Muhammad Alif's comment on SMTRACK. All Comments

Johnson Lim
means they convert the loan into share capital. The no of share has increases. That is why share price drop.
1 Like · 3 years · translate
Johnson Lim
Some suspect they are doing that by buying the aircraft at premium price. The company that sell the aircraft most probably is related co.. but that is just rumours.. no buy sell recommendations.. haha
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Muhammad Alif
oic thanks
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Liu Nicholas
interesting, where is the aircraft at present?
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Johnson Lim
Last announcement, handover to be done on may in the condition that the aircraft is repaired. Otherwise the contract is revoked .. haha
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Liu Nicholas
who they bought the aircraft from ? for what purpose they bought?
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Johnson Lim
Good question, you can read at the announcement side~ lol
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Liu Nicholas
propaganda is good for short term but how far it can last is more important. let wait and see
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