emopv5's comment on DNEX. All Comments

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Calm down everyone.
Today closing bearish shooting star with huge Volume.
Use Fibo,point low before and high today.
Retrace would be 0.330~0.340(50% Fibo).
You may get your ticket at this area.
Trader and Investor both is different..
Choice wisely,and trade wisely.
Don't always listen to people,you must have your own trading plan.
As we know,Dnex counter is slow and steady(This movement consider Superb Healthy).
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nazr zach
How cares with Nasdaq slump or any other matters out there. DNEX just need MY58mil to meet net earning for FY22!! That is really something!!
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Bro Nazr,
We've been discussing Dnex together during a healthy correction(uptrend).
A lot of information was provided in order to believe the price climb further.
But,if current market sentiment continuously make lower low,more or less it will impact all Stock Bursa too.
Good FA,Crude spike,but it still refers to global index & Market sentiment.
From here, We can see everyone can make different decision and react to market as well.
Appreciate all your information provided bro .
Keep it up✓
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2 Like · 2 years · translate
Kim Foo Yong
Thanks for your sharing, emopv5 & nazr zach, I have been following you guys since 2021, highly appreciated it.
2 Like · 2 years · translate
nazr zach
Majority amateur traders are obsessed with Nasdaq. Pre Market Nasdaq futures are on the rise since yesterday closing.
Nasdaq closed low yesterday but high tech stocks e.g. Intel, NVIdia, Micron, Texas Instruments open higher in Pre Market.
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Bro Kim
We're learning and earning together as well

Bro Nazr,
Probably Yes,
Considering the global market as the main indicator for the Bursa Stock movement prediction.
As your mentioned, Micron,Texas and others open higher ,is normal.
Take a look on our stock price movement today,All sector in red mode. But,stock like ArtQ green and etc.
Whenever notice few stock move terbalik direction, Grab that opportunity rather than stay and focus on holding while TA already clearly show trend broken.
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2 Like · 2 years · translate
Hello Guys,
Did remind on this movement past few day..TA wont lie you,But you're the one lie to TA.
Don't against the chart,when signal to out,just out what ever ur position(unless long term investor).
Otherwise,you may need another wave and correction for price reverse back .
Hope everyone learn some free lesson over here..
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Arif Ramlee
this is not free lesson. this is paid lesson to those who hold
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Kim Foo Yong
so, are you long term in dnex? @emopv5
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nazr zach
What emo did a few days ago was convinced others to stop acquiring DNeX stocks which led to decrease DNeX market cap by 20% whereas DNeX are performing exceptionally well in FY22.
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nazr zach
He also reinforced short sellers motivation to go short on DNeX which drive DNeX to beyond bear territory to junk status.
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Dan Danne
ppl just keep on debate that Dnex is good fundmental stock, if one day Dnex sell off Siltera to Micron, i would be happy and singing
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Dan Danne
Dnex is dropping until next Tuesday
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Kim Foo Yong
bad market sentiment, cannot blame anyone.
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Aizat Jamaludin
I blame rising interest rates for the bad market sentiment.
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nazr zach
Kim, losses are unacceptable. There are 2 type of investor. Growth and Value investor. We are growth investor. We sees DNeX can grow further by looking at their business plan and financial performance.
I don't advice you sell or averaging out your share value buy purchasing more at lower price.
You need to be flexible. Able to switch your strategy from short to medium and long.
Why wait good things go by? If you see opportunity to make some gain now, take it.
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Kim Foo Yong
nazr zach, the fact is market is cruel, i am a value investor and i hold dnex from 75c till now, sometimes see ppl take profits but we missed it, that kind of pain.....
1 Like · 2 years · translate
Dan Danne
not to hurry to buy Dnwx share right now, it will drop further
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For global side, Expecting DJI will cont drop to 29k area.
While Nasdaq remain will cont slump to 9k area.
Rising interest rate,Market sentiment plus global market in bearish mode.
Believed, all our Bursa stock will slowly turn to bearish mode as well.
FMBKLCI ,current price will cont fall to 1480+ lvl,once broke then cont to 1270+ area maybe.
Tech sector already broke out and may cont fall till 37+ lvl.
Not put stupid assumption over here,as usualy,free lesson for everyone.
u earn,u get it!
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Like · 2 years · translate
Possibility Dnex movement tomorrow:
Last support 0.915(Bottom trend line),
if can't sustain and broke again,we may see price cont fallen below 0.80 lvl.
-Fibo W1 Low to High(not valid uptrend)
-Fibo M1 Low to High(last support 0.865)
-M1 close last month(Bullish doji candle) not valid anymore since make lower low
Overall,High chance Dnex will cross below 0.80 in few days/week.
All information based on my 2cent view on TA.
Well, Let's see the game play.
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I q in tomorrow 0.90. only below 0.9 this share worth it.
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nazr zach
good luck......
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How to identify valid rebound or Not?
1. Fibo
-Ping from Low=0.865 to High=1.330(Weekly Chart),Take 50% as confirmation=Rm1.10(Price must Sustain in order to climb up)
Reason:To entry when price above Rm1.10

-Ping from High=Rm1.330 to Low=0.72(Monthly Chart),Take 50% as valid entry=Rm1.025 with support Rm0.860
Reason:Any entry price with CL 0.860

What price valid to buy?
-Above Rm1.130(ABC weekly pattern)
-Cl Rm0.930(ABC pattern)

Not aBUY call!Just sharing based on TA.
sharing is caring
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Like · 2 years · translate
Emopv5, need to break last high.
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Yes, Absolutely right.
Avoid all related news,Focus on Chart.
Chart move 1st,only news come out.
Don't blindly trade based on news.
Always have entry and exit as rule of trading.
Protect capital is the best strategy to win the market too.
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Like · 2 years · translate
Possible Direction,
Road to 9.3k+ area,creating lower low(In progress)

Road to 29.3k+ area,creating lower low

Tech Sector,
Weekly,BO major bottom trend line,Next price may go to 59.73+ area follow by 42.0+ area(If creating lower low)
Above 69.50+ lvl(above trend line), consider rebound and safe to buy

Just some information to sharing only.
Well,Try do research at your risk.
Trend line if your BEST friend,Respect it!!
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Like · 2 years · translate
Continue plunge tomorrow
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Overall market turn to bearish mode already..
In Stock, There's is no word"HOPE".
Enter when is Valid Signal.
Exit when is Valid Signal.
Market always there..
Don't keep chase the price,cos we also not sure when is the bottom price until prompt valid signal.
Make it simple,break previous High=Enter
Set previous low=Exit.
Price move 1st,only news come out.
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1 Like · 2 years · translate
Hi Gang,
Global inflation raise to 8% ..

Weekly, High 33490+ closed n touch broken previous trendline ,close with bearish pin bar and finally close with bearish Engulf(tis week)

back to Dnex,
Watch weekly candle,keep created lower low till present.
Possible direction,price will slump down to 0.830 area by next week depends on market sentiment.
0.830 is last support & last bottom trendline(Monthly).
Overall market going to bearish mode.
Secure ur fund as much as u can .
Let's see .
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Haha 0.9 next week
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Probably yes,High chance will go below 0.90 next week+Market sentiment..
Based on TA,all major support alread broken,even candle it self unable to break previous highest and keep created lower low.
The lowest it could go to 0.840 lvl (bottom major trendline).

Monthly chart already show bear signal follow by NSDQ,time will determine.

Either you stay,or secure ur fund.
In history,lower can become more lower than expected.
Well, let's see..
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0.9 as promised. Enjoy the sink
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Will go further lower until major market have strong signal reversal confirmation.
Lower will created lower low.
Once break previous high,Consider as reversal.
Right now,high chance it will slump further.
Well, Let's see...
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Aizat Jamaludin
All eyes on the US markets.
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Fauzi Yusof
Agak smpi bp. Pergi nie jatuhnya
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Arif Ramlee
cash out first. wait for turnaround and never fish a bottom unless you are investors who don't know how to use charts lol
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Fauzi Yusof
I dh keluar lama dah.. Saja la follow janda apa nak jd..
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Arif Ramlee
terbaik bang. bersimpati kepada yang masih mengahwini kaunter ni.
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Fauzi Yusof
Boleh rujuk balik kot masuk bwh huhu
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Yes Bro,
secure your fund/money 1st..
Overall market turn to bearish mode already
Don't keep love with the stock until duno how to enter/exit..unless u rich man...
Based on chart,the last support would be 0.830+ area,but once this support broken next visit 0.740 area.
Face the fact,not illustrations..
Don't against TA or lies to yourself ..
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Arif Ramlee
if you don't want to take small losses, then prepare to take big losses. god knows how long it takes to break even later.
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Dan Danne
it soon drop to 0.75, like gravity fall
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Tony Lim
investment have strategies and plan ..if like you do , 100 trade , guarantee at least 80 trade cut loss ~, in case , danne koh , last week you tell ppl masuk d&O , drop from 4.4 to today 3.7 .. = going to RM3 soon ..
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Dan Danne
Tony, D&O share price volatility is higher the Dnex, if trade with TA, profits of 10% from down trend is not a problem. D&O is retrace, est 20% down, but the support still strong, not so fast going down.
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Dan Danne
compare to Dnex, Dnex just like old men need tongkat Ali, haha
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Tony Lim
haha , see the way you comment , know you not an ordinary human , = , d&O there have group to keep pushing last time .. but soon will be ?? normally share no any movement , growth stronger then higher share price value .. if always pattern like D&O always High volatility , then you will get it 1 day , thus you are not an investor , you are goreng kaki or day trader, investor invest to company at least 1-2 years to see result .. you will more prefer dataprep , sedania and so on i think , keep on wasted your life keep observe all counter , but at the end , you loss more or win more ?
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Just for sharing:
next prediction...
DJI: Broken 30500+ will cont slump down to 29590+

NSDQ:Broken 11530+ will cont sump down to 8500+ area

Tech Sector Bursa:Broken 62.00+ will cont slump to 38.80+ area

Bursa Index:Broken 1452+ will cont slump to 1300+ area

Ps: Prediction based on Support & RST. back to basic oni.

This week,we may see another bloodbath market especially on Tech sector.
Let's see..
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1 Like · 2 years · translate
Dan Danne
Dataprep, sedania, green packet, capatal A, etc are tricky stock, if like u have says invest and hold 1-2 years, definitely makan goreng pisang, bcoz their share price either stagna, slow moving or badly drop to the cost u had invest early 2 years ago, would u call that long term investment? D&O is the same, not for long term investment, but short-Mid term invest can make good profits, safe you capital not burn you capital, hahaha
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Like · 2 years · translate
This Dnex counter tak boleh lar. hold waiting mati only.
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Tony Lim
another 6 qr , company cash on hand on than 1 Blln ,
1 Like · 2 years · translate
Got ppl get married with Dnex d.
Day day spamming FA/newa on Dnex..
I've been trade this Dnex below 0.3 till highest Rm1.00.
Reversal, accumulated,push and dump,know very well their operator game play.
My self do support on Dnex when is Bull mode 999.
But once noticed reversal(turn to bearish),day2 keep mentioned secure self fund and run ASAP.
TA signal show Enter or Exit only.
Don't Lie TA, others stuck self capital inside duno till when..
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1 Like · 2 years · translate
DJI already broke previous low.
Expecting price will cont drop till 29630+ lvl.
Enough to make another bloodbath for Bursa stock tomorrow.
This bear mode may cont till end tis year maybe..
1 Like · 2 years · translate
Tony Lim
emopv5 , how many years you trading , forex , gold , and stocks? ? if you have over 5 years experience , you should already notice and knew very well , i already 11 years at trading . Bursa here volume not big as us market dude , unless foreigner short sell whole bursa . but today bursa volume not huge , tomorrow may not follow us market .some will green , some will red .. but anyhow i will buy thursday or friday as mentioned , then you see what happen friday , you will get me ~
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Like · 2 years · translate
I'm newbie trade for living oni..
Not too expert like u bro..
Just sharing some basic Support and RST, experience with Dnex and others.
During this period,Emotional is key to win.
either u have small or big capital, If unable to manage emotional,All will chaos.
Min lose,aim big profit.. That's how to grow the capital..
Wish u the best bro for upcoming trading..
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1 Like · 2 years · translate
Tony Lim
is ok , soon you will know all the TA is unless, as it is all telling the pass , not the future . it can change anyway any pattern , and once change then you will say start up trend , or buying signal come .. stock market, is company can sustaining perform well and you can see how the fair value , then is ok , the gold and forex TA is importance , but not so in stock market ,
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Like · 2 years · translate
Dan Danne
Tony, stop mis-guide any newbie here, TA and FA is all pass performance record. BUT, technical analysis can let u entry & exit the market early. some good FA company is like wearing fake mask, pretending to be good and hv bright future biz expansion plan, but actually they keep funding to support the biz and pay debt.
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Dan Danne
we are trader and investor, we invest the company stock to earned profits not to pour our capital to help them clear their debt, haha
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Tomy is a arrogant tard.
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Tony Lim
hahaha , am not i right most the time ?
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Adam Lim
next station 50 cent next station 20 cent
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Kiang Teoh
Hong hai did it go wrong ??
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Aizat Jamaludin
DNEX has fallen below the EMA200 line and trying to get back above it. The last time it touches the EMA line was on January 2021 when the price was at 20+ sen.

I wish I could short sell right now. Too bad.
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1 Like · 2 years · translate
Dan Danne
Where ia the stock guru who recomend lon term investment?
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Fauzi Yusof
Guru parpu..
1 Like · 2 years · translate
The day closing with bullish doji/hammer,some traders may seeing as opportunity..
But is not easy.. Any pin bar candle require another bull/bear candle for valid confirmation.
The price sudden up consider dead cat rebound.
Price already at bottom monthly trend line,But once broke this lvl,we may see another 0.750 by next week.
Valid reversal if candle break previous high,only consider to in with low risk(exit previous low).
Let's see..
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Dan Danne
why so difficult to read the trend by candlestick pattern, use MACD will do, MACD line still turn down, meaning the share price not yet finish short selling, we can invert the chart to read and analyst for down trend.
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1 Like · 2 years · translate
Aliff Fahmi
dnex will break below 80sen later or soon..sentiment not good....
1 Like · 2 years · translate
Dan Danne
dont rush, wait to how next monday stock price.move
1 Like · 2 years · translate
Journey still too far...
It just begin...
Once FED finalize their rates,our malaysia will follow it too..
It should be in bad sentiment at least till end of year maybe.
DJI still in huge major correction and in bearish mode market.
Possible,Dnex will be back to it own price below 0.30 again..
History may speak itself.
Depends on market condition,FA or TA doesn't matter anymore right now.
All fear recession,cash out their money,margin call and etc..
Cash is KING.
patient is key to profit.
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2 Like · 2 years · translate
Aizat Jamaludin
Don't forget about the event of a global recession... and maybe about stagflation too. Sit back and relax from now on (unless you're at a loss).
1 Like · 2 years · translate
Tony Lim
aizat , it is economy recovery stage after facing total lost or total cease economy due to covid 19 , it is stage of recovery but facing strong infation rate , so , it will getting ok , at least better than 2020 and 2021 ..
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Warren B
Next Monday should have fake rebound, already in lower low mode. Take profit and buy back later. Not bottom yet.
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Tony Lim
ok ok , let bottom 0.005 ~
1 Like · 2 years · translate
Hit 0.750✓, Refer to previous comment
Candle already touch another trend line.
So,either strong or not,still early to judge n decide.
If 0.750 not intact,we may see another free fall and might be back to below 0.30 lvl..
Depends on market sentiment..
well, Let's see..
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Warren B
Hahahaha.. @tony lim like to buy expensive
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Is Ok,
Different person different trading plan.
maybe he have huge capital.
While price going down and refill it and get suitable/average price maybe...
0.75 seem strong support.But remember,once this support broken,No issue to see Dnex 0.630 lvl..
Let's see..
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Like · 2 years · translate
Recap some:
Fibo: Low(0.569) to High(1.33) & price cont fall till 23.6% last support✓
Trendline : Touch last Trend line Monthly 0.745✓
ABC pattern: Low 0.745 , High 0.810 and today BO 0.815✓
in short term based on Fibo Tp1(0.850),Tp2(0.915) and last Tp3(0.980)
,& refer to last low(0.745) as CL.
However,it still depend on market sentiment.
So,Take 50% and reload on Dnex..
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1 Like · 2 years · translate
Created lower low..
Next destination would be 0.630 lvl follow by subsequent lvl(if keep break previous low)
Still got space to "Exit"..
there is no 'HOPE' words when major trend broken(especially trend line)
Secure ur money as mush as u can to buy deep soon..
Good Luck
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1 Like · 2 years · translate
Welcome Back Dnex,
Alert triggerd ✓
Ep any price,exit at 0.745,with neatest TP Rm1.00
Well,Look like Nsdq turn Over too..
If overall market turn back,it will great again for Dnex Shareholders.
Let's see..
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2 Like · 2 years · translate
Aizat Jamaludin
So it is true then

the downtrend is coming to an end. The Feds have provide some certainty for the future. Inflation will stop climbing in relation to the drop of crude oil price and other commodities. We can expect the Feds to raise rates lower than 100bps.

The market will be happy to hear that.

We should be looking for those 'cheap' counters now.
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2 Like · 2 years · translate
Bro Aizat,
Agreed with you,
Actually,the NSDQ show significant reversal since last week.

For Dnex,JulyAug close with bullish pin bar+touch bottom trendline.
By right,this month will be candle confirmation for valid reversal.

All tech counter will be shine again once bull come back as usual.

Let's the game play✓
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1 Like · 2 years · translate
Black Friday's as usual,
Collect any price as like.
Exit door already clear,
Just valid confirmation need to wait till end of this month.
Low Risk,High Reward..
Trading plan is MUST for any stock to play..
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What ever price,if didn't fallen than previous lower 0.730 lvl,consider valid Retrace ✓
Just take a look on previous monthly bullish pin bar candle,and this month consider as candle confirmation.
Keep reload if avail,ride the momentum once valid✓
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1 Like · 2 years · translate
Market will wait for usa cpi tonight. Should be a broad market sel down soon
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let's see tomorrow how investor react on the market after CPI released now✓
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Probably,In this month we may see Dnex can be above Rm1.+ based on current market condition.
Well, Holding power is MUST to earn money from Dnex,unless u r super rich person that gaining some profit with few bids..
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2 Like · 2 years · translate
Base in current market conditions dnex can go one?
Market like very bearish lar hahaha …
Dow just drop another 1%
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Hi Kent,
If refer DOW, yes is cont drop.
But we refer to monthly chart, previously closing with bearish engulf candle after day/weekly chart reject upper trendline.
This month should be performing reverse candle,but if really bear mode it may continue drop below 30k.

For Dnex,The direction almost similar.
Either Good QR also didn't help much as it still follow on current market sentiment.
As usual,Smart money will cont collect cheap one during bear market as certain investor believe on Dnex.
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3 Like · 2 years · translate
Hi Guys,
Just revisit Dnex,Look like the price is gonna fall more.
h4 forming HnS,once BO supp 0.715 ,it wil test 0.695 last support. if the support breach,we may see the price will drop till 0.550 area(Bottom Monthly Trend Line)
well, Let's monitor which cheap tickets able to collect,valid or not valid...
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Like · 1 year · translate
Dan Danne
today is good for buying at lower price
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Arif Ramlee
wait after PRU lah. if new gov claimed we are bankrupt then investors all cabut lari again
1 Like · 1 year · translate
Is ok if you have trading plan..slowly collect..

Shouldn't bankrupt XD,
just the loan getting higher interest to be pay :)
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Dan Danne
Arif, BN will hv big win, stock market boom up
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Dan Danne
Who is saying that Malaysia will gone bankrupt? do they understand , our inflation has stable in past couple month, due to interest rate going up, if not, it is cost u to eat a bowl of Maggie at RM 20 right now.
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Arif Ramlee
the previous gov did that after they won GE14. all investors cabut lari.
1 Like · 1 year · translate
what's happen last Friday trading,
just left few comments than water fall..
look like hit 0.455 and bounce back with closing price 0.505. That's fantastic roller coaster ever happen for Dnex.
If price strong fallen,for sure have strong rebound too.
if price strong accumulate,for sure the price will spike up, that's Dnex..Been trades this since few years ago.
let's see next week's performance, believe it will bounce back.
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koo kelvin
looks like jkom are active in misleading the players.lol
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Dan Danne
dont waste time on this stock
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Mr Zainal,
he's the main key person to bring Dnex from lowest prices to Highest prices...
Now, he's tender resign..
Dnex shall be back to old price's where it come...
Thanks for everything Mr Zainal...
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1 Like · 1 year · translate
Thanks for letting us know bro..
Was assuming wrong person..
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