David Lim's comment on SERBADK. All Comments

David Lim
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Shares disposals by EPF + Resignation of Non-Independent Directors = GG.com ???
What do you think, Brother Lim with 9 years of audit experience?
2 Like · 3 years · translate
Peter Mueller
9 yrs of audit experience also pijak serbak shit.. That's an insult to your own profession man...
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Cin cin
9 years shoplot audit experiences hahahaha
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Im not trying to add salt to your wounds Lim but you are really some lanci farker.
You say you have 9 years experience in auditing, u know what I do? U know what qualifications I have?
Hope this serves as a lesson for you and hope that it wont hurt your positions too much.
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3 Like · 3 years · translate
David Lim
In fact, I never pissed off until you mentioned some sorts of investigated report on fraud. But u never shown me the reported fraud. I want to see the fraud report, not audit queries flagged out by KPMG. Yeah fokker like me dare to shown my real profile, you can search me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and etc. Anyway I just comment based on facts and I did hold this shares before this so called "fraud" happens. I no comment on management accounts until to-date, but I have doubt on their ways in dealing in this issue. That's all.
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yutaka tong
even no audit issue. price hardly can back to new high since all big funds won't buy in anymore
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David Lim
Just be fair to both management and auditors, if you are suspected to rob a bank just because u entered the bank during that particular period without any further investigation. In the eye of everyone, you are a robber. But for me, I need to see the investigation result to prove me you are the robber, and not by rumors. That's my point of view.
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David Lim
Yutaka Tong, yes, it really tough for share price to gain back to its previous position but nobody know the future. We can't do a predict for share market, that's why we only can focus on their business fundamental. If the result really end up with a fraud. This is really an upset case to happen in Malaysia market. No investors willing to bother about this market, perhaps most of blue chips stocks window dress their accounts just to enhance shareholders' confidence towards them. Market capitalization are fake in the eye of investors. I care about the impact of this issue, not the joke made by everyone here. I just enjoy the joke after my breakfast, lunch and dinner to see the quality of investors in Malaysia.
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David Lim
HY Ng, I apologize to you if I made any offense toward you. I wish everyone really have a good return on their investments.
1 Like · 3 years · translate
Yes i get your point, anyway i never mentioned fraud. Until today i maintained that I dont know got fraud or not, but KPMG refusing to sign off is a fact, like the doctor diagnose you with cancer (problems with the account), you dont believe and u want second opinion.
Now, can u say u dont believe the first doctor? There is some truth to it but u hope the doctor misdiagnosed u so u find the second guy.
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It is that logic bro, i am not saying got fraud but i am saying got problem and kpmg surely wont want to shoot themselves in the leg.
Doctor diagnosed u with cancer already, so now the situation is YOU HAVE CANCER, unless the second doctor tells you otherwise.
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The moment the first doctor told u got problem, ur risk level already shot up exponentially, thats my 2 cents.
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I disagree with ur statement that if serbadk got fraud, other companies also surely windowdress.
When the enron scandal erupted, did investors lose confidence in the US market? Short term maybe, but things do pick up. So its not fair to drag other KLSE shares together with serbadk, because it is their own misconduct (if proven).
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David Lim
Let's just wait for the result, we can discuss if there was any suspicious actions by any parties.
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Terry Chang
I believe this company may ended up like Skpetro..lots of projects but shares price downtrend and follow by sideways due to mismanagement. Fund managers will deserted this company.
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True, there is a chance that the red flags are not significant, and may pass audit, I hope so sincerely because many ppl got stuck there and times are hard.
But as of now, the current status is: the accounts got problem, its a cold hard fact.
Somemore serbadk management is screwing up every step since the issue popped up… dont know what to say anymore…
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David Lim
I agreed with your statement on every steps taken by management, like emotional fight against KPMG. Situation getting worst after this. I speechless on this action.
3 Like · 3 years · translate
Yeah… I really hope they can pick up and do something right finally. Maybe the only thing they did right was to appoint new directors, but they screwed up last night, even worse lol.
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David Lim
Many investors still putting their head into this shares as they may still though high risk, high return. By right, high return investments really high risk, but high risk not really high return. In this case, everyone is stepping on a boom which we unsure is real or fake. I really hope everyone just wait for the result. I can accept if there was fraud found. But I just don't wish investors to step into it to wish for a return. Even if EPF dispose, if no one pick it up, It can't do anythings, right?
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3 Like · 3 years · translate
True, if want to fast in out, need to be within acceptable risk… if no investor confidence no use la no matter how cheap… and unfortunately confidence is still going down…
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Pa Tan Wang
It is because many have been making loses in this counter, people are try to recover back their hard earn money. But as EPF is keep disposing right now, better cut loss first and wait till the share price stabelize first then only decide to buy back.
Really can't accept that it listed just merely 4 years ago and KPMG approving their financing report without raising any concern. But now when Bursa is in the most vulnerable situation then only raise the red flag. Why so out of sudden.
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tony wang
SC will know if fraud is involve or not since they have all the documents. But Serba's decision to sue kpmg came after 15th June when kpmg changed their stance on the ongoing audit process. Serba's lawsuit include breach of contracts, drop in market capital etc, no doubt they acted emotionally this time but in the end, shareholders are the one who suffered.
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Steve Lee
Director also running, why aren’t you?
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