Darren Lam's comment on PHARMA. All Comments

Darren Lam
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Sinovac company claimed sinovac came into Malaysia did not go through any 3rd party, directly to government. How come you become the sole distributor? What’s your relation with the gov? How did you get the distributorship?
Ng Yew Cho
GLC - Government Linked Companies
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Darren Lam
Interesting to look into the company’s stakes. There are many kinds of GLC, and the control power/ shareholding of the government in the company should be looked into. And which pillar of the government owned it. Checked Boustead Holdings Berhad.
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Kenneth Jesudass
Bousted Holdings has a 55% stake in Pharmaniaga whilst Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera (LTAT) owns approximately 11% (LTAT has a major stake in Bousted Holdings) hope that answers your question.
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Kenneth Jesudass
it goes without a say the Government wants to push their well established, government-linked, pharmaceutical company forward when it comes to dealing with the vaccine. Most of us may see this as an opportunity or a ruse laid out by the government to monopolise the Vaccine game but maybe this is just their easiest and or fastest way to CONTROL vaccine distributions.
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Darren Lam
Personal gain.
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