EDS's Investment's comment on ZENTECH. All Comments

EDS's Investment
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感謝Inix讓我賺了40%++ 整天看James Siao See的comment已經看到我煩了
Wee Leong Tam
名字siao see , 疯死 的意思。 还能怎样啊!这里言论自由,都不能封锁他啊!
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James Chua
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James Siao See
hahaha.. pump n dump... lari2,., dapat lari baru untung.
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Betul2 in and out, out and in.. Tmd
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James Chua
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Digital EmasJaya Sdn Bhd
Hahaha he toh sui. Purposely talk bad others, dont know for what.
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Digital EmasJaya Sdn Bhd
Inix TP3 all the way!!
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Digital EmasJaya Sdn Bhd
Maybe siao makan other people share already
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James Siao See
muahahahhaha.... shhhhhh
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James Chua
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James Chua
Hi Hi他什么股都没买。。就是喜欢去post讲东道西。。然后股价跌他就大笑。。他心里有问题。。
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Xiao Jing Tan
Habiss....... 有没有的
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Buven Thiru
can still enter ah?
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James Siao See
hahahaha.. buy buy buy then stay condo...muahahaha... pump and dump.. got untung thn cabut
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Keng Cheong Teo
How much can collect?
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James Siao See
FIFO.. untung thn lari.. don't long term holding... history repeat again.
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Digital EmasJaya Sdn Bhd
SH lah u. Watch news tonight and read newa tonight. Heard tomorrow vaccine announcement
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James Siao See
after announce vaccine drop more...
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LeyVin Khoo
So today the 2pm news is what ?
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James Chua
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James Siao See
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James Chua
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James Siao See
hahaha....不用那么咒人的。。只是提醒pump and dump company赚了就跑。又没说不让你买让你亏。。哈哈哈哈
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James Chua
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James Siao See
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James Siao See
hahahahah.. solutn我早上就跑了。。我每次都说赚了就跑,不要长抱。不然真的白做。。因为他涨几天100%一天就可以让你亏30%如果limit down。再等时机再进。所以pump n dump company也是一样赚了就跑。。
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James Chua
你不去对top glov的说。。。。
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James Siao See
topglove说什么?topglove真的有做手套啊... hahahhaa
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James Siao See
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James Chua
说他们也是pump & pump啊!inix也不是有手套?我就只知道你就没有手套。。只有钱被套
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James Chua
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James Siao See
hahahaha...首先看开盘价然后再用30分钟图找support点然后就这样set 1.83最重要不能错过就是早上的黄金时刻很重要。。。我没买最低,买在0.8左右。。也没卖最高,最高到2之前1.5也套利些了。。只要有坏消息就卖了,不然跌回0.8左右不是白做了。
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James Siao See
Huh..30分钟图support在1.83 tat why我说跟的support点卖。那你就要问做么他的support不在1.85咯。。哈哈哈。。卖到就好不用少赚就可以了。
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James Siao See
哈哈哈。。。不用图说都知道会大跌跌。只要找好的点出货就可以。 疫苗因为政府announcement所以跌。muahahaha。。重要赚了就跑不会因为你说好我说不好而留下或不买不卖。。。muahahahhaha。。看图消息操作就好了。
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James Siao See
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James Siao See
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James Siao See
不说了。。要吃饭了。。等下又要找pump and dump的美股。。
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James Siao See
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James Siao See
wow...你用什么platform可以看到的?rhb看到最靠近closing price罢了。
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James Siao See
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Jeremy Ooi
James siao hoot 9 e
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James Siao See
all in hoot 9 e...muahaha
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James Chua
james soap bo雷 hoot
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James Chua
哈哈哈哈 。。他的心中没有一只股票是pump & pump的
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James Chua
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James Siao See
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