Boon Tack Ng's comment on LBALUM. All Comments

Boon Tack Ng
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nice Qtr report..dividend increase
Benjamin Frenz
profit before tax= 17.22mil if compared with last quarter 15.059mil (+14%). this quarter hav 4.43mil provision of tax if compared with last quarter merely 0.108mil. somemore dividend 2.5 cents proposed. good job.
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Chung Yean Tan
However, operating profit actually drop, meaning higher cost for the company to operate during this quarter, the higher net profit was mainly from other income. Hmm
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Benjamin Frenz
dear Chung, profit from operation deceased by 2.2mil due to chinese new year in this quarter. sure cost operation increased a bit.
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You should say becoz of MCO 1.0 during Mac
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