Shabee's comment on SERBADK. All Comments

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Wong Chen Wah
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Ian Chong
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Ouch, there goes my investment turn sour... wish i could pull it earlier
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Weida Ng
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Anthony Liu
我一架MyVi够力 ...tmd...
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Tino Choong
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Kon Foo Siow
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希望其他原本会亏一辆myvi的人有看到我的分析而提早脱手的 感恩
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Chan WaiLoon
Worst come to worst is only bankrup and delisted n now just a little bit hope for miracle thing would happen
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Wong Chen Wah
My Honda City has gone! kns
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Chan WaiLoon
AAX own billion but still alive haha
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Infinite M
I lost my toyota camry and honda city due to flood
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Chan WaiLoon
No worry if you got buy insurance cover under peril storm n flood then can claim but this Serbadk didnt cover by insurance
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Infinite M
Ironically, I lost my confidence on Serba and Malay which is not measurable. This is the tough one i ever had.
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Tuantu Enterprise
Raise your hand and slap urself in front of the mirror.. then u can lost your confidence and dont stay in Malaysia.. goblok
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Infinite M
yes, I make a choice and this is what i deserved. The only saddest part is this country and their rakyat is suffer the most in long run. Ofc I will leave the country in one day. I dont mind to be PR anywhere since I am just secondary rakyat in Malaysia. I dont have any Bumiputera benefits of buying house
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bumiputera benefit in term of buying house is just total bullshit eventho im consider as bumi especially when living in sabah, the price is double from where u might live now mr infinite kpop heart. this country divided so much when u start use victimised mindset. of coz theres others factor to see. just my opinion, i might be wrong
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Harry ENG
Dont worry, BN will pump in money soon demi bumi agenda, all profitable company must need 51% bumi participate.
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dong过水了。。。what can do now?
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Harry ENG
Internal buy from karim, average down the price become 大股东
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Tuantu Enterprise
Apa yang kamu semua cakap? Caca marba..
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