Bursa King's comment on CAPITALA. All Comments

Bursa King
9 Like · Reply
BEGGAR KING why you pop up here n there lorr? if red, I will congrat to you lor....no need HUHU HAHA HUHU HAHA every day lor.....relax ya ..dont stress...be happy....
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William Gui
ahokong don bully other ppl la.. go find ur husband warren b johnny b who lagi
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PAIKIA aka betrayal...please support your buddies lar....you betray them....cannot like that lar....friend in need is a friend indeed...
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William Gui
I'm neutral with my popcorns just like Hui Man Keong
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aiyaaaa....cannot like that lar....no ones will help you if you are in troubles lor....my friend told me u called my name in PERMAJU group there ...miss me arrr????....hahahhaha
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William Gui
shh dont stalk me la later many fake accs will appear. me low profile don't like many stalkers n fakers ok
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John Li
Sell sell sell....
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Song Chiu Phwah
buy buy buy變bye bye bye!
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Bursa King
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Warren B
look at the sell volume 1.4mil queue sell at 0.96 to trap u all...hahaha.. wake up guys!
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WARREN B AKA TWISTER....huhu haha huhu haha again...Ya ohhh....NO BUY, HOLD .....JUST SELL....HAHAHA
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Warren B
if u are buying 0.96 few months later I will come to visit u cuz it will drop to 0.39 as per public tp
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Warren B
ahok u look at the queue getting intense 1.5 mil liao..why big fund like to trap ikan bilis?hahaha
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WARREN B AKA TWISTER... why still green? Where is 0.39???...I'm waiting 0.39 for almost 2 weeks lor.... Guys, mark this date, 14/6/2021...see AA after a month will be at 0.39 boh.... Hahaha
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Warren B
ahok I told u many times already..need time...
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Andy Koko
Need time... 1billion years ah :x need time真搞笑
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Ong Boon Seong
@Andy Koko 有个专家今天早上说TODAY conlanfirm gap down,收市后讲need time 哈哈哈 搞笑成这样
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Ong Boon Seong
还有我忘了在哪个帖看到还有一个专家说AA和云顶今天gap dawn
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Andy Koko
@Ong Boon Seong 他本来就是个笑话 跑出来给大家提供娱乐(小丑的意思):x haha
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Bursa King
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Andy Koko
两巴仙还不够?要起二十巴仙才算起? 本来还以为你是蠢而已 现在聊起来好像是傻@@
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Tony Lim
Fake Warren b or bursa king same person, 你不comment大家 不会知道你是傻逼, 一comment 大家 现在都知道 你不只傻逼还很底B.. 现在好了 每个人都知道了 。。 继续说吧 。
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Bursa King
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Tony Lim
Fake Warren b or bursa king 继续 继续 大家只会当你是 低b 而已 。
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Ting Yi
@Bursa King 重点是你已经在两个星期前喊跌到现在嘛,两个星期前从0.81起到如今0.97已经有20%了。果然是小丑,那么勤劳天天到处写笑话
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Andy Koko
@Ting Yi 到时条蠢材就会出来讲跌不是现在 要Need time... Haha
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Bursa King
我很期待它可以快点到1.0如果到了的话跌下来就是head and shoulder 那时我会恭喜你们。
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Bursa King
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Ting Yi
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Tony Lim
Yes, rm6. 50 price still keeping.. Hahaha
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Bursa King
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Ting Yi
hahaha that clown got trapped at 6.5 penthouse in gloves counter, I thought he is a master in technical analysis. How come failed to cutloss?
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Bursa King
你们不要看到head & shoulder 就这么怕。哈哈。也许我会看错。到我会恭喜你。哈哈哈哈哈。
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Bursa King
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In Sight
Any tom dick and harry company can start to make gloves as long as willing to invest. Even mah sing also start doing and many more. The margins will be squeezed especially post pandemic when even the west start making their own gloves. But not any tom, dick and harry can start an airline and be the best airline in the world in its category for 7-8 years straight. Btw what head & shoulder? Shampoo? Why you use so cheap brand shampoo? All money park in gloves condo? =p we all buy cheap when AA have crisis. You buy high when ppl start dumping gloves stocks? =p
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Ismail Jamal
and now any tom dick and jerry can tell the ‘fair value’ of gloves after more than a years gloves boomed, come on u asspert
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BEGGAR KING, WARREN B AKA TWISTER... you see boh, lots of ppl boom you lor... Hahaha... So, my advice for you, don't HUHU HAHA HUHU HAHA again lor... Please read more news and do some research about AA lar... Hahaha..thus, if got ppl say BUY, HOLD, LONG INVESTMENT, don't HUHU HAHA HUHU HAHA too... Hahaha...
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Bursa King
Obviously u all know nut about investment.. Hahaha laugh die me
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In Sight
Ya jamal , only those losing -70% on kpower is pro on “fair value” lol =p
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In Sight

Opps! Looks like jamal bro and warren B here are not forward looking enough. I said this yesterday, this morning come out the same by the edge.
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OMG!!! BEGGAR KING, WARREN B AKA TWISTER.. both of you should HUHU HAHA HUHU HAHA there... Not here leh.... Hahaha
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Bursa King
Lol this noob in sight obviously reading news to buy sell stocks... Hahaha.. Laugh die me
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Bursa King
We have many investment at many counters, I have all fund in the oil, tech, gloves,semi conductor... Except this cheapo airasia... A bankruptcy company soon.. Hahaha
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In Sight
I’m not a time traveler. I posted my view yesterday. The news only came out this morning. More like the news share the same view as mine. I thought you don’t know how to differentiate red and green colour only don’t know you also cannot tell the time correctly =p
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Ismail Jamal
this In-sai only knows about AA (which isn’t much) and thinks it’s an asspert, funny
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Bursa King
Yes obviously this in-sai is noob. I fully agreed
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Ismail Jamal
he thinks he is smart just copy & paste news, ASSPERT
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Ting Yi
妈的你那里看到head and shoulder哦,你说2月到四月有就还好啦,现在我看到的是V形反弹而已哦. Btw, I have nothing against gloves, I just despise the clown that kept using multiple accounts to spam misleading info to incite panic
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Ismail Jamal
Ting Yi please forgive In-sai coz it is just a shit & sai, something like head & shoulder
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In Sight
Jamal bin tipu yesterday ask ppl in topglovd rm5 now what happen? =p
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In Sight
He stuck kpower lost -70% follow him u go holland. Kena game pun tak tahu hahaha
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Bursa King
Hahahah... In-sai this noob guy want to show off to the public and copy and paste content.. This is an investment?? U CAN be photoshop editor
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In Sight
Lol ya i photoshop. I also photoshop AA price. Actually now is rm0.39 as per your target =p
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Ismail Jamal
probably this In-sai lost so much money in AA and now come out and bark at people
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William Gui
yes larrrr new drama unfolds and continue from the old chapter aka warren b + tony Lim + Johny li + ahokong who else I forgotten
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Kelvin Hii
This stock is so interesting hahaha
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In Sight
Ismail binti jamban yesterday call everyone to enter topglove at rm5. Tsk tsk tsk =p that’s why he got triggered by my comments on glove yesterday. Who knows this morning the edge also reported same issue. Lol. Warren B as usual la. One thing only AA down since dunno when.
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Bursa King
In-sai gave all the noob theory which the world already know about AA.. Mof indirectly own la AA.. Hahaha.. Laugh die me.. Epf own by who? Mof? Then ur theory is noob cuz most of the listed company epf own shares.. Rubbish theory!
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Bursa King
In-sai gave the noob theory about investment.. Scomi also own by Fidelity Investments Canada ULC and very cheap now... U can go buy la noob sai..
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PAIKIA AKA BETRAYAL also one of them... Huhu haha huhu haha here n there.. Not forgotten, JOHN LI ZHU ZHOU AKA DIEHARD WINNER, HK NGUI AKA STORYTELLER... you cannot forget them leh especially JOHN LI ZHU ZHOU.. he loves you boh... Hahaha
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Bursa King
Wui in-sai why u not answering my question? If u admit u r noob sai I will forgive u
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In Sight
Answer what? Go read what i post first before you put out gibberish comments. =p you are really pro in accusing someone and putting words in ppl’s statement. Are you always this defensive and easily triggered? You feel very insecure? =D

Fyi, I merely posted a question about why urusharta jemaah a wholly owned unit by MoF bought 3.6% shares in AA during this covid 19 pandemic. Did i ever say buy AA because of this? No. I posted this purey for discussion purpose. Dunno why so many accounts became so defensive and easily triggered. Even warren B accuse me of spreading fake news. But he then deleted his comment and disappeared after I pointed it out that it was in the Annual Report. =D
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In Sight
And then you go all out spitting about EPF la this la that la what are you trying to prove? =P
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JQ Tee
In Sight fyi Bursa King and Warren B is the same person...now both of you please continue...XD
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Ming Hin Yii
~~~eating popcorn~~~
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Bursa King
I want to prove that u r just a noob in-sai with limited knowledge and buying rubbish and incur a huge paper loss.. Hahahah
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Andy Koko
Bursa king继续喊跌别停 因为我发现这2个星期来你每天登台表演 股价就一直上了:x 小丑效应Well done^^ 千万要喊跌啊 别搞错喊涨知道吗
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In Sight
But…. 12 days ago BURSAKING and WARREN B call “run before too late” at 0.85. Now 0.975. That’s 15%. So like that means clever and smart? Just asking. Or your head and shoulder shampoo expired already? =p
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BEGGAR KING huhu haha huhu haha non stop one... Aiyaaa.. Why leh? Want die die win arr... Give him win kau kau lar... Hahaha... Should call him DIEHARD WINNER 2. .. DIEHARD WINNER 1 is JOHN LI ZHU ZHOU...
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Bursa King
In-sai started to perform clown show, but I prefer to hear your ministry of finance joke... Hahahah..
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Bursa King
Noob in-sai must be eating sai now and thinking how to tell us more on mof story... Hahahahahaha
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Bursa King
Hahahaha... Noob in-sai finally appeared after finish the sai... Hahahaah... Today I'm very happy can get to know the funny stuff in my life.
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Bursa King
In-sai parent must be damn hate you, give u a sai name.. U must be very pity.. Every meal u eat thinking of sai... In-sai oh in-sai.. A piece of shxt..
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Stephen Law
haha, still waiting low price to buy?
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Ismail Jamal
In-sai now eating sai
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Bursa King
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Kim Ming Lau
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Cheryl Lee
kim Ming有的人确实喜欢说,都没下场玩,而且自以为是觉得自己分析很到底????
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Ismail Jamal
where is in-sai? come out please
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Bursa King
I warn u all not to touch now but u all still stubborn.. Next tp 0.70
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Bursa King
Looks like the big fund hasn't finish dispose, now want to sell at discount
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Bursa King
Tmr will drop more... Hahahaha....
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Eleheleh Wakawaka
Tony start giving clues that airasia cannot sustain any longer if the virus spread heavily again, investors better watch out. Airasia is only a step away from pn17 or be sue by creditors if the business couldnt operate next year
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Eleheleh Wakawaka
Airasia is fortunate to be privileged by bursa. Lets see how long it can last.
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Bursa King
Tmr will gap down I predict
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Rise rise rise
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BEGGAR KING.. today is green!!! Don't huhu haha huhu haha....
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Warren B
Tomorrow continue to go south as expected.. Cut loss now before too late
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Only know how to AHHU AHHA AHHU AHHA...
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The Happy Lad
i agree.... stumbling block
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Warren B
Today some retailer don't understand the meaning of pp. Chase high... Tmr need to cut loss... Hahahah
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Muhaimin Saad
warren b, why u always here if you hate this kaunter?? why you care if people will loss buy this kaunter? atau u dah cutloss early, and afraid this kaunter will fly soon? just want some explanation?? because you very hate this kaunter but always here give comment? why?
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chip in now
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Coz he AHU AHA AHU AHA here n there...
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