meng fei's comment on ZENTECH. All Comments

meng fei
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Be careful..take profit..
Hahaha.. if u got faith , why need cabut.. Coming is Vaccine news .. why need run ?
1 Like · 3 years · translate
meng fei
Ministry already say no middlemen in covid-19 vaccine... How to prove inix can access vaccine easily..
2 Like · 3 years · translate
Sjci Sjci
Hahahaha....Marcus for sure didn’t study the news.
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Digital EmasJaya Sdn Bhd
Macau, china boss behind... Then locally Tan Sri...
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SunYap Banknote
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Santhil Sivanathan
Everything seems to be set perfect for inix..With the issues within Top Glove, im sure smaller manufacturers are going to be looked at..and vaccine, well nobody knows who is gonna distribute it..lets wait and see
2 Like · 3 years · translate
Only relying on Pfizer& Covax is not enough for supplying to Malaysian citizens. Finally this piggy KJ will bow to the other approved vaccine. Believe in faith.
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Jason Lau
Now no middleman concept direct gov v gov
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Jason Lau
KJ is not a commom DUMNO
1 Like · 3 years · translate
Jason Lau
If Normal DUMNO sure.middleman, i know 90% know why
1 Like · 3 years · translate