fan chaowang's comment on D&O. All Comments

fan chaowang
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这里的人都被zhikang 和haha 害了,本来5块以下随便买都赚了,你们偏不听。一直要听那些没有远见的人
fan chaowang
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Lee SI
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god lucky
你这样说出来,他们会生气的 ,他们现在默默的看着,然后不敢回复,一边哭一边看 hahaha
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fan chaowang
哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 然后等跌他们就出来了。haih习惯了。反正我已经赚一轮了。剩下免费票一直在滚。他们就只能看我们赚钱咯。
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Chia Cyril
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Zhikang Sim
8块了啊? fan chaowang讲年底他保证8块?
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fan chaowang
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fan chaowang
基本上你每一个counter 都是negative comment,有本事找上升股来comment吧。
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Chia Cyril
Fan chaowang 你这是舍意思?
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Chia Cyril
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fan chaowang
我在回复那个大湿zhikang,你可以去看他的历史comment全部都是negative comment到处喷。
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fan chaowang
cyril你是不是blacklist zhikang所以你看不到他 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈,我也想blacklist他了。 看了都烦
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Chia Cyril
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Tan Kuen
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fan chaowang
我的价钱rm2+ 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈
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god lucky
这个zhikang 也是一个loser来的
负面够够 不要参他太多 ,我们自己赚就好
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fan chaowang
god,确实。如果负面可是有根据 我接受。但他是那种毫无根据的。这种人在现实应该也是最低层的。
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Green LT
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fan chaowang
green 我赞同你,我也套利一些剩便宜票。开始部署其他被低估的行业或者说3-6 个月内会有主题的股
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Green LT
其实,发现很多股民都只獨念几枝花,却忘了身处深林中。还有很多很好的股,例如IEE股(Industrial Engineering Equipment). 漲幅更可观。D&O 现在只剩鱼尾吧了。
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Gugu Tai
I agree with you all that D&O is not the only GOOD share worth investing. But i totally disagree with those who said that the RUN of D&O is already towards the end. D&O is a stock that worth holding for years to come. EV LED EV LED EV LED EV LED is the FUTURE
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Green LT
Gugu-agreed and I truly respect your investment strategy. Maybe the price can follow MPI (RM40), nobody know as share market is unpredictable. Btw, who is the bigger EV customer for D&O as I can’t find any info?
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Gugu Tai
Hahaha Green, when i advise some friends to invest in this counter atrm2.40+ in january, and wnen it went up to rm3+ in february , they asked whether i am selling or not. My answer was not selling at all, but instead buying some more at
rm3,60. When asked what will be my TP, I told tnem D&O may be the next MPI. If there is a BI n BI , total up will be possible MPI to come. Hahaha
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Green LT
Gugu-it is good to be optimistic. My concern is LED not rocket size technology and unable to compete with China rivals. The company growth is unsustainable in China markets and can be replaced easily.
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Ong Jin Xu
Green LT, if you have attended the investor briefings done by D&O CEO, I believe you will not be looking for ‘who is bigger EV customer for D&O’ now. If you don’t look good on this stock, simply don’t buy it. We are not here to convince you to buy it.
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Green LT
Ong-don’t worry ya, I definitely look good on D&O. I am here to sharing info and learning as well. I said D&O maybe the next MPI (RM40).
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Jesse Livermore
电动汽车是下一次革命!丰田、奥迪、法拉利、福特等多家大公司已经涉足电动汽车领域,预计到 2025 年 - 2030 年将停止生产内燃机汽车。
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Jason Yzs
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Jesse Livermore
之前有买,但是太早卖出了,所以我努力寻找下一个 D&O 还有 Greatech .

希望迪奶可以 ! 他们的 MEMS & Silicon Photonic 都是在 EV , autonomous car 需要用到的晶片。
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fan chaowang
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Chia Cyril
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fan chaowang
今天不会飞,美国nasdaq下跌,政治不稳定,bad sentiment 99。
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Green LT
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fan chaowang
Green 是的 我上个星期五在502 套利了大部分仓位剩下免费票和他一起滚。如果跌到4 以下我会在慢慢进去。因为美国等大盘不稳定,再加上马来西亚政治也不稳定。虽然我热爱这只股也很看好他,但还是要跟着大盘走。不要和趋势作对。
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Green LT
Fan-我们的投资理念是相同的。上个星期五大漲是美股四巫日,有大概350mil 进了马股把股價推高。现在开始回落了,我等待合理價才进。D&O是潜力股,但是也不能买貴了。

《4.0 进10%的倉位
3.5-4.0 进20%倉位
《3.5 进30%倉位。

如果买不到,就算了。还有Mi/Frontkn/Greatec/QES. 6月28日之前,如果COVID +ve case 还没掉下4000,到时候,股市还会漲吗?买D&O 5.00 的股友,心还会定吗?我hold cash, 心定定不惊。这是交流,不是买卖建议。
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fan chaowang
green,同意。目前dji连续跌了很多天,我们不怕暴跌我们怕阴跌,一点一点那种慢慢跌。我不卖完一是目前nasdaq 还是往上升模式可能资金慢慢转移去nasdaq,但如果仔细看技术图,nasdaq每当突破了resistance 过不久就会来个大跌。那时候慢慢补买机会多的是。而且我还偏喜欢注意一些人家没注意的股,比如说我在大家不看好科技的时候买入很多科技,当到了高位就套利一些,现在我也慢慢买入了一些复苏股,当复苏真的来到时再慢慢套利,寻找下个6-9个月内会有主题的股。这样可以提高胜率,也不怕买在高位。
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Green LT
对。我买JHM 1.66, 现在1.90。多一个星期QR出来sui sui,我就赚更多了。不必担心买不到好股。
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Haha Haha
haha haha.....今天是什么颜色?
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Green LT
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fan chaowang
Green 我也是买了frontkent ,感觉我们注意的大致上都相同。但是frontkent 的卖压偏高,要稍微注意,要有点耐心。哈哈哈 但3 块以下都可以慢慢收
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Green LT
Fan-我等Frontkn 2.81, 建倉5%, 2.62 加倉25%。
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fan chaowang
2.81 要看今晚nasdaq怎样,如果再跌明天就可能到2.81.2.65 确实是好的买点,之前support在那。我也是打算第二枪在2.65
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Green LT
Fan-wow….我们投资思路都是一样的。如果Frontkn 2.81今天拿不到,明天应该可以拿下。
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fan chaowang
green 也可以注意frontkent 的wb,如果母股去到2.65 可以考虑收一些wb 在0.23+ ,0.25 以下都是好的买点。可以试试小刀据大树。毕竟maturation还有很久
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Gugu Tai
Finally i hear ppl suggesting buying warrents. Fan , when i bought D&O at rm2.40 in january, i at the same time bought a few hundred lots of CA at 15c. N sold all the CA at 51.5c. Many lots of mother shares are free. This is hedging. CHEERS
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Green LT
Gugu-this is a very good platform to share investment strategy and we can learn from each other. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people write without any substance and junk.

It is ridiculously that people misinterpreting the negative remark will lead to price drop. Hahaha…
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fan chaowang
Gugu,green. Yes. I do enjoy some good discussion with trader or investor through this forum. There are quite some good trader and investor here that have very good view and experience especially in the worldwide economic prospect. Sadly most of the investor in Malaysia too focus on the indicators such as PE, etc. Yes that is a good fundamental indicator , however in my opinion worldwide sentiment is the main reason the stock rise or drop. Anyway , I enjoy discussing with both of you green and gugu.
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