chokdee -'s comment on LKL. All Comments

chokdee -
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covid cases lot. not enough bed. y lkl can't go up?u sell bed right? or u no more in health care. he to call mcmc really check on this lousy company
Bryan Ang
haha brother relax, maybe lkl hari raya no work xD
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chokdee -
can't taHAN lkl pattern. pui...always like that...i at condominium level 1.2....and 2.2....i really bertahan lol .....
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chokdee -
sorry is 2.02...typo errors
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chokdee -
I guess it need 10 y only go back to 2.0....cry no tear
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Bryan Ang
what 2.02 wow thats very high brother hahaha
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Bryan Ang
if cut loss also jialat oh haha
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Jww Birch
aiyoo...sangat rugi at 2.02.
How many lots bro?
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Wayne Yong
LKL is very good fundamentals company. hahahaha
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Chan WaiLoon
Now buy again and if drop buy some more. It will back to at least RM1
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Bryan Ang
waaa chan so confident one meh haha
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Chan WaiLoon
We must confidence to ourselves, everything can lose but we cant lose your confidence
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Bryan Ang
but chan too over confident is not good also leh haha
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Chan WaiLoon
Bryan, i m not over confidence with this stock and my meaning is whatever we do we must confidence to ourselve. Stock market is beyond our control and is up or down not we can say right?
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Bryan Ang
yea agree also let's tp 1.0 hold tight haha
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Chan WaiLoon
yes and hopefully up back to TP1.0
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Bryan Ang
yes chan then we can go eat lobster ady haha
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