Kelvin Choo's comment on KNM. All Comments

Kelvin Choo
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Waiting general telan all 0.43 ticket park cukup cukup sekali telan and rocket....
Chengheng Lee
knm really cacat counter... armada already break 0.50
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Kelvin Choo
Sienz jo noh I park so many here.... Habis burn niiii.... Have to long park to recover lor. See tomorrow how lor
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Kelvin Choo
Guess yes ..... Have to hold also coz masuk too much 0.42 mana tau drop lagi..... Really kns tot this time knm will shoot up mana tau drop sia
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Muhammad Shuhaifuddin
what happen cannot brain...emotion swing
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Kelvin Choo
Guess alot contra gonna fully goreng ~~
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Hayden Powell
good drop , March in my army slowly
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Cacing ciku
i thought after sapu 43 wll shoot up. But idss keep selling push price down. Why lar this idss? Now price below lower band.
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Muhammad Shuhaifuddin
yeah gonna goreng...but until what price gonna go down...3 support being broken since 0.46
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Kelvin Choo
Waaaa 0.43 a? Mine 0.42 also damn pain d coz got average same as urs 0.435 guess if drop more have to sapu average again buy currently in big loss
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a_ Inc
long time no see hendra
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Kelvin Choo
Hendra goreng lain....
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Lam Wai
General lee not bother the market price ? Something will happen behind . From 465 to 410 .
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Kelvin Choo
Didn't receive any disposed from general guess is ikan bilis need money turn and press down.... But really unexpected today big drop but it was a good chance to grab cheap flight ticket to land won't break 0.4 if yes all ready to CL coz I'm holding fxxk damn high 0.435
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Kelvin Choo
If CL 0.4 at least rugi 1 axia only won't burn down my civic
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Cacing ciku
i guess they want to collect low before push price up next week till quarter out.
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Kelvin Choo
I will do the same things too coz can buy cheaper tickets....
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Muhammad Shuhaifuddin
emotion burst many people talking about distribution still im lorhhh
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a_ Inc
rebound 395/400
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a_ Inc
all bilis flush out. no disposal made by directors. trust in yourself
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Kelvin Choo
Then park 0. 395 another 5000 lot....
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Kelvin Choo
If drop lagi... I CL don't want masuk d boring parked so long.... Apa pun tarak
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Cacing ciku
please dont drop lagi... close with hammer pon ok already.. i guess they want to give buy momentum until qr out
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Kelvin Choo
I'm damn pain d just now drop till loss myvi.... Lucky raise back abit
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Cacing ciku
hope idss lose today.. no 1 active knm
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Kelvin Choo
Turbo now d.... All Vol sapu now
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Kelvin Choo
Lucky seacera run d with high profit.... Told ya seacera will fly high to sky and dive to sea like vsolar... Coz miss Susan main Sana....
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Kelvin Choo
Wow 464.... Morning wakeup forgot park 0.395 so I'm still stuck at 0.435
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Kelvin Choo
So damn boring.... Got profit also burned.... When investor loss confident mmg dive to sea level
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Cacing ciku
pray hard knm close with hammer..
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Kelvin Choo
Cacing guess not so fast... Still got 1 week qr only out... Which means still got 3 days to press down
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Kai Won
Same situation on previous releases qr report. The price press down before qr release
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Kelvin Choo
3 more days to red..dont contra... Contra it will lose more money only...
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Kai Won
But congrats for those buy on 38.5-39 i think the price is the boss latest purchase
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Kelvin Choo
Hopefully coz I'm 1 of the 0.39.... If 3 days to go still drop I won't addon anymore too pain...
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Cacing ciku
kelvin will u cl if price close 395?
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Cacing ciku
armada kena lagi.. hopefully they all come to knm haha..
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Kelvin Choo
Armada already recover.... I won't CL coz not contra.... If contra 1 drop 0.38 will CL... Now rugi banyak if CL sebiji axia free bagi knm ni
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Kelvin Choo
Lee seriously I didn't expect big drop till 0.385... Max line I set was 0.4 only.... If tomorrow press down i CL half and wait for low entry tickets.....
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