Jerry Zhang's comment on SERBADK. All Comments

Jerry Zhang
“An announcement will be made after the market closes today … this is a good sign to restore investors’ confidence and to prove that there were no wrongdoings or delay technique as speculated before,” the source told FocusM.

“Additionally, we believe that it should be BAU (business as usual) for Serba Dinamik moving forward.The company can’t afford to let the business down as it needs to serve as well as is committed to its clients.Let’s focus on the fundamentals after one month of time wastage
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Jerry Zhang
official announcement out
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Jerry Zhang
formally appointed E&Y as the special independent reviewer
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Jerry Zhang
come on LU.. Hahahahha
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Lumbrusco Haw
Bursa said serbadk has to appoint auditor not only independent reviewer otherwise serbadk will be penalized, Monday Limit Down!
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yutaka tong
independent reviewer is only a show. serba need an actual auditor to clean up the audit. without auditor, it will be suspended when dateline arrive
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Bon Bon Sin
auditor will be PWC
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Vinz O
Serbadk need independent reviewer to review the suspect from KPMG and give the best professional explanation to public to prove they are clean
U think they simply change auditor then the auditor let the audit pass ? Hahaha please don’t joke
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David Wong
Low class ? How low ? Check the mirror see how low you’re first that’s why you get curse like this.

Limit down ? So if Monday no limit down can i curse you die also ? Don’t tell me no, since you can simply curse and say limit down, why I can’t simply curse you ? Yea I’m really low class to leave a comment like this, but I’m just using low class skill to treat low class ppl like you.
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Lumbrusco Haw
@ David Wong stop replying me, I am not keen to communicate with someone low class like u, really mempersiaxuikan retailers... go back cry to ur parents , stock market is too dangerous for a kid like you... go play masak instead of share...
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weng kg
@yutaka is independent reviewer n auditor the same? I quite confuse here.
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Liu Nicholas
my doubt is why release this news after market close ? Serbak was forced to follow instruction from BS, hope will raise on monday
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