James Liew's comment on KNM. All Comments

James Liew
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wc wan cash out oooooooo
Small amount.. Nothing to scare Hahaha
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Shawn Lee
Henrycock u like talk cock !
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Shawn Lee
W.. bodoh , KNM over 3b unit share how many u afford to buy ...buy toilet paper ?
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Last time post Alam gogogo, semalam KNM gogogo said got big project. Now, habis elek pokcik. Dua dua ni sudah pergi holland. Macam mana boleh jadi guru share market.
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Jane Lam
Henry already give tips. WC call buy, you know what to do de. 90 percent accurate
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Jane Lam
call sell only can buy.... haha
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Jane Lam
I only follow 2 guys in klse screen.
1. Henry kck-He give signal when to sell
2. Daniel Xia- He provide info how to invest wisely

their accuracy too high to avoid
Show more
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WC and member out ticket oledi …..
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lousy operator, only goreng 1 to 2 cents, did not realise that buy call by WC else wont won't buy
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Henry Kck
i not asking you all to sell but can consider to take profit 1st when WC callbuy as his callbuy will ruin the stock price movement...
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@Henry kck , they don to trust , just let them …. Don Diu them …… they still dono wat is scammer , let them TRY WC skil
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Alan Wong
waiting at 0.18
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WC one day no Die , All Invester Die …
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Henry Kck
lmao you all dun help him push now he callsell d
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haha wc fa lan zha lo. cut loss go drive grab liao with his new porshe taycan sport S
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Jane Lam
I follow Henry now. if saw wc call buy news gets ready to sell de. consider quite accurate
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Jane Lam
0.195 huge support also break
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Jane Lam
I think wc not gain money from share. he gain money from software and course he sell. unfortunately most his students..... you know I know enough
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Jane Lam
crazy. high price call buy. low price call sell
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weak counter, poor support...let people manipulated like penny stock
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Henry Kck
WC's boss controlled punya stock mah... else who can throw 400,000+ lots in 1 shot?
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