shares for long term.

We believe that you will bring impressive result for Q421 after normalisation adjustment is done to the one-off flood event.

We are happy that our wish that Tunepro Board to consider distributing Dividends have been conveyed to you and Board accordingly.

No matter how is the discussion outcome, we will still trust Tunepro because our voices have been heard at least.

Our experience proves to us that Tunepro's IR team is very responsive. Here, we would like to express our gratitude to your colleague, the Head of IR for offering us a channel to have video conference call with your team, should we have further questions to clarify.

Lastly, we will withness the victory of Tunepro very soon!

Have a nice weekend.

For and on behalf of a group of shareholders, thank you very much for the effort!
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1 Like · 2 years · translate
S Tan
1 Like · 2 years · translate
yutaka tong
tune pro movement is interelated to capitala.........aa already close down Japan and India branch ...aax and aa convert many planes for logistics biz ... indirect ly cut down their passengers load a lot.....
1 Like · 2 years · translate
yutaka tong
remember figures is dead.... understand ing their biz model is the key on every biz.......
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Auditor Consultant
S wen Tan

you should understand the business well and any fluctuation will not influence me and my group

as I already said 18 days ago (top of the comment), my group expects Financial Performance to be showing improvement after excluding the one off flood event or we perform normalisation adjustment on Tunepro performance

it is normal tactic by Syndicates to keep triggering anxiety among weak retail investors.

we hold long term. so no problem for us. you gonna know your risk appetite
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Fatty Bombom
今天进了第一批我真390,200000unit 准备做long term investment,希望我有那个耐心别在破380止损。。。。。希望六个月后股价能有一点进步哈哈。。。。。。请问还有什么好料可以收长期吗?买入价卖出价我可以自己研究,我玩短炒玩坏了完全不行看基本面。。。。可是运气好这两年赚了不少,开始有甜密的烦恼,资金多了,短炒也用不了这么多lol…………我真心佩服您玩长期的耐心和看基本面的能力,这tunepro 我进出赚过几次,那时choon兄介绍在四角多进五角多出…………感恩您的分享l………
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Auditor Consultant
Fatty Bombom



insurance business is a regulated industry

加上公司的NTA per share is 0.740,我一点都不担心的



我看好Tunepro 会开番

我更加看好Tunepro 的MnAs 还有Rohit 的领导能力。

Choon 兄是高手来的,庆幸大家都是同一条船。

我的expectations 已经设立了,会给Tunepro 时间成长。
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Fatty Bombom
那时tunepro 从四角多开始涨了,您能坚持住不买,说您的理想价是0.40左右,只是这份坚持我就非常地佩服lol……….这份坚持我也希望我能训练出来,这非常不容易的,我太善变了…………..
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Fatty Bombom
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Auditor Consultant
我们大家一起陪Tunepro 长大吧


Rohit's plan is for 2021 to 2023



我的average cost is around 0.3954

之前涨到0.435 我也是坚持不卖


Tunepro 绝对值得长线投资
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我也是守了几个月,也是期待这家公司开番! 希望今年公司开始宣布派息 哈哈
1 Like · 2 years · translate
Auditor Consultant
@Ah Choon Wong 大哥

大家等你一起加入Tunepro 一起做长线投资。


可能你有忙着物色FIFO 的机会了吧


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Ricardo Siau
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Ricardo Siau
我的醫藥卡十年繳了3萬塊保費, 一分錢也沒claim過, 今年的保費又從3500起到5000, 保險公司真是好賺
1 Like · 2 years · translate
Auditor Consultant
来自柔佛的Ricardo 兄弟,你也加入了长线投资吗。真开心多认识一个股友。

可以跟志同道合的大家,一起坚持再坚持的投资Tunepro 成为一分子





希望我对Rohit and IR 的信任,和我对帮助更多散户知道这个hidden gem的决定是不会错的。独乐乐不如众乐乐。希望我的高调分享引起更多散户注意。

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Fatty Bombom
Ricardo兄,原来你也买了………我不是排的,我直接买的,390一直有人丢出来,我还排了380买………….我知道能hold 超过半年吗lol…………
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Auditor Consultant
fatty bombom



我相信未来的Tunepro 会成为现在的LPI, Takaful or Allianz

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Ricardo Siau
Fatty兄, 我40就開始收了
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Ricardo Siau
Auditor, 我80%資金做中長期投資,只要它基本面不變壞,會再跌再買,也謝謝你的分享
1 Like · 2 years · translate
Fatty Bombom
我也佩服你的耐心五体投地,tunepro现在帐面有1.25k 盈利哈哈……….我以前是百分之百玩短线的,今年要拿二十巴仙玩中长期…………我看基本面和财报是幼儿园水准,看技术图还好半桶水………….这辈子都不知道有没有福气买得到十倍股吗……
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Fatty Bombom
什么股回调去接近一年新低都是百分百下跌趋势的,所以我也没去看tunepro 的技术图………….现在买进这个价下跌有限,上涨无限我喜欢lol……….
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Auditor Consultant
Ricardo 大哥

我90percent 资金在Tunepro


我的分享或许太高调了,可能得罪一些江湖卖课程的课程佬和卖投资apps 的一些大师们。







还有regulatory risk 的重要性,很多人应该没有考量,比如我之前看好的BAT在我收到一些负面消息后已经抛售了,没有亏钱,只是赚个2巴仙。没有追查是否属实,但是我抱着观望态度。

外面有些江湖课程佬或apps商家没有把regulatory risk 纳入考量点。
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Fatty Bombom
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@fatty 可能那些人就是讨厌有人提问所以就把你踢出来 哈哈
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Auditor Consultant
有股友给我知晓某某卖投资apps 的商家和订户们,好像不爽我这样免费地分享正面的information




Choo and Fatty Bombom



原因很简单,我有去读Tunepro 公司给的分析报告,我有联络Rohit, 我也有联络head of IR 还有联络同样做保险业的高层朋友们



据我知道他们要等0.37 因为跟Rohit 的esos 同样价格。

他们可以照样等他们的,我可以照样无私分享,免费分享我对Tunepro 的看法。

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2 Like · 2 years · translate
Fatty Bombom
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Zhikang Sim
直接买395啦 哈哈。。。。
1 Like · 2 years · translate
Fatty Bombom
昨天进了390 lol…………手多按多50了…..
1 Like · 2 years · translate
Auditor Consultant

IPO price 1.35,最坏的已经过去了


最重要大家set 的expectations 要realistic 一点


我会normalised the profit or loss by excluding one off event
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Fatty Bombom
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Auditor Consultant
Fatty Bombom



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Auditor Consultant
I read news but Donno how true that Russia is going to start another war soon

that why no matter how all shares will plummet except gold related stocks like Tomei Pohkong all fly

just be patient and hold tightly
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Fatty Bombom
Ac 兄,记得看着小弟我,390又进了一些,早知不排380去排385…………..
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Auditor Consultant
Fatty Bombom




我组群的人投资Tunepro 的时候大家有这个expectations 了的

要给个realistic expectations
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Fatty Bombom
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Auditor Consultant
let us welcome Tunepro to turn green today

it seems like the so called big war by western society might have been ceased fire.

I think Russian Government only demolished the military forces and equipment of Ukraine and did not hurt any normal Ukrainian unnecessarily

all this because of NATO I guess

let's hope that Rohit's statement about the increase and improvement in business is fair and correct

wait patiently for the QR later
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1 Like · 2 years · translate
Fatty Bombom
Tunepro gogogo …………….
1 Like · 2 years · translate
S Tan
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yutaka tong
it's time to all in....
1 Like · 2 years · translate
Heng Heng
Bad qr. 住高楼的看来还有段时间住了,下星期看有0.35票排到吗
2 Like · 2 years · translate
yutaka tong
calculate risk Vs reward before buy into it.....
1 Like · 2 years · translate
S Tan
lucky not big portion of my fund.. still can wait
1 Like · 2 years · translate
yutaka tong
before covid , price around 0.50.....cannot expect much on their profit.....
1 Like · 2 years · translate
yutaka tong
the number of planes that fly already cut down a lot.....aa also stop their biz in other country.....lesser planes
1 Like · 2 years · translate
Auditor Consultant
其实net claim 明显减少很多了,如果跟去年比较

cash 还是有比去年增加了将近1倍

负面在于,fair value losses and share. of losses in associate

after performing normalisation of financial performance, 我还是可以接受这个成绩。

毕竟今年是多事之秋,delta, omicron 等等
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Auditor Consultant
 My team and I will hold for long term

No worry at all. 罗马也不是一天造成的

As per Rohit, his plan is for 2021 till 2023

We will hold and wait for few more years...
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2 Like · 2 years · translate
Auditor Consultant
don't make me laugh la

still love to relate to AA when AA contribution to Tunepro is less than 5%

u want cheap ticket

so trigger anxiety

do not forget border is going to be opened soon
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1 Like · 2 years · translate
Auditor Consultant
look at what Tunepro is going to achieve by 2023
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Auditor Consultant
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Auditor Consultant
There are challenges for insurers but at the same time there are plentiful of opportunities for insurer doing travel insurance.

There will be a new normal for the Post Covid as consumers' awareness on the need to have insurance coverage has been increased after this pandemic

We do acknowledge that there are challenges

Nevertheless, we have strong faith in Rohit's leadership. A successful person sees and seizes opportunities in every difficulty and challenge.

One of the very obvious achievements that should be acknowledged is that Tunepro's reliance on Air Asia has been reduced significantly and we should really appreciate effort that has been placed by Rohit's team. It is not easy to change company plan in such a shorter time and during pandemic

You may read more articles in

We aim for Long Term Value Investment. Short term fluctuation and noise will not influence us. Tq
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Fatty Bombom
Hope I can get 380……….
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Fatty Bombom
Haha,close 395 not bad leh………any bad news please fast fast come out …….I think the worst is over ………gogogo……..
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Auditor Consultant
Ya la..... got ppl wanna trigger anxiety to cause big drop in share price

unfortunately most of us here are value investors

we aim long term

Fatty Bombom do not worry be happy
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Auditor Consultant



价值投资者的大家,应该很开心收到很多0.380 0.385的票吧

大家加油。我把Tunepro 放入冬眠状态,2到5年的投资期。。再打算了

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Ricardo Siau
1 Like · 2 years · translate
Fatty Bombom
1 Like · 2 years · translate
Ricardo Siau
Fatty, 我玩小小, 37 又進100000股
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Auditor Consultant
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365排了一个月都做到! 好多股被丢票
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Auditor Consultant
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Kelvin Lee
auditor, 这个股怎样? 可以介绍主要业务做什么insurance ,最新业绩看到红红
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yutaka tong
already gg, the kl flood will have big insurance two qr will see big loss
2 Like · 2 years · translate
Auditor Consultant
Kelvin 我们这里买Tunepro的都是做长线的


corporate day 的slide

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PS Beh
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Auditor Consultant


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yutaka tong
another big bomb is aax pn17 dateline in 9 months time ....short trade is good but not for long term
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Auditor Consultant



Yutaka 你可以自由发表

但是能在这里继续长期持有Tunepro 的都是价值长线投资者


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1 Like · 2 years · translate
yutaka tong
negative comments is good for brain storming.....
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yutaka tong
even tony are not confident take up gov loan to save aa......hold long is not a good option
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Auditor Consultant

4 Like · 2 years · translate
yutaka tong
anything happen to aax and aa will have direct effect on tunepro....
3 Like · 2 years · translate
yutaka tong
only reading numbers without understanding the biz operation is a bias
3 Like · 2 years · translate
Orson Chin
Hope drop to 0.25 again
1 Like · 2 years · translate
Fatty Bombom
Any bad news,bro………
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Auditor Consultant
Fatty Bombom, the sentiment was due to Fed rate increase..
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Auditor Consultant
if there is confidence in the fundamental of the company I don't think we need to be concerned with short term movements which may be driven by sentiment.

if I were to speculate, today's FED would be announcing the rate hikes. That could have a bearing. Just not sure how many basis points we are looking at.
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1 Like · 2 years · translate
yutaka tong
remember accountant only see numbers but don't know what is call biz operation...
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yutaka tong
avoid aa related companies....aax need to issue another 500m right issue to sustain biz.....
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Auditor Consultant
Fatty bomb, time will prove everything

Just hold as Tunepro has more and more updates on its business plan and progress update soon

Positive update somemore

could not disclose or tell more here... apologise for being secretive
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1 Like · 2 years · translate
Kenny Koh
thank you auditor, because I see ur comment so I buy in at 0.33, hehe thanks.
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Fatty Bombom
Thanks ac,I in in out out few time take profit to reduce my cost ………very happy every time success……..
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Auditor Consultant
A lot of retail investors opine that it is a bad decision to buy Tunepro when Fed Rate has increased.

Indeed, they might be wrong. Insurance core income is not from investment in bond, should be earned from Underwriting Income

Indeed, now it is the right timing to buy even more.....

Investment in bond is common in insurance as it is relatively low risk as compared with investment in equity.

LPI is different story because big portion of their investments is in Public Bank financial products in which Teh tycoon back the share. So dividends from public bank has been used to offset their losses in bond

Tunepro is a hidden gem and a lot of investors do not understand.

A lot of investors also do not understand the fair value gain or loss is just on paper and indeed it is a number crunching game.

If holder of bond opt to record fair value changes in OCI, then it shows no PnL impact

If holder of bond opted to measure bond investment at FVTPL, then the PnL impact will be reflected.

In any of the above cases, there is no cash flow impact at all.

Hope that investor will look at insurance business by normalising all meaningless numbers
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Auditor Consultant
It is a game set by accountant



Need to use layman term to educate more retail investors

But, I choose to be silent so that I could gather more

Again, please look a focus at Underwriting Income
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Like · 2 years · translate
Auditor Consultant
Look at this good news announced yesterday...

Tune Protect the nation’s 1st to host insurance core system on public cloud

TUNE Protect Group Bhd (Tune Protect) is now the first insurer in Malaysia to have received the official approval from Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) to host its insurance core system on Telekom Malaysia Bhd’s (TM) Cloud — (Alpha) Edge.
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Auditor Consultant
This collaboration between the three parties will ensure Tune Protect customers receive consistent speeds in user portal experience; more tailored and matching insurance offerings for their requirements; and better insurance premium rates due to infrastructure and intelligence optimisation.
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Auditor Consultant
please apologize for not being able to comment too details... you can perform own Due Diligence

hint #1

go and check the background of Norges Bank and important BOs in KAF who owns Tunepro via KAF

you will definitely have strong confidence in Tunepro

hint #2

find out whether there are changes in the top management of Thai Assoc

you will expect better improvement from this assoc

Again, buy or sell at own risk. My comments here are just my personal opinion and idea

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Like · 2 years · translate
yutaka tong
analyse the whole Malaysia insurance biz ......base on their qr, the revenue is stagnant and dropping year by year....comparing with other insurance company like takaful , lpi, mnrb...all these insurance companies are having the same revenue every year indicating this industry already maximize...
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1 Like · 2 years · translate
yutaka tong
a big mistake when didn't analyse other same related companies performance throughout the years....tunepro usp is travel insurance....they are cutting down travel insurance portion, tune pro do not have any monopoly products anymore....this is biz operation analysis that an accountant won't able to understand
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Like · 2 years · translate
Orson Chin
tunepro is try to expand his businesses in oversea.. u r right .. Malaysia business is not big .. and face all the travel stop recently …

I think the bad situation is over … now see how tunepro improve his sales and how much revenues get from new business in oversea
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Orson Chin
I don’t think tunepro will jump to pn17 likes AAX…
So… if u want invest this share , try buy at low price and hold it for mid -long term
1 Like · 2 years · translate
yutaka tong
not worth the risk involved...
1 Like · 2 years · translate
yutaka tong
already mention there is an inter related with aax and aa...when their related biz got problem, it will affect tunepro ....even they want to expand to Arab, there will be a lot of competition with local Arab insurance companies....
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2 Like · 2 years · translate
yutaka tong
aax aa tune got a lot of wayang news to trick people to buy high.....all this news do not have actual profit support....
2 Like · 2 years · translate
yutaka tong
when aax and aa do debt restructuring, all those debts owe to tunepro will be all write off.....all this are biz related analysis that only reading one financial won't able to tell....... accountant and auditor only read figure but no idea what the real biz operation works...
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3 Like · 2 years · translate