Marcus Chiew's comment on TOPGLOV. All Comments

Marcus Chiew
47 Like · Reply
Anthony Tan
This jack jeeper seem like very mad with gloves company. You stuck before and cutloss is it? Use your brain before comment here. Seem like you are trying to create fear so that u can collect cheap ticket? Haha
6 Like · 3 years · translate
Soleh Ahmad
Follow Jack jeeper is so funny, why u keep waste time comment on a counter u don't like? So your purpose of life is just to become a hater? Better go watch the counter which u are like. Hahaha
4 Like · 3 years · translate
真的那么简单是因为宿舍问题???我看是这个的话 早都解决了 何必一直报新闻放大
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Follow Jack Jeeper
Anthony so salty, already so obvious TG is bad company, and dont twist my words... I only said TG oh, dont be so low standard...
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Elson HSLee
他们只是收了钱做事,要唱衰罢了,看看就好 哈哈哈
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Follow Jack Jeeper
I feel sad because idiots like Soleh kept asking people to buy while the company is on a downward trend, and bad sentiments, people like Soleh been call buy since RM 9 and now look at price pls, if Tan sri no sbb, this share price easily below RM 6
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38 Like · 3 years · translate
Follow Jack Jeeper
exactly, either they cut loss crying or they pray hope beg for the price to rebound up higher.
36 Like · 3 years · translate
Follow Jack Jeeper
to earn money in share market, someone has to lose money, question is are you the winner or the loser, obviously those who keep call buy are those stuck pent house with sky view
36 Like · 3 years · translate
Anthony Tan
Follow jack jeeper faster sell. Lol
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if didn't buy then shut up lo stupid jack jeeper, why keep come here talk nonsense ? go bck to your fav counter la zzzz
4 Like · 3 years · translate
Follow Jack Jeeper
looks like theres people supporting me... must be tough life for you Soleh and Anthony, everyday price red, and yet trying ask to get people to buy more... sad
33 Like · 3 years · translate
pan alan
Sue TG? kindly check EPF is a substantial shareholder who holding public funds...before comment please study and analyse.
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Ja De
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Soleh Ahmad
This kind of sue just need to compensate money then can settle. Don't know why people think it is a big matter to topglov. It will not put topglov in trouble at all.
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Aaron Kwok
已经提告了啊 63项控罪
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Follow Jack Jeeper
people need to understand gloves will eventually and slowly die in demand once covid slows down with vaccine, then the share price will go down together with their FA.
35 Like · 3 years · translate
Anthony Tan
Jack jeeper confirm is a loser. Haha
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Follow Jack Jeeper
they cannot sustain super QR everytime, more and more glove making companies coming + vaccine making time running out for peaked glove companies like TG
34 Like · 3 years · translate
Follow Jack Jeeper
then now bad sentiment, TG exploit employees, caused covid clusters, maybe investors should look at other glove companies
33 Like · 3 years · translate
Soleh Ahmad
Jack Jeeper, all people know this. But can u tell us when is the vaccine official approved by WHO to fully use for public? Now the vaccine just seek approval for emergency use. Not for public.
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michael hosehliao
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Follow Jack Jeeper
Anthony that all you can say? and I'm here disappointed with your lousy statement
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michael hosehliao
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Follow Jack Jeeper
Soleh, vaccine being developed by so many parties, the final effective vaccine is just a matter of time, moreover emergency use also use on human, you think they will risk human lives for an unstable vaccine?
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Jacky P
@Marcus, TG花了2000万建宿舍,还有问题吗?@michael罚不了多少钱,TG大把钱
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ng tatlun
63控罪 x rm50k = 3.15mil ,,,,sup sup water to topg
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michael hosehliao
布城1日讯)大马半岛劳工局针对顶级手套(TOPGLOV,7113,主板保健股)旗下6间公司员工宿舍情况开了21个档案调查,有关63 项控状已提交副检察司,预料会在近期控上法庭。

一旦罪名成立,雇主每项控状下,面对的最高罚款为5万令吉 - max 3mil
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Follow Jack Jeeper
this is the problem with people, they think money big all, can solve everything

if only they spent the money on improving employee welfare, all these problems will go away

instead bos only want hug shares and sleep
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39 Like · 3 years · translate
michael hosehliao
(伦敦1日讯)受到新冠肺炎大流行防疫封锁措施和网购激烈竞争的冲击,旗下拥有Topshop、Topman和Dorothy Perkins等品牌的英国服饰零售集团阿卡狄亚(Arcadia)正式进入破产程序,全球约1万3000名员工的饭碗恐不保。, topshop, topman, followed by topglove? happy ?
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Anthony Tan
this jack jeeper really a good name. Talk so much to prove he is smart than others.
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greyson Heng
vaccine kia talk about qr laugh die me then ur vaccine can generate how many qr can support ur dearest dpharma shareprice? funny goreng kaki talking fundamental with us~ professor 1 quarter or 2 quarter how many percent ur dpharma overvalued??? joker
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1 Like · 3 years · translate
Sap sap water...
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greyson Heng
so kia remember u pharma dpharma only "distribute" vaccine not "develop" vaccine
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Jackson Wong
The funniest thing is he big AT fan which also ride on glove wave. But here to sour topglove. Funny
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Weiyuan Tham
Marcus, this news show how rich topglov is, so fas fas buy
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Jia Jun Yong
Aiya Malaysia give under table money can settle d lar hahaha
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Follow Jack Jeeper
Jackson, I think your IQ is limited, the reason why TG on downtrend is because their FA already peaked, while AT is a growing company yet to reflect glove profits
23 Like · 3 years · translate
Follow Jack Jeeper
the point here is not the company got money or not, is the company spending money on the wrong things ie sbb instead of solving the root problem, those stuck high will tokok and laugh at me, laugh at AT...
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21 Like · 3 years · translate
Jackson Wong
Haha. Ur so high IQ but waste on keep sour instead of making money from share. So pity for ur IQ.

AT good, i make one trip already. But i still trust on topglove instead of penny stock full of uncertainty. Hahaha. Sound like only thing can grow is small company. Big brother like topglove ady sentence to die. What a nice theory.
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3 Like · 3 years · translate
Jackson Wong
But anyway, its up to u lar. U want sour then keep sour lor. No ppl stop what u believe. But u getting abit annoyed. Hope ur sour grape can make ur ton of fortune out of ur mouth. Good luck.
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3 Like · 3 years · translate
Follow Jack Jeeper
We just watch back in 6 months time, everything start from zero, dont tell me TG 1st day already billion dollar company

I cashed out some shares today, I'm happy with the results, I come to comment to warn people because of those always call buy starting from RM 9 to RM 7
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22 Like · 3 years · translate
Follow Jack Jeeper
why getting annoyed? unless you have no confidence in TG? I'm only saying the truth, everywhere reporting, TG memang is black company
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Sheng Yang Ong
If you buy a company shares and scared the company kena sued you better don’t buy because not suitable for you. History repeats go check out listed market companies that sued ppl or kena sued what happened to their share price?
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Js Koh
But no one need you warn... Y so ge Bo to concern other... Not your money not your business... For what leh.... Aunti ge bo
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Follow Jack Jeeper
now economy bad, many lost their jobs and other income so they enter the stock market, many just follow those tokok macam yes sifus and those buy call.
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Follow Jack Jeeper
we should guide people, not blindly ask people all in when the company on down trend and in a shit hole of troubles
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KM Chan
jack jeeper maybe from klang. topglov is giving the whole klang area EMCO soon. that's why he hate topglov. actually he has a point. if topglov spend some money on their employees welfare then we would not have 4 digits new case everyday
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1 Like · 3 years · translate
Jack jeeper, are you sifu also?
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Jackson Wong
Jst be straight lar. Jack jeeper. What price u want topglove to be there? Then u jst enter? U everyday non stop sour also cnt ar. Rm0. 5 u happy?

And please rmb ya. Ask ur AT boss to provide 5 star hostel to all worker ar. Or else black heart like urself then kena karma soon.
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3 Like · 3 years · translate
Follow Jack Jeeper
CK actually I'm from KL, but my work brings me to Klang almost every week, but people there like nothing, no cmco.

everytime we get more cases, our lives will be affected because we are restricted from having pre covid lifestyle, so it's my dream to get covid settled as soon as possible

if we look back, singapore was ahead of us, now Malaysia kiasu kiasi and speed ahead of Singapore, how the tables have turned
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22 Like · 3 years · translate
Follow Jack Jeeper
Tankz, I'm no sifu, I'm just sharing my opinions that people should invest base on their beliefs and knowledge, not just listen to call buys and people who stuck high and keep asking people to buy
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Follow Jack Jeeper
but base on TG its memang on downtrend all the way to the bottom, if not because of SBB, TG could very well go below RM 6, even RM 5
37 Like · 3 years · translate
Follow Jack Jeeper
Jackson I wont consider TG for any term of investment, I would better off buying other glove companies because they have less negative sentiments.
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Follow Jack Jeeper
pretty sure AT wont spend millions and billions to share buy back, instead they will focus on expansion and profits
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YH Yong
Finally i know it, This Follow Jack Jeeper to Holland is Buying AT one..... hahaha... AT recently just released QR report. What?? Earning Rm110k profit so much ah??? my capital for my trading account more than that. Opps...
1 Like · 3 years · translate
Oic. I saw u so aggressive comment on TG. I tot u r sifu.. or the staff working in TG. However, time will tell everything. Gambateh all
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Follow Jack Jeeper
another sad clown YH Yong, AT has been losing money for so long, finally turning profits (which is a good sign), and together with glove profits reflecting next QR, AT can be profitable

maybe you are rich la... but rich people can also become poor people... dont forget
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39 Like · 3 years · translate
Follow Jack Jeeper
Tankz I just dont like the way TG treating their employees, that's all, instead of spending billions on sbb, they could solve everything today if only they had invested into their employee welfare, shows how typical chinaman company TG is
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38 Like · 3 years · translate
YH Yong
Follow Jack Jeeper, Im very poor... not rich at all. But... one think i learn is. when you dont write some offensive messages here. People wont attack you. Did you earn anything from it?? Why dont you live peacefully and write something good at it?? if you go all the share counter and wish everyone good luck on their investment. people will thanks you with blessing.
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1 Like · 3 years · translate
Js Koh
The boss behind at not profit from the line.... Do you know fintec... So pandai pandai....
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I don’t know why TG keep sbb. To me it doesn’t matter, I hold TG already more than a year...therefore I don’t mind the current issue happen on Tg. As I believe TG can be earning more horrible next few quarters. I will continue to hold it unless the profit drop then I will leave TG..sry to say that..this is what I thinking... :D
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2 Like · 3 years · translate
yang tan
follow jack jeeper
are u working in TG?
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Follow Jack Jeeper
Dont tokok Yong... you talk as if you rich cuz your capital account more than a public listed company's profit... How are my messages offensive? I'm only saying truths which are reported in news media... unless you feel threatened by the truth that's why make you defensive cuz you no confidence in the company...
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36 Like · 3 years · translate
Follow Jack Jeeper
Yang, one does not need to work in TG to read the news and reviews of workers experience In TG
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Christopher Phang
@Jack Jeeper, AT will go back to 0.05 totally goreng stock jst bcz kyy visited. People who chase high all holland oredy. Topglove per day sbb can buy that holland stock X10 times
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cb kia
don say bad about tg leh, nanti kena ppl scold 99 lo...
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Follow Jack Jeeper
Christ I think you're shifting too far away from the main topic here, we are talking about TG's unethical ways of treating employees and spending the money for the wrong reason.

AT can make money or not, we see next QR, factory already up, everything complete, now just produce and sell, LKL as their distributor.

like I said everything start from zero, dont tell me you are another fool that thinks TG first day is billion dollar company...
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32 Like · 3 years · translate
YH Yong
Follow, if im not feel your words got offended people, i wont attack you. Pls lah.. Rm110k is really nothing you know. Can do nothing with this small digit amount not event buy a house. did i trust the company? ofcoz. enough talking. wait for next month. will see.
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1 Like · 3 years · translate
Follow Jack Jeeper
nvm let people scold I dont mind... they prove me right because they show their insecurity and no confidence in TG that they need to defend TG...
34 Like · 3 years · translate
Follow Jack Jeeper
if I kena temporary barred from commenting lagi prove me right... hehehe

Guys I'm finally barred from commenting, everyday proving me right... hehehe
31 Like · 3 years · translate
Follow Jack Jeeper
Stock market no say big or small capital, as long got money, who also can invest

so no need show out how much your capital... no need to pleasure yourself...
32 Like · 3 years · translate
AT and TG both I also like. Even supermx as well!
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YH Yong
Jack, are you brian in fb? im curios is same person. haha.. whatever,... as long as you happy. you feel right. just do it.. by the way.. Rm110k really nothing. Maybe can buy 150lot Topglove?? not even bring up the share price a sen. oops...
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Like · 3 years · translate
FJJ, I really really wonder what had TG done to u that makes u have so much hatred on TG until u wanna say it’s a black company.

Every coin has 2 sided but u only keep condemning a side of the coin. Whether or not we are holding the share. We should be fair and neutral.

The other side of the coin u never see that this company is creating job opportunity to the society and gives them a chance to earn a living. Furthermore, TG did rewards workers for their hard work and gives ESOS to their workers also as a form of reward as well. There’s no perfection in a workplace. Just imagine if TG collapse today, how many workers will become unemployed.

Karma as u know, it comes not only from doing bad deeds, but also from ur thoughts and speech.
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4 Like · 3 years · translate
Jack Jeeper
Tara most of the exploited workers are lower ranking staffs, are they well compensated? the recent raid showing overcrowding hostel conditions shows otherwise...

moreover, are they said low ranking staffs (which makes up majority of the workforce) get appropriate rewards or even ESOS? Or are these only for the managerial levels? :)
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37 Like · 3 years · translate
Jack Jeeper
gonna leave this comment to inform everyone once I'm barred... everyday proving me right hehehe
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Jack Jeeper
Yong nope, at least I'm not greyson who kena tiaw99 at fb group until come here profile picture also hide dy
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Jack Jeeper
sincerely I wish everyone can profit from stock market, but that is just a dream.

for one to earn, one has to lose. make sure you are not the one who listens to those penthouse call buy and be the fool that loses money...

if only TG treats employee well and not lansi... they could go very far, sadly karma came knocking
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31 Like · 3 years · translate
The point is to look at 2 side, be neutral don’t need to be so extreme like they are only doing bad deeds. A coin has 2 sided..

We shall see.
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Soleh Ahmad
Jack Jeeper, why so many bad news, topglov just drop 4%? Can u ask more people to panic sell? I'm waiting for more cheap ticket
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Master Lee
Last time I bought at 6.62, hmmmm, can add in some
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Jack Jeeper
everyday red red bom bi bi... it's a downtrend stock and bad sentiment, sure will go down lower everyday, be a smart investor, trade base on knowledge
13 Like · 3 years · translate
Jack Jeeper
many people keep spam report me, for what? you guys so scared of my comments?
14 Like · 3 years · translate
Jack Jeeper
everyday TG and salty fans here prove me right.... happy friday everyone
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greyson Heng
at die together also at hard fansss
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Jack Jeeper
AT now undergoing PP at RM 0.18 for 0 debt business... pls read the announcement
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michael hosehliao
ok, i all in AT...wait for me
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YH Yong
Jack look like clown to me. so funny you. jump up and down when glove red red. and get people hoot back when glove green green. you not tired meh?? non stop repeat and repeat.. haha.. for what??
1 Like · 3 years · translate
Jack Jeeper
You not tired and guilty of scamming and misleading people here? lol, dunno who clown, everyday zap durian careful durian poke you... TG not on downtrend?
14 Like · 3 years · translate
Jack Jeeper
pointless to talk to Michael actually, been commenting on TG only forever, another die hard fan....
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YH Yong
TG and all glove sector is uptrend > downtrend > sideway > what next? you tell me lah. bankruptcy??
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michael hosehliao
i said i wanna all in AT u oso beh syok...apa lu mau ? ok lor, then i keep cash
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Jack Jeeper
so sad Yong your mind only have glove, learn to research other industry like steel, everyone knows glove companies wont bankrupt so soon, dont try to talk so far away from the topix
11 Like · 3 years · translate
Jack Jeeper
michael nobody in their right mind would all in on a share, dont tokok
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Elton Chan
Come MYEG. Dont play glove edi.
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Jacky P
buy buy
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Jack Jeeper
AT has rebounded, PP is over, greyson now I know why you kena scolded badly in fb until profile picture also hide...
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George Sebastian
Ppl like to buy TG let it be, but why are you so bother?
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Jack Jeeper
people like to buy a downtrend stock then everyday red red come here curse? its like buying a rotan and whack yourself everyday
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Daniel Ong Ong
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