22 33's comment on UCREST. All Comments

22 33
9 Like · Reply
Buy in now, later gonna fly
Joshua Low
Buy buy buy
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Ang Choong Hawe
Benar aku all in
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22 33
I already told you guys to onboard
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V2 U
For waht all in
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Ang Choong Hawe
Akan datang goreng
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Ang Choong Hawe
Benar benar naik terus
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Luxury Life
2233, u you really hebat.
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Janice choong
wat is the tp?
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Mickey Lim
Aiyo one dumb ass ask me cut loss at 0.40
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Shaun Poh
which dumbass? KH Chew?
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Abe T
I didn't think I can get in at the .385.. thanks to ppl panic sell.lol
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Mickey Lim
Zzzzz tomorrow still can join the party?
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Shaun Poh
maybe you will buy higher price then sad, 380 is good entry
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Mickey Lim
Earn couple of bucks to breakeven the cut loss also happy
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22 33
Not hebat also just sometimes i break the rules sharing our analysis here only because sharing is caring ma
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Mickey Lim
Very kind of u bro!!
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Mickey Lim
Still can buy in bo?
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22 33
After reading reply here, i have to delete it
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V2 U
With duopharma supply news, is it going to fly tomorrow
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22 33
Just heard my team member whispered la, duopharma can in. That is the 2nd phase that market maker gonna start. But believe or not depend on you la, i no join duopharma. Cuz i join last year ady. If no join i can talk more
Show more
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V2 U
My concern ucrest only up to 0.6-0.7 cukup la haha
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Mickey Lim
Ucrest up 0.6-0.7 also best d
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KH121 Chew
Lucky I buy in 390 again, if no rugi haha
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22 33
Mickey have you got in on time?
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Mickey Lim
Yes bro..abit late but still able to catch the boat :))))
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22 33
You guys know Mr Eng got how many shares in here ar hahaha. Although he said he is not so pro in main stock. Btw to update i got sell at 0.465 half ya because it touches the resistance line
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22 33
Planning to buy back at support line
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Janice choong
what is the support?
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V2 U
Game over?
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22 33
0.405 got one 0.435 also
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noob skl
Okok pro skl
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22 33
What is skl
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Charles Teoh
hahahahha sin ka lan lor
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guys sputnik dpharma or ucrest.kinda confius here
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Ucrest>RDIF >dpharma? If I’m not mistaken
1 Like · 3 years · translate
thank you for the answer but still in limbo about this..weird
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CinCai 8888
dpharma is just one of the buyer from RDIF, consider small player in this case.
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Mickey Lim
22 33 bro apa macam? Haha
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Tan Swee ho
RDIF buy from ucrest then sell to dpharma . Dpharma then sell to Malaysia .
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22 33
Mickey im waiting at 0.42 to buy in another half. See market give me chance bo
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Luxury Life
2233 dah 0.42...
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Mickey Lim
Sell on news?
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Janice choong
The game is over?
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Shaun Poh
erm no, look at pharma also drop lol, what you expect
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Tan Swee ho
Janice chong then you better sell faster lo .
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22 33
0.42 filled again hahaha
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22 33
Janice, you can do intra. Better performance so you dont need to worried trend gone
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22 33
Guys i dont sell tips or recommend any group ya. All of these are just a sharing only. Purely blow water only. TA issue can ask me here
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Mickey Lim
No panic lah...if panic i also sold just now..still holding tight...been following the news
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22 33
Here we come again tdy
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22 33
Buy in now guys, no joke
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2233 mind sharing ? thanks
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noob skl
Dyor shabis
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22 33
Hehehe, i can't talk anymore~now let time tell us
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Hamba Allah
in the ship already... just wait to fly... pliss fly .
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fn ricco
will fly...still uptrend momentum...
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Pokemon Go2016
buy now before too late...
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V2 U
2233 u keep on telling buy2 since 4 days ago..fly ke laut haha
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V2 U
Why are you loosing heh
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22 33
My fly is until 0.465 and i did tp half. Now buy back at lower so overall still profit
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noob skl
halo where is the fly?????????????? too many con man here cant fly???? ahahahahahahaha
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22 33
Let see~~~~~~~
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KH121 Chew
When can fly....
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Luxury Life
End of year will fly
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KH121 Chew
Can fly how far
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Shaun Poh
chill july i think. at least 0.40, end of the year could reach rm 1
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Meng Wong
Rm1 sure or no? So confidences?
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Yun Thong
Waaa RM1... So pandai blow wehhh... Hahaha, I will all in tomorrow?
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KH121 Chew
Got 0.5 I already sell lo haha
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Meng Wong
Yes is time to buy
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noob skl
Yes its time to go holland hahahahaha
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